The Crystal Ball

Revision as of 19:57, 6 July 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ignacio was never a bad man. Though he was a little bit... Too curious for his own good. That fateful day, he went to a local 'Trick Fest'. It had gypsies, mages, tricksters, you know the drill. It was quite the event; he got lots and lots of souvenirs, but they were petty tricksies compared to this one. He recieved it from an ominous-looking man who went by the name Alexander. He was a psychic, but he was not your average palm-reading hack. This individual was more of...")
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Ignacio was never a bad man. Though he was a little bit... Too curious for his own good.

That fateful day, he went to a local 'Trick Fest'. It had gypsies, mages, tricksters, you know the drill. It was quite the event; he got lots and lots of souvenirs, but they were petty tricksies compared to this one. He recieved it from an ominous-looking man who went by the name Alexander. He was a psychic, but he was not your average palm-reading hack. This individual was more of a doomsayer, predicting the worst of events and only the worst. Ignacio just happened to wander by his tent at the moment, and Alexander was apparently not expecting him to say the least. He was packing everything except for his crystal ball. He quickly muttered something in what sounded like Russian, and forced Ignacio to take the ball without any explanation whatsoever.

Later that day, at about 11 PM, Ignacio went home. Ignacio took everything out of his bags from the fair, all while smiling and looking back fondly on his overall good day.

Then, his eyes fell on the ball. It was simply perfect-looking: it had silver handles and legs, and it appeared to be encrusted with a few rubies. The ball itself reflected everything perfectly. There was one thing odd about it: It seemed to have a pulsating dark glow. The next day was the thirty-first of October, so he figured that it was just some sort of cheap optical illusion for some overrated Halloween prank. Perhaps a light bulb or some sort of chemical like that in your average glow bracelet. Ignacio was too tired to look at it any more, or even attempt to play with it, so he just took it to his bedroom and placed it on his desk. He slept well, but only tomorrow things started to go... Wrong.

Ignacio woke up and made his breakfast, as usual. He ate it happily, as his stomach had grudgingly let him know that he hadn't eaten in several hours. While he ate, however, he noticed that his breakfast seemed to taste more and more like... iron. He paid it little mind, merely writing it off as a result of not being fully awake.

He was almost prepared to go off to his classes at the university when he noticed that crystal ball's appearance changed. It now emitted a subtle, red hue. It was like a magnet, attracting Ignacio to it as much as a fly to honey. He finally gave up trying to resist, figuring that he could afford to skip this morning's lecture, and took a seat by the enigmatic sphere. He looked at it, and it seemed to get brighter every second. Ignacio started to hear mutters that sounded like chants or horrible incantations of the devil. In fact, they were much like the muttering of the crazed psychic from the Trick Fest...

Hellish voices echoed through his head as he started to pass out.

He woke up in a small room with metal walls. Said walls were laden with rust and what looked to be blood.

In it, there was a name written very, very clearly... "Jessie"

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