Path of Exile is a great game, but since I have poor impulse control it's also made me a complete fatso. I used to be fit and trim, but now I'm a bloated blob thanks to all the sitting around I do while playing. The graphics are top-notch and the gameplay is addictive, but it's really done a number on my waistline. I've gone from a six-pack to a keg thanks to all the junk food I've been eating while playing.

The character customization is awesome, but it's hard to appreciate when I can barely squeeze into my pants. I used to be able to run a marathon, but now I can barely jog to the fridge for another round of snacks. The endgame content is endless, but so is the amount of extra pounds I've put on.

Overall, while Path of Exile is a great game, it's definitely made me a fat mess. I guess you could say it's added a few pounds to my gaming experience.


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