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'''''Uploaded here by Handsome Jerk, 2015-07-01'''''
'''''Uploaded here by Handsome Jerk, 2015-07-01'''''
[[Category:Creepypasta Trying to Be Serious but Fails]]
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Latest revision as of 14:05, 17 June 2021

Jerk's Notes

These pastas were uploaded in a short timeframe on the Spinpasta wiki, and they were so terribly written that I had to put 'em here. These pastas are unaltered.

"Caroline the killer"

Caroline Duncan was an only child her mother died, not long after she was born of an over drug dose. Leaving her to live with her father having Caroline's father wasn't easy. As he would treat her like a slave and beat her. If he thought that she didn't do a good enough job, cleaning he would use that as an excuse to beat her.

Caroline learned to deal with the beating's as she got older but, when he started to come in to her room at night. When he started to sexually abuse her Caroline wanted to get ride of him by any means nessaccery. She tried to speak out about it but she could never find the confidence to do so. She even tried running away and suicide but her dad always stopped her.

It was a Sunday which meant that once her chores she, would be taken to the gun range. To tune up her aim it was something she had to endure every week. As her dad wanted her to be a police officer like, him and his parent's Caroline's grandparent's. So she had to practice her shooting and aim on a weekly biases.

Caroline always tried to get her chores done as soon as possible. The she would be able to get the gun range and, gym over and done with soon as possible. It was 12:30 pm when Caroline had finished her chores and was being rushed to get in the car. Pulling out of the drive way Caroline could already fell her father's eye's watching her.

The entire car journey to the gun range was dead silent. Normally Caroline would try to make a bit of conversation with her. Dad but she felt to uncomfterbale to even open her mouth. Finally getting to the gun range Caroline couldn't help but fell a little relieved. The sound of gun fire was better than difficult silence.

They got out of the car and went inside. It being a Sunday the gun range was almost empty. There was the shop owner and a couple of other customers. As her dad paid for use of a lane Caroline headed round back. She saw two people in front of her too preoccupied to notice her. She went down to the left end of the lane's so she wouldn't be disturbed by the two already there.

She prepared the ear muffs and loaded the gun she had in front of her. She was about to press the button to start the targets. When a large white hand push it before she had a chance. She took a quick glance to see who it was. It was her father she quickly turned back to the targets and steadied her aim. She hit every target head on with out fail.

Caroline was proud of herself for doing so well. She didn't miss a beat she looked at her dad. Who for the first time in Caroline's life had a proud look on her face. They went home and had dinner her dad held out a beer. For Caroline to take "You deserve it for doing so well at the gun range", he said with a proud smile.

Caroline took the beer and drank it with her dinner. She wasn't looking forward to tomorrow. It was school and she had no way of getting out of it. She never got on with any of the other students. The girl's picked on her because they were envious. Of Caroline's crystal blue eye's, her strait shoulder length blonde hair, her natural beauty and fair skin, and her high metabolism.

No matter what she ate or how much she ate. She never gained any weight. The boy's thought a freak because she was into. Urban legend's, superstition, horror's and fantasy book's and DVD's, and that she was a strong catholic. She hoped thing's would be different after tonight. As Caroline was going to post a love letter through Jennifer's door.

Jennifer was the love of her life the hope in a bad world. The light in the darkness her dear angel. Tonight was the night she was going to, let her know of her love for her. Caroline couldn't believe her luck when she found out that she live. only a few door's down from the love of her life.

Later that night

Caroline creped out while her dad was asleep. She clamed over the fence's and went, through the garden's until she got to Jennifer's. She crept up to the house when a light came on in the kitchen. She dived in to the bush's scrapping her arm on a large rock in the process.

It was Jennifer's mum she was doing the washing up. Caroline had to wait there for 30 minute's. With blood slightly trickling down her, arm before Jennifer's mum went to bed. Caroline went round to the front of the house and. Posted the letter trying her best to be quiet.

She crept home the same way she got there. To avoid being seen by anyone. She went back in through the back door locking it behind her. She went over to the kitchen sink to wash of the now dry blood. She got back up to her room with out waking her dad. Collapsing on her bed from tiredness. Now all she had to do was wait till tomorrow to find out Jennifer's response.


When she got to school she was so nervous that she was almost sick. She carried on to the main building. Once she walked through the double door's. Every one went silent and stared at her. With in second's the entire hall way erupted in to laughter.

She heard some of the near by girls talking about her. "Oh my god did you hear what she did?" said one girl. "Yeah it's well shameful" said another girl. "I feel embarrassed for Jennifer" said a third girl. Caroline darted out and rushed all the way home.

Once she got in and closed the door she slammed her back against. The door she slid down to the floor in tears. She heard voice's telling her to kill them all. Then she's got to kill her father when got home.

For two hours Caroline sat on her bed crying her eye's out. Then it dawned on her the school would have contacted her dad. By now she realized how mad he would be when he got home. She had to do something. She went in to her dad's room and got the gun and silencer. That he kept in the draw next to his bed.

She loaded it attached the silencer and sat in. Her room waiting for her dad to get back. She sat on her bed feeling sleepy she dozed of after 10 minute's. She was woken up some time later by a loud bang. "Caroline" her dad shouted sounding very angry.

Caroline sat up and readied the gun as he stomped up the stairs. The banged open and in came her dad. Caroline with out any hesitation shot her dad point blank in the head and throat. Caroline got up and stood over his lifeless body. He was dead and she was finally free of him.

Caroline wasn't done yet she still wanted revenge on Jenifer. She waited until it was dark out. She went through the back garden's to Jennifer's house. She waited in the same bush's as before until they all went to bed. She picked the lock on the back door and creped in. She sneaked up the stairs and started with the first bed room. Killing them as they were sleeping. Keeping Jennifer's room the last one she went in.

When she went in Jennifer's room she wasn't in bed like, she should have been. Caroline looked around when she heard a little, bang come from the closet. She opened the closet door it was Jennifer. She was sitting on the floor on the phone to the police. Caroline shot Jennifer point blank in the head. The phone landed near her feet Caroline picked it, up putting it to her ear.

Operator "Hello. Hello are you still there?"

Caroline "Your to late she's dead"

Then she hung up throw the phone to the floor, and made her way down stairs. As Caroline got to the bottom of the stairs in the door police kicked door. Caroline was arrested and put on trial for murder, of her father and the Jolson family. She was placed in morning sun maximum, security mental hospital until the age of 18.

"Clockwork Caroline"

It had bee six months since Caroline had been put in morning sun maximum security mental hospital. She just couldn't stand the place For Caroline it was like tauter having to having to be stuck in a place where every on else were morons. To Caroline it felt like she had a better chance of teaching an alligator to be nice. Than getting any type of intelligent interaction in this place.

She had tried three time's to escape but always got caught. But it wasn't all for nothing it was to see what the escape rout was. All the staff did was add thing's to her daily routine. The hospital's saying was "Organized time. Organized mined". They thought if they could keep the patient's occupied and help them keep organized. It would rehabilitate them so they would be fit to be let back in to the public.

Caroline had to options either put up with the routine. Until she was 18 year's old or get out while she could. The staff was always telling her it was time for this or time for that. It was like trying to have a conversation with the talking clock. Every day was the same over and over again. The routine was.

06:30am First Lot Medication. 06:35am Morning Excurses. 07:05am Breakfast. 07:35am Showers. 08:00am Talk Therapy 09:00am Relaxation Therapy. 10:00am Group Therapy. 11:00am productive Therapy. 12:00pm Lunch Time. 12:30pm Second Lot Of Medication. 01:00pm Psychiatrist Season. 02:00pm Studying English, Math, Art, History, Music, I.T., And Social Study's. 06:30pm Dinner Time. 07:00pm Group Yoga. 07:30pm Was work in the bakery making sourer dough bread and biscuits. 08:30pm Relaxation Therapy 09:00pm Third Lot Medication 09:05pm Down Time. 10:00pm Bed Time.

Caroline felt they were treating her as if she was five year's old. By talking down to her, organizing all her time, making her keep her room tidy. Making her read the bible during her down time, and putting her on twenty-four hour watch. Meaning a member of staff had to be with her twenty-four seven.

To make sure she behaved and did what was on her daily routine on time. Luckily the staff member that followed her Joe was female and stood out side the bathroom door. That was the only thing that was on her side. But what they didn't know was Caroline was planning another escape in her head.

She had planned how to get to the kitchen but there was just one thing. She needed to key for the door to the loading bay and that was kept in the office.

Caroline was in the bakery rolling the dough. "You on 24/7 watch as well?" a voice asked in a half whispered voice. Caroline turned to see who it was. To her left was a pail faced dark haired lad about her age next to her mixing something in a bowl. "Err.....yeah" she replied felling a bit uneasy that some lad had spoken to her.

"So. What are you in for?" He asked "What's it to you? you don't know me" she replied an irritated tone to her voice. "I know you're name is Caroline and that your dad is dead but that's it" he answered. "He isn't just dead I killed him and 4 others" she replied. "I killed 2 people attempted to kill another and beat someone to a bloody pulp" he said as if Caroline asked him.

"My name is Ebenezer. I know what your thinking Ebenezer Scrooge. My parent's were evil to me so I killed them." he said as if Caroline wanted to know. "Why are you telling me all this? What make's you think I care?" Caroline asked. "Because I want to be your friend" he replied, friend Caroline thought she had never had a friend before. She sighed and took a deep breath "I killed my father because he sexually abused me, he would beat me everyday and treated me like a slave. I killed the love of my life for breaking my heart and destroying my life. I also killed her family as pay back for what she did".

"Wow you really did have it bad"Maximus said "Yeah. Can I call you Max for short?" Caroline asked him. "Yeah. I like that Max is better that Ebenezer" he replied. Max looked around him and saw the two, that were support to be watching them were to busy talking. He leaned in to Caroline a little and whispered "The grouse twosome will leave us alone, During the down time so I'll come and find you then".

Caroline nodded so the two behind her wouldn't hear them. They carried on with what they were doing. Still chatting so the two staff members wouldn't clock on. "Right. Finish up what your doing. Douw time is in five minute's", a voice spoke from behind them.

Five minutes later they were taken to their room's for down time. Caroline sat on her bed reading the bible when she heard something at the door. As if someone was trying to get in she stayed on her bed. Thinking it was a member of staff that was going, to check on her but having a problem with the key's

The door opened slowly and in popped Eberne just as he said. "Het Caroline I don't have long. There is a tunnel in the storage room of the bakery. I'm going to get us out of here but we can't do it yet, I'll let you know when we are leaving". He said before diving out and locking the door the same way he opened it.

Caroline sat there with a smile on her face, knowing soon she will be out of here. But a little confused as to way Eberne would tell her so. Freely about the tunnel and why did he want to be friends with her. Just as he was able to leave when ever he wanted.

The next day when Caroline was in the bakery. Eberne joined her a few minutes after she got there. Caroline had something to ask him but she had to wait for the two pain's in the ass to talk to each other. Five minutes had passed before they go distracted with their conversation.

"I need to know why you want to be my friend so much? Especially when you can get out when ever you want". She asked in a hush tone. "Because I like you. I was planning to get out when you arrived here" he replied. Caroline gave a little smile as her check's turned red.

So Caroline waited and waited before she knew it two weeks had passed. She just thought Max was waiting for the right time to make a move. Before she knew it a moth had passed then 3 months had gone. The 3 month's turned in to 6 month's.

Caroline started telling the staff when it was time for. The next activity and scolding them if they just a minute late. The main way Caroline had of keeping track of the time was. The clock behind the desk on her ward and other place's she was, like in the bakery or in the library she studied in.

Some of the stuff she did in her daily was took, place close to the ward but had no clocks. Caroline waited until her and Joe went to the library to, take the pocket watch Joe kept in her left pocket. "Come on Joe it's time to go to the library", Caroline said trying to get Joe to hurry up.

"I'm coming and I know what time it is", Joe replied with a commanding tone in her voice. They left the ward Caroline rushed ahead almost running. "Come on Joe we're running late" Caroline, said in a half taunting half stressed voice.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming" Joe replied as she tried to keep up. The finally arrived at the library Joe knocked on the door. Some on came up to the door and Joe showed the person her ID card. Once the door was opened Caroline rushed in and found a, seat were Joe would have to sit on the seat to the right of her.

Some text book and Caroline's work book's were placed in front of her. By the librarian and Caroline got to work waiting for Joe to nod off. Like she normally did when they were there. 30 minutes had passed when Joe had fallen asleep Caroline carefully and slowly. Put her hand in Joe's left pocket she grabbed hold of the pocket, watch and carefully and slowly removed it as to not wake Joe.

Once she got it out she slipped it down her choruses, trying to make sure no on saw her. Then carried on Wight her work while she, kept an eye on the clock on the wall. When time was up Caroline shook Joe awake. "Time for dinner we have ten minutes to get back" Caroline said putting on a bit of a panicked face.

"Okay I just need to hand these in then we can go", Joe picked up the book's and handed them over at the desk. They were let out of the library and the rushed back to the ward. They arrived just in time as they were starting to serving dinner.

Joe told Caroline to sit down and catch her breath. Joe went and got Caroline something to eat. Max sat next to Caroline at the large round table that sat six people. "Are you okay?" Max asked looking a bit concerned. "Yes......just run......back from......the library" Caroline said huffing and puffing. As she tried to breath and a red face.

"Where have you been? I've not seen you in about a week", Caroline asked unsure she wanted to know the answer. If he had gone through the tunnel with out her. That would hart Caroline knowing he might leave with out her. Especially now that she liked him and not wanting to be hart by someone again.

"I attacked a staff member so they put in isolation for a week", he said casually as if it happened all the time. Caroline was glad that he didn't go through the tunnel. But still upset with him for not getting them out yet. Joe came over and placed Caroline's food in front of her. Max stood up and went to the end of the line for dinner.

Joe stood over her as she ate as to say that Caroline, wouldn't eat if she wasn't there. When she was finished Caroline stood up and turned to Joe. "I've got to go to the bathroom" she said in a confident voice. Then headed for the closest one and shutting the quickly as she could. She pulled out the pocket watch and the plastic knife she had just nabbed.

She removed the backing to the pocket watch and, throw it on the side were the sink was. The she proceeded to remove her right eye. Once she got it out she cut the retina and. Pushed in the pocket watch in her eye socket. Making sure in was in as far as it would go.

Caroline let out a loud joyous laugh then declared. "From now on I will be know as clockwork Caroline". She was pleased with her new look. The door cracked as two staff members kicked it in. Then the door fell to the floor with a loud bang. Caroline turned to great them as they entered.

A nurse that saw what she had done ran to the toilet to be sick. Joe and another staff member grabbed Caroline. She put up on fight as they took her to the medical wing for treatment. When they got her there she was strapped to a bed to a doctor could examine her.

They stopped the bleeding and knocked her out so they. Could take her for x-ray to see what damage was done on the inside. Caroline woke up 3 hours later in a daze. There was a doctor talking to Joe out side her room door. The door was open enough for her to hear them.

Joe "How bad is it?"

Doctor "The watch is to far in to be removed"

Joe "How much damage is there?"

Doctor "The watch has been put in on top of the retina. They have been caught in each other. If we try to remove it there is no telling what damage it could course. It could send a shock down the retina to the brain, and could course brain damage. We cant risk removing it."

Joe "Okay. Thank you doctor, I best tell Caroline."

The doctor walked of his foot step's could be heard through the wall's. Joe entered the room and went over to Caroline. "Hay I'm sorry to tell you this Caroline. The pocket watch can't be remove it's to risky". Joe said with tears welling up in her eye's "I'll let you rest you need all you're strength to recover", she said as she left the room.

The watch didn't keep ticking like she hoped it would. The batty was no longer working. Two week's later while a nurse was checking on her. "What's the time?" Caroline asked the nurse. "It's 3:26pm" she replied with a little smile. The nurse turned back to the monitor's Caroline was hocked up too.




Could be heard loudly from a watch. The nurse put her rest watch up to her ear. It was not the source of the loud ticking. She shrugged it of to it being the one the wall near the door. When she saw something unusual out the corner of her eye. She looked at Caroline and focused on Caroline's right eye. The pocket watch was now working even told the right time.

The nurse stumbled back in shock the she darted out of the room. The nurse returned Five minute's later with a doctor. He examined Caroline's eye He had her rushed down to the x-ray room. Multiple x-ray's were taken when the doctor, checked them he made a shocking discovery.

Caroline was back in her room with the doctor and, Joe standing on the right side of her bed.

Doctor "The wound has healed but the pocket watch has fused with Caroline's retina"

Joe "Will it course her any problems?"

Doctor "No. The eye socket has completely healed. There shouldn't be any side effect's of it. It's just abnormal for the watch to still be working."

Joe "What's going to happen now?"

Doctor "I'm releasing her from this ward. The condition is livable. If there is any problems with her eye bring her strait back here."

Caroline was glad to be getting out of the medical ward. She hated being strapped down like a dog. She was allowed to walk back to her ward. When she got back it was time for dinner and, she saw Max sitting at their usual table. Joe got her something to eat as Caroline took a seat next to Max.

Max looked up at her and was shocked at, what she had done to herself. "Oh my god what have you done?" he asked panicked and concerned for her. "I'm keeping and eye on the time", she replied with a little smile on her face. As to say it what she had done was completely normal.

After dinner Caroline was confined to her room. Only being let out when she needed to go to the bathroom. Even then Joe had to go in with her, to make sure she didn't self harm again. That night as Caroline was in bed trying to get to sleep. There was a noise at her door. She stayed in bed. Thinking that it Joe checking on her again.

When in popped Max "I'm getting us out to night" he whispered. Caroline jumped out of bed glad she was finally getting out. "Follow me and keep quiet" he whispered. They creped out and over to the desk. Max grabbed the key's on the desk for the door of the ward. They slowly creped over to the door and off the ward.

They made there way down to the bakery. Making sure they didn't get seen by any staff. The reached the bakery and they rushed to the storage cubed. Quietly closing the door behind them. Max went over to the far corner of the storage room. Shifting big sack's of potato's uncovering the tunnel

"Clockwork killer" is simply the two above pastas put together.

Credited to FrankyMosher

Uploaded here by Handsome Jerk, 2015-07-01

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