I am ranger and scary monster kill the campers yeah man real scary: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:EVIL PATRIXXX]]
[[Category:EVIL PATRIXXX]]
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Latest revision as of 23:27, 23 July 2022

HELLO i am the man who is the ranger and i rite d story.


anyway i work at forest mountain place if i tell u where they kil me but ill giv u a hint. Ever wach bob ross? yeah it kinda look like dat but anyway yeah there was THE INCIDENT i'm not gonna talk about it but this tory takes place after THE INCIDENT

ok so i was helping the old woman find the bathroom and i got a call on my radio. teh man said dat the campers was go missin and i needed to find them this brought back memories of THE INCIDENT but i will not inform you the reader about THE INCIDENT so stop askin about it. anyway i was know probably where they went so i go and walk for several miles and i seen their abandoned camsite there was old fire and cheese rappers all over the ground so i know they litter but they had left. i seen an note though it said:

"Hello my name is Shauna i rote teh note I'm a blonde girl with blue eyes 5' 8'' and I hope its not bragging to say the I'm hot AF.  I am go out here with my friends Juliet, Rob, J.C., and Skrillix Johnaton. Juleit is a shy girl like from anime she asian have glasses and long black hair and she likes to read books and do stereotypical asian girl stuf and she smiles like this :3.  Rob is the straight one he is real smart and no bullshit he is emotionally constipated he hasn't given a shit it days lol that's wat he said he's real original. J.C. Smokes weed and also doesn't care about anything he's all like YO WUT UP and stuff and he likes to get in touch with nature or something. Skrillix Johnaton is litterally hitler and he bullies us all is real mean and also is edgelord.

Anyway i thought i'd rit this quick note and give all of that character development so that if we get lost u will be emotionally attached to us for the story or watever. Anyway i think there is a skary monster i heard a weird noise and smelled rotted flesh and you know what that means. however Skrillix Johnaton a.k.a. litterally hitler made us go deeper into the woods cause he said we're stupid and deserve to die. ALso we're in r early 20's so we're all kinda hot in a way so plz find us k? we went down d spooky road with the the man hanging in teh tree"

I was quite perplexed by the clue but i seen the tree she was talkin about i was traumatized and was fat and had anorexia and low self esteem because of THE INCIDENT so i was like "I can't let them get lost this time i gotta save them and thell have sex with me!" i went to the path but as i walked by teh tree a voice scared me so much that i had a flashback of THE INCIDENT. the voice said "Hey man stop photobombin!" i looked and it was logan paul takin a piktur of the dead person and i waz lik "LOL DAZ A DEAD MEME" and he screamd and ran away.

i kept walkin down teh path but then i stped on a landmine and blew my leg off so i used a tree trunk as a prosteticc and kept goin. i was then find another campite and i seen the note it said

"As the leaves blew ominously through the emerald leaves of the trees we sepped aprehensively through the forebodeing woods. With Litterally Hitler as our guide, we knew that he could only have unsavory intentions in mind. However, we had no choice, as our only path to freedom was hidden by a sea of trees and overgrowth... we scared lol... anyves skrillix johnaton said we should camp here but something is different about him he ran away in the woods to forge his own path or something but that was typical of him but then a guy who looked like my defeated overweight 45-year-old uncle who is a defeated alchoholic came out of the woods and he was in a ranger uniform but the patches where of a pentagram and blood and death and stuff and he said 'you shouldn't be here it isnt safe i Have come to save you' we were all happy cause we're saved now but i rot dis note anyway and left it here so for the lolz."

So i foudn dis note and i thought, "that's weird i wonder who this ranger work for... perhaps it is part of the batist chuch's childen's camp..." So seen dis one tent and i was go inside and there was blood everywhere and a skelaten... in fact a bloodly skelolten and i seen another note. it said:

"P.S. this is J.C. he mysteriously died just in case you needded 2 figure that out i left this note here for you and we left his tent too if you can't tell feel free to break into his stash."

I nedded to continue searching but i decided one joint wouldn't hurt it would clam my nerves. Smoked the joint but then realized i shoudl probably continue working or else I will get fired so i did dat and i was go deeper into the woods and i seen the creepy old hosue that we don't talk about there was a wherewolf guy livin in it. he was wachin me from the window but i just figured i was high ya know? i siad "hey how ya doin?" but he couldn't hear me cause I was outside i then seen the animatronic deer from Fred the Movie and he said "GO BACK ITS TOO DANGEROUS!" i said "I know its dagerous man i am a ranger i was born for danger call me dager ranger" and then i passed out.

I woke up on the warewolf man'd dinner table i was missing my left arm and he and his litle wherewolf children where knawing at it i screamed and they said "Its okay we just borrowin it" I was "oh okay did u see any dead ppl and a bunch o lost hot asian college kids" they said "yeah they went to the cave of the PAtrixxx" i screamed "NO I MUST STOP THEM!" the front door was locked and they said "we want ur other leg and then we'll let you go we'll give you anothe tree limb as a prostetic." I said "okay yeah I'm real in touch with nature so that will be sick yo. Yo gots 2 work hard out here as the rager real scary" they gave me prostestic and i went on and found a clif and at the bottom was a red smear. the note said:

"the smear at the bottom is NOT ketchup it is dead person this person died real bad and what's even worse is it's juliet that asian girl. the ranger had her leg with bite marks taken out of with a full mouth he said 'she don't look so good i'm gonna throw her off the cliff to take her out of her misery.' she screamed 'NO HE'S EATING ME!' but we all said goodbye as we all know this how you have to do it in nature. nature stuff just kinda happens and its real sad. but we like it cause we never seeen trees before. or mushrooms or grass"

after reading the note I had a small funeral for the potential person i was going to bang. I actual wood this time even cause of my legs... dang it! i continued and i found a small clearing and in that clearing i seen another note it said:

"Its a real good day outside for weather for write dis note. The sky is very clear there are just tiny little clouds, not sure what kind they are don't remember 6th grade biology. Anyway we to teh spooky cave see u there."

I decided to go and so I finally made it and sure enough it was the cave were THE INCIDENT happened i can still hear the screams. but i got inside and there was a note. its said:


my heart droped and my lunch left my body in the form of barf when i read that because i knew that it was not good. I turned around and there he was:

dis is evil Gummixxbär

Yes it was him Evl Gummixxxbär. he then preceeded to touch me in an extremely innapropriate way and i kicked him in the face with my prostetic leg. It just made him angrier and he tackled me and and started trying to gouge my eyes out. just then a furry showed up was a pink warewolf and said "I AM THE WAREWORLF I AM THE REAL MONSTER!" Evl Gummixxxbär then took off his knickers and started to strangle it with them and it was choking so i took the opportunity to run away because I didn't want to be in contact with either of them anymore they where abusive relationships and i somehow managed to escape the forest and made it back to the ranger station.

So that was the story I post warning signs all over the place waring people but my boss just says I need to start taking my medication on a more regular basis I disagree with him as I know what i saw. It was almost as bad as THE INCIDENT but not too much.

Oh P.S. THE INCIDENT EVIL PATRIXXX I think he had something to do with this and I'm traumatized k?

ur next if u come here

t end

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