It all started with that one computer.

On a bright morning in September, I walked to a local tech store and looked around for a laptop. Soon after, I located an insane deal on a high-end Alienware. It was pre-owned, but in new condition as though no one ever touched it. The box was opened, there were signs of wear on the box, but nothing on the laptop. It was insane. 500$ for an Alienware? Fuck yes! I instantly ran home and turned it on for the first time. It was...Weird, to be honest. It was typical Windows 7 first boot, indicating that the computer was newer than I thought, but there was something off about it... My eyes kept involuntarily crossing and blurring my vision. Little precise changes in the corners of the screen, in the corner of my eye threw me off. I just ignored it, and continued on to the desktop. It was Windows 7 Ultimate. What a deal! Luck struck me like a car. Going 100 miles per hour..and such. But it was still kinda funny. The colors were slightly toned to look like it's right...But it isn't. The apps all open correctly, since it's a new laptop, but any new programs always install with the name Watchyourback.exe or Watchyourback.bat.

It was an alright laptop. After 2 days, it was a bit laggy, but it was still weird. I saw things in the corner of my eye that were unlike anything I've ever seen. I've seen mutilated dead, and some depictions of demons... But this was almost like the real deal... I just ignored it, and trudged on, playing Postal 2 on it, the framerate insanely high. It was a gamer's dream. Always though, whenever you reached 666 shots from all weapons, the game would have a pop-up that wouldn't leave. "YOUR LOVE IS FADING!" Complete reference to The Wyoming Incident. I dismissed it and went on, lighting things ablaze. It was fun until I got bored and moved on.

Youtube was a weird thing on it as well. The color scheme was totally inverted, so I could plainly see the problems with it. But whenever I opened youtube... The monitor would go 3D. Effects from the corners of the screen would come out and try to touch me... Demonic looking...Hands, and... It always seemed that when I viewed a video that was scarier than hell, it would keep the volume solid at 56.666. Quiet, but subtle. I was almost jumping out of my skin here, but I just closed out of it, and checked the clock. It was already 1:00 AM, and I had school tomorrow. So I just put it in to sleep mode and went to bed.

At aproximately 6:66 AM, I was woken up by a loud screech from my Alienware. 7:06 AM? Damn clock must've busted. Ah well. I went over to see the laptop, and saw that the alien logo was morphed. It was a Dreamcast like spiral with no reason to be there. I saw a Notepad window open with script all over it, and a save window open. It was typed to say "Watchyourback.avi." What in hell was this? I decided to turn the video on, and chill out since I had time before school. In the video was...Me? I was in the video. What sick fuck would have a webcam installed in a laptop to record people? But the colors weren't right. My eyes kept crossing... In the corner of my eye, I saw something dart near my room. It was gone when I looked over at the scene. My skin was steadily charring black, fire coming from my eyes. Demonic hands in the background came with the hands in the 3D effect I saw. The hands touched me, and I was no longer human...

I darted to the mirror and saw something behind me... When I turned around, nothing was there. But everytime I looked at the mirror, I would see that fucking demon.

They're serious now.

I played Watchyourback.exe and Watchyourback.bat individually and found it to be a horror game, similar to Silent Hill. But the colors were completely inverted, and it was blurry as hell.

When I turned around to go to the kitchen...

The demon claimed my soul...

That was a week ago. I'm in a looney bin now, with one of my legs severely damaged, and horns growing from my head.

Let's just say, that after reading this...

Watch your back.

Credited to DarKX

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