
Revision as of 10:40, 12 November 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In 2002 a women named Leslie Oaks living in salem massachuetts was in her house folding clothes like she would any other sunday. she looked out her bedroom window to see a figure out in her backyard. keep in mind that today as most other days in salem was quite foggy and cloudy so making out anything within ten feet of you was a challenge. She reported to see what apeared to be a seven foot tall man wearing a fedora making his way through her backyard very slow and patie...")
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In 2002 a women named Leslie Oaks living in salem massachuetts was in her house folding clothes like she would any other sunday. she looked out her bedroom window to see a figure out in her backyard. keep in mind that today as most other days in salem was quite foggy and cloudy so making out anything within ten feet of you was a challenge. She reported to see what apeared to be a seven foot tall man wearing a fedora making his way through her backyard very slow and patiently. Leslie began to question why there was a man in her backyard or even why someone was near her property as she lived about 15 miles from civilation. She lifted her window and reportedly began to shout "HEY!" at the man trying to get his attention. the figure then turned in her direction then let out a screech that she reported to sound like "the screech of a lobster being boiled" then the man reportdly began to stretch his arms out in the shape of a "T" and then ran directly towards the house. Leslie paniced and ran towards the door that led to the backyard and locked it. within seconds of doing this the man came to the door turning the knob, when the door didnt open he then started banging on it repeatly by punching it and kicking it. Leslie could see the detail in the mans face. She descibed him appearing as "severaly scared down the face, burn marks, and covered in dirt, with a crooked nose that stuck out atleast six inches from his face.

Leslie stated that she grabed the butcher knife from her kitchen and ran for her bedroom locking the door behind her and getting in the fetile postion in the corner of her room under the window. She could still hear the man banging on the door. Leslie reported that after about what appeared to be ten minutes the man stopped. Leslie reported that after she heard the man stop she looked out her bedroom window agian to see him slowly walking down her backyard dragging his hands which appeared to go much further down his waist then most regular arms would. he also appeared to have ropes tied to his wrists. She reported him to be wearing a black velvet pin stipe suit that looked dated for the current date and she reported that it seemed to be covered in blood and dirt. Then midway down the acre of Leslie backyard the man reportdly stretched long fleshy wings from his back, rotated his neck around like a fly would before flight and then jumped quickly into the air, so fast that soon as he swooshed his six foot long wings that he was out of sight.

Leslie then ran to her living room and grabbed her phone and dialed 911. the cops arived to see that there was severe damage up and down the door. it was said to be covered in blood, saliva, and have huge gashes upon it. although the police denyed any proof or exsitence of a flying man with over stretched arms Leslie looked deeper into the subject and visted her library to research the towns history. after several hours she finnaly found a section of unmailed letters from her house dating back to 1690 that were never left salem or even the house

the first letter dates back to 1650 written by a woman named Clare

"My dearest lover Raynolds if your reading this then you are home and I have left for town with our dearest childeren in hopes of getting away from our most recent wretched child Halphas. The damned boy wouldnt keep quite and was ruining me and the rest of the families saturday. the boy wouldnt quit following us with his disgusting arms so i took it upon myself to tie him to our daughter Elizabeths bed wuth some rope you had brought home from your work at the docks. Raynold my love please finish your work on the cellar so that we can lock the damned boy down there so he quits bothering us and before any of the other towns folk see him. Ill be damned if im put on trial for bringing that abomintion of a child into the world. Also if hes asleep can you please check his back for thos two growths he has coming in, it doesnt make much sense that a boy of two years of age would already have two growths sprouting from his back then agian look at the rest of him, i swear if it wasnt for being sent to a lake of fire i would slaughter the basterd.

the second letter dates to 1854 from a man named Thomas who just came to america from England

"Rebecca, two weeks in this country and im already ready to head back for Europe. Last night I stayed at a tavern here in a town called Salem and as i strolled down a path a large man with a long face and a nose like a beek rushed at me with arms as long as his legs, i dare even say that he appeared to have wings. it wasnt til i was able to rush back inside that i could find safety. Damn this country, im catching the next ship out of here as soon as i can afford a ticket"

the third letter dates back to 1912 from a man named johnathan

"My first day in salem and its already hell, is it so much to ask to go hunt Deer for a weekend without being attacked by some fucking lunatic with fucked up arms, Merrisa if you have recieved this letter then ill be coming home from this trip alot sooner then planned"

the last letter dates back to 1969 from a woman named Karen

"Marcus, ever since you left for the war life has been hell. since ive moved into our new house ive regretted everything. some man or teenager or something has been pestering me in the night. i sont even know if this is a man, it drags its hands as it walks, has a nose long and pointy and has, well call me crazy but i dare say that it has wings. i know this sounds insane but this thing, just bangs ont house all night and every mouning right as the sun rise i can see him run back into the woods behind our house. Honey, i miss you, and i need you here.

Love your dearest girlfriend and future wife


after reading all this leslie went to the nearest hotel to stay the night. she later went back to the house, packed her things and moved west to san deigo by the end of march of 2003 after selling this house. The current residence have yet to see a deformed man creeping around but have described hearing occasional bangings on the house late at night

The police of Essex county and of salem deny all accusations of the 300 year old man named Halphas causing any form of distubance

Credited to Big daddy ballin
Originally uploaded on October 11, 2011

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