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This is the best story ever written by any living being, ever!
==Chapter 1: The Beginning==
One day, four extremely funny British people named Jacob Sherwood, Matt Dixon, Toby Mitchell and Gemma Milne were reading a creepypasta (that's a horror story on the internet for those that don't know) for their YouTube show called Bad Creepypasta on the MichaelLeroi channel. This is an internet show where the four of them read Awful Creepypastas and criticise the hell out of them because they deserve it.

So I was browsing the MichaelLeroi channel. They're my favorite YouTube channel, and I wanted to see if they had uploaded any new videos. I saw that a new episode of BCP was uploaded! To prepare, I grabbed a case of rootbere and five bags of chips so I wouldn't be hungry or thirsty wile I watched the awesomeness that was no doubt in store. I was so EXCITED!
==The Story==
One day, three British guys named Jacob Sherwood, Matt Dixon and Toby Mitchell were reading a creepypasta for their YouTube show called Bad Creepypasta on the MichaelLeroi channel. But it was not just them who were reading the story. They got all the blue Majora members to help them through the torcher. They also got a few other YouTubers to help as well. They got The Show With No Name, HoodoHoodlumsRevenge and Beast Feenix Gaming. They got them to guest star again because Toby, being fear itself (he said so in a movie, so it must be true) threatened to show each of them their worst fear if they didn't help. The only guest star they didn't get was Rob from the Kurby's Deadland review and that chick who showed up out of nowhere in one of their double pasta videos because Jacob didn't like how she barged in on them in the video, so she wasn't invited. Anywhosil, the story they were reading was called JEFF THE KILLER VS. EVERY BEING IN EXISTANCE!!!!! Then a few shark wacking momants and tea cups drank later, they were all transported out of the Skype call to another dimension. They all stood face to face and wondered what took them out of that hyper-realistic holecaust of wrong that was the story. By the way, all the YouTubers that were there aside from the ones I mentioned included: The Overanalyst, Laura (The Overanalyst co-host), Tim Vilencia, M.D. Phantasm, Vinnce12, The augmented Russian Heavy, ThirdOfClubs and of course, me or I wouldn't be able to write this. They were then approached by an essepically funny guy. His YouTube name was LukeFilmsLTD and his real name was Luke Giordano. He then told them " Hey, I'm Luke Giordano, and you must save the world from evil.". Jacob then asked why he couldn't help them and Luke said "I can't, I've got too much Big Baby Corner I gotta go through." Luke then gave them weapons and sent the YouTubers on their way. "Let's get this over with so I can go home and watch wressleing." Vinnce12 said. "I'm missing East Enders." Toby staited. They were all armed with laser guns and some of them got weapons exclusive to them. For example, The Overanalyst and Laura got laptops with no brandname on them and some printer pages that are never mentioned again, Third got a Hockey Stick and some syrup, The Russian got some Vodca, Phantasm discovered his helmot had special abilities and extra weapons inside it, Toby got a wolf that was only a shadow to crumblyPastry and the others got stuff that they needed because the plot demanded it. Alexo did is getting an internship to a company that made TV shows and video games.
And because interns are smack dab (or for the British, smack bang) in the middle of always seeing creepy things happen with companies, he got a brand new coppy of SONIC.EXE! They all moved backwards and then is moving forward. "Oh , a tens swap? really?" Jacob shouted. The shout poured through the air, because you all know shouts come in liquid form now. A gunshot was heard and they all jumped. This made M.D. Phantasm a little angry because the games he was cooking with the flaimthrougher in his mask were not eavenley cooked because of the gunshot which sounded like it had no reason. Matt then got hungry and ate a Treacle Tart in one bite because British. They then found a door in the middle of nowhere which only said "the home of MaRIo!" They then went inside and the door sounded like it has a lot of pixels. A voice said the following to them: "It will get worse!" "Oh, fuck off!" Toby yelled as he normaly does during readings of Freaky Tortellini. Just then, a blood wistle stabs Phantasm which causes him to say "Oh, for fuck sake!" (the same way in one of the episodes of BCP). Just after he says this, a man who resembles the video game protagonist Mario appeared in frunt of them. He said in a voice that sounded like Jacob's Jeff the Killer voice "I am MaRIo!" Laura and the Overanalyst checked on there unbranded laptops for such a name. It turned out that this person is a creepypasta character who was in a creepypasta that is now on the Trolpasta wiki because it sucked. The Show With No Name didn't want to listen to that voice anymore, so he decided to listen to some EDM music. Just then a video game consel appeared in frunt of them. It luckily landed on the ground. Somehow perhaps do the plot needing to move forward, a bunch of disk trays appears in the consel and they all get a controller in there hands. "You... will... play... the... game...!" someone says behind them. It is BootMan Bill! "No!" Toby angrily exclaims as he conjers a hot pocket from out of nowhere and throghs it at BootMan Bill. The game is WARM BUTTEREY BORDERLANDS! Phantasm was mad at this because as you all know, he prefers his with jelly. "I'm not fucking playing this game!" Phantasm says almost as angry in the Overanalyst's Cry Baby Lane review. They all use their laser guns and shoot there own disks before the game starts. Just then Alexo thinks about sanpping his coppy of SONIC.EXE because if he did that, they would be out of here maybe so he pouls the game out but something weared is seen. It does not say SONIC.EXE! Dot, Dot, Dot but it says BLUE MAJORA.EXE! They are confused. "Why did someone send a game to us?" asks Jacob. "Who cares?" the rest of them says. They then put in the game. They heard a Kefka laugh from the TV screen. They then see Jacob on screen. But ... he looks evil! "Didn't see that one coming!" Overanalyst says in his brilliant southern voice. Matt then pulls out his Wand but Toby stops him from using it and says the folloing: "We can't just kill that thing, it's a beast virsion of our mascot!" In the game, the Blue Majora beasts walk twards the screen and maniges to get out of the TV because why not? Vinnce12 does a wressleing move to kill his evil clown from hell, Phantasm kills his beast virsion of himself by shooting it with a gun because he's American, Tim Valencia narrates his clown to deth and this list would be to long if I listed them all. They were free that is after Third slap shotted BootMan Bill across the face and the Overanalyst and his co-hosts gave him a lecture on how to improve writing storys. My reaction to all this was this: What the fuck oh my god barbeque. Before they left, LukeFilms came up to them and told them they did a good job and they was just not finished hurting a angry commenter's feelings. "What would have happen if we didn't kill those beast virsions of us?" Hoodo asked in his hypnotic accent. "Well, I will show you." Luke said. He then showed them the future of what happen if they didn't do what they did. Jacob stopped making movies and Bad Creepypasta, Toby could never get angry at spooky spaghetti again, Matt had to use his old mic and talk like a black William Shatner for the rest of his life, Show With No Name had to read My Imortal out loud and sellVoldimint toothpast for the rest of his life, Hoodo would only read stories with everything on his top ten worst lists, Vinnce12 could never watch wressleing again, The Overanalyst was forsed to analyse stories more boring than Petrock and so were his co-hosts. When Jacob, Toby and Matt arrived back in Inglandburg, Inglend and the others were back on Skype, they got back to reading the story. It was so painful that I can't eavan describe it. Reading the story, that is. As they finished and finished reading the comments and heard all guests rage and destroy their computers, they heard a knock at the door folloed by the doorbell. "Go answer it, Toby." Matt demanded "Fine!" Toby said reluctlanty and got up and whent to the door and answered it. Hile Toby was at the door, Matt started lowdley slamming the keys on Jacob's piano. His pino palying sounded like broaken glas being scraiped on concriet. It was that bad. Toby came back with a pacage that said "To Blue Majora" Tob also a triangle on the pacage. He then said "Could this pacage have been sent to us by the eluminoti?". "Who gives a fuck?" Jacob said before throing the package into a thing of bleach and burning it.

In this super special, bone chilling, ten part and chocolate covered episode, it was not only the four hellairious hosts who were reading the story. They got a lot of other funny people who were previously guest stars on the show to help them through the torcher. They got M.D. Phantasm, Vinnce12, The Overanalyst, HoodoHoodlumsRevenge and Alexo. They also got some of the funny patrons who appeared on the show previously to help too. They even got that awesome french guy from that one episode.
The End

Anywhosil, the story they were reading was called JEFF THE KILLER vs Jane The Killer vs Michael Myres vs MaRIo vs Ticci Toby vs The Rake vs Slenderman vs Squidward's Suicide (the story came to life) vs Laughing Jack vs Eyeless Jack vs Clockwork!!!. With a title like that, I knew this would be my favorite episode of BCP ever, even better than MaRIo 2, my personal favorite episode.

I loved every nanosecond of the episode, or at least all I was able to watch. But a few shark wacking momants and tea cups drank later, them and me were transported to another dimension.They were taken there in about seconds. I recorded the time with my stopwatch that I stole from a guy on the street.

They all stand in this dark place of nothing and wonder what took them out of that hyper-realistic holecaust of wrong that was the story. They didn't complain though.

Everyone was bamboozled! Includeing me because I was still trying to figure out how and why I got there with them. I was so happy, I was meeting my favorite YouTubers face to face.

==Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo==
They then saw an essepically weird message on a wall. It said "WaTCh oUt foR TeNCe sWaPs aNd CrEepYpAsTa ChArACteRs!". "but they don't exist. "it's probably just a joke." HoodoHoodlumsRevenge said...

They agreed. After all, weren't all creepypasta monsters and stories made up? And what's the worst a tence swap could do aside from having Jacob want to throgh his computer out his window?

"Let's get this over with so I can go home and watch wressleing." Vinnce12 said. They were all armed with laser guns because the plot demanded it.

Alexo did is getting an internship to a company that made TV shows and video games.

And because interns were smack dab (or for the British, smack bang) in the middle of always seeing creepy things happen with media, he got a brand new coppy of the greatest game of all time, SANIC.EXE! It was for the Ninterror 64, the best game system ever!
==Chapter 3: Another Chapter==

After walking for hours and having to stop Toby from going into an unstoppable rage,they then found a red building. It said "the home of MaRIo!" They then went inside. A voice said the following to them: "It will get worse!" They then all laughed as they normaly would during readings of Freaky Tortellini because they took that as a joke. Just then, a blood wistle comes down from the rouf and stabs Phantasm in the neck. It was gonna stab Matt too, but he grabbed his wand (all British people have those, right?) and destroyed it.

Just after they busted down another door, a man who resembles the video game protagonist Mario appeared in frunt of them. He said in a voice that sounded like his REAL voice you would expect him to have "It'sa Me, MaRIo!" He then took off his Birdo head. Gemma crushed the head with her foot, while Jacob danced for no reason.
They all laughed because they all thought it was funny. Although they are still confused by the Birdo head.

After Google searching for that name it turned out that this person is a creepypasta character who was in a creepypasta that is now on the Trolpasta wiki because it sucked. Then Jacob pulled out an Ipod that that 666 on it to listen to some music. The Ipod once belonged to The Devil according to some guy called Boot Man Bill who gave it to him along with a hacked Call of Duty game. He listened to the only album on the Ipod. It only contained songs that were a mix of dubstep and heavy metal. He still enjoys it though.

Then a Nintarror64 flew in frunt of them (it had wings). It luckily landed on the ground. they all get a controller in there hands. "You... will... play... the... game...!" says MaRIo. The game is WARM BUTTEREY BORDERLANDS: The Empire will Rise! Overanalyst read the fine print on the case. It said "Now with all new Spookiween DLC!". M.D. Phantasm was a little mad at this because as you all know, he prefers his Borderlands with jelly.

Toby was first with the controller. He couldn't even make it past the first step of the game before dying about twenty times which caused Jacob to call him a "bloody wanker".He then took the controller from Toby. Gemma giggled at this, and Jacob told her to not giggle anymore cause it is distracting his great gaming skills. Matt attempted to take the controller away from Jacob but Toby slapped him across the face and tells him to let Jacob try. The game was not much different than the original Borderlands. The only changes are that the enemies have been replaced with new ones. They've been replaced with creepypasta characters. They were EXTREMELY hard to kill, especially those enomies called Squidward's Suicides. They eventually got to the final boss. The final boss wasn't Handsome Jack, but it was Laughing Jack.

They all decide to use their laser guns and shoot the game after finally beating it. The game explodes into a thousand pieces. For some reason, Alexo thinks about snapping his coppy of SANIC.EXE. So he takes the game out but something strange is seen. It does not say SANIC.EXE! Dot, Dot, Dot but it said Michael LEROI.EXE! They are confused. "Why did someone send a game to us?" asks Jacob. "Who fucking cares?" Toby replyed. They then put in the game.
In the game, you can control Jacob, Gemma, Matt or Toby and must fight multiple creepypasta characters. You could also play as the guest stars, but you had to unlock them by doing a bunch of stuff.

They heard a Kefka laugh for no reason. The creepypasta characters then come out of the game and become real.

The pastas attack them but they fight back. Vinnce12 does a wressleing move to kill a Tails Doll, Jacob and Matt both kill Sanic.exe by telling him how much his story sucks, M.D. Phantasm kills Jeff the Killer by shooting him with a gun because he's American, Toby gets so angry at Slenderman that he dies and this list would be too long if I listed them all. They were free!
They then went through the door and got back to earth.

==Chapter 4: The Ending==

When Jacob, Gemma, Toby and Matt arrived back in Inglandburg, Inglend, they got back to reading the story with the guests. It was so painful that I can't eavan describe it. Reading the story, that is. As they finished reading the comments and heard everyone rage they heard a knock at the door folloed by the doorbell. "Toby, Go answer it." Matt demanded. "Fine!" Toby said reluctantly and got up and answered it. While Toby was at the door, Matt started lowdley slamming the keys on Jacob's piano. His piano playing sounded like broaken glass being scraiped on concrete. It was that bad. Jacob and Gemma both thought it was funny though. Toby came back with a package that said "To you British chaps" they also saw a triangle on the package. Toby then wondered out loud "Could this package have been sent to us by the Illuminaati?". "Who gives a fuck?" Jacob said before throing the package into a thing of bleach and burning it.

The police were going to envestagate where the package came from. But, Derek Green was somehow the only one working today, and you all know what happens when you make him envestigate anything.

The package contained a film called The Squidward as well as more Spookiween DLC for Borderlands.It also contained a few more things that I don't need to mention because it's the end of the story...

Thanks for reading! Have a good rest of the day!
[[Category:Bad Fanfiction]]
[[Category:Jeff the Killer]]
[[Category:Wall of Text]]
[[Category:English Class Failure]]
[[Category:Look ma, it's one of those creepypasta characters!]]

Latest revision as of 12:29, 31 May 2023

This is the best story ever written by any living being, ever!

Chapter 1: The Beginning

One day, four extremely funny British people named Jacob Sherwood, Matt Dixon, Toby Mitchell and Gemma Milne were reading a creepypasta (that's a horror story on the internet for those that don't know) for their YouTube show called Bad Creepypasta on the MichaelLeroi channel. This is an internet show where the four of them read Awful Creepypastas and criticise the hell out of them because they deserve it.

So I was browsing the MichaelLeroi channel. They're my favorite YouTube channel, and I wanted to see if they had uploaded any new videos. I saw that a new episode of BCP was uploaded! To prepare, I grabbed a case of rootbere and five bags of chips so I wouldn't be hungry or thirsty wile I watched the awesomeness that was no doubt in store. I was so EXCITED!

In this super special, bone chilling, ten part and chocolate covered episode, it was not only the four hellairious hosts who were reading the story. They got a lot of other funny people who were previously guest stars on the show to help them through the torcher. They got M.D. Phantasm, Vinnce12, The Overanalyst, HoodoHoodlumsRevenge and Alexo. They also got some of the funny patrons who appeared on the show previously to help too. They even got that awesome french guy from that one episode.

Anywhosil, the story they were reading was called JEFF THE KILLER vs Jane The Killer vs Michael Myres vs MaRIo vs Ticci Toby vs The Rake vs Slenderman vs Squidward's Suicide (the story came to life) vs Laughing Jack vs Eyeless Jack vs Clockwork!!!. With a title like that, I knew this would be my favorite episode of BCP ever, even better than MaRIo 2, my personal favorite episode.

I loved every nanosecond of the episode, or at least all I was able to watch. But a few shark wacking momants and tea cups drank later, them and me were transported to another dimension.They were taken there in about seconds. I recorded the time with my stopwatch that I stole from a guy on the street.

They all stand in this dark place of nothing and wonder what took them out of that hyper-realistic holecaust of wrong that was the story. They didn't complain though.

Everyone was bamboozled! Includeing me because I was still trying to figure out how and why I got there with them. I was so happy, I was meeting my favorite YouTubers face to face.

Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo

They then saw an essepically weird message on a wall. It said "WaTCh oUt foR TeNCe sWaPs aNd CrEepYpAsTa ChArACteRs!". "but they don't exist. "it's probably just a joke." HoodoHoodlumsRevenge said...

They agreed. After all, weren't all creepypasta monsters and stories made up? And what's the worst a tence swap could do aside from having Jacob want to throgh his computer out his window?

"Let's get this over with so I can go home and watch wressleing." Vinnce12 said. They were all armed with laser guns because the plot demanded it.

Alexo did is getting an internship to a company that made TV shows and video games.

And because interns were smack dab (or for the British, smack bang) in the middle of always seeing creepy things happen with media, he got a brand new coppy of the greatest game of all time, SANIC.EXE! It was for the Ninterror 64, the best game system ever!

Chapter 3: Another Chapter

After walking for hours and having to stop Toby from going into an unstoppable rage,they then found a red building. It said "the home of MaRIo!" They then went inside. A voice said the following to them: "It will get worse!" They then all laughed as they normaly would during readings of Freaky Tortellini because they took that as a joke. Just then, a blood wistle comes down from the rouf and stabs Phantasm in the neck. It was gonna stab Matt too, but he grabbed his wand (all British people have those, right?) and destroyed it.

Just after they busted down another door, a man who resembles the video game protagonist Mario appeared in frunt of them. He said in a voice that sounded like his REAL voice you would expect him to have "It'sa Me, MaRIo!" He then took off his Birdo head. Gemma crushed the head with her foot, while Jacob danced for no reason. They all laughed because they all thought it was funny. Although they are still confused by the Birdo head.

After Google searching for that name it turned out that this person is a creepypasta character who was in a creepypasta that is now on the Trolpasta wiki because it sucked. Then Jacob pulled out an Ipod that that 666 on it to listen to some music. The Ipod once belonged to The Devil according to some guy called Boot Man Bill who gave it to him along with a hacked Call of Duty game. He listened to the only album on the Ipod. It only contained songs that were a mix of dubstep and heavy metal. He still enjoys it though.

Then a Nintarror64 flew in frunt of them (it had wings). It luckily landed on the ground. they all get a controller in there hands. "You... will... play... the... game...!" says MaRIo. The game is WARM BUTTEREY BORDERLANDS: The Empire will Rise! Overanalyst read the fine print on the case. It said "Now with all new Spookiween DLC!". M.D. Phantasm was a little mad at this because as you all know, he prefers his Borderlands with jelly.

Toby was first with the controller. He couldn't even make it past the first step of the game before dying about twenty times which caused Jacob to call him a "bloody wanker".He then took the controller from Toby. Gemma giggled at this, and Jacob told her to not giggle anymore cause it is distracting his great gaming skills. Matt attempted to take the controller away from Jacob but Toby slapped him across the face and tells him to let Jacob try. The game was not much different than the original Borderlands. The only changes are that the enemies have been replaced with new ones. They've been replaced with creepypasta characters. They were EXTREMELY hard to kill, especially those enomies called Squidward's Suicides. They eventually got to the final boss. The final boss wasn't Handsome Jack, but it was Laughing Jack.

They all decide to use their laser guns and shoot the game after finally beating it. The game explodes into a thousand pieces. For some reason, Alexo thinks about snapping his coppy of SANIC.EXE. So he takes the game out but something strange is seen. It does not say SANIC.EXE! Dot, Dot, Dot but it said Michael LEROI.EXE! They are confused. "Why did someone send a game to us?" asks Jacob. "Who fucking cares?" Toby replyed. They then put in the game. In the game, you can control Jacob, Gemma, Matt or Toby and must fight multiple creepypasta characters. You could also play as the guest stars, but you had to unlock them by doing a bunch of stuff.

They heard a Kefka laugh for no reason. The creepypasta characters then come out of the game and become real.

The pastas attack them but they fight back. Vinnce12 does a wressleing move to kill a Tails Doll, Jacob and Matt both kill Sanic.exe by telling him how much his story sucks, M.D. Phantasm kills Jeff the Killer by shooting him with a gun because he's American, Toby gets so angry at Slenderman that he dies and this list would be too long if I listed them all. They were free! They then went through the door and got back to earth.

Chapter 4: The Ending

When Jacob, Gemma, Toby and Matt arrived back in Inglandburg, Inglend, they got back to reading the story with the guests. It was so painful that I can't eavan describe it. Reading the story, that is. As they finished reading the comments and heard everyone rage they heard a knock at the door folloed by the doorbell. "Toby, Go answer it." Matt demanded. "Fine!" Toby said reluctantly and got up and answered it. While Toby was at the door, Matt started lowdley slamming the keys on Jacob's piano. His piano playing sounded like broaken glass being scraiped on concrete. It was that bad. Jacob and Gemma both thought it was funny though. Toby came back with a package that said "To you British chaps" they also saw a triangle on the package. Toby then wondered out loud "Could this package have been sent to us by the Illuminaati?". "Who gives a fuck?" Jacob said before throing the package into a thing of bleach and burning it.

The police were going to envestagate where the package came from. But, Derek Green was somehow the only one working today, and you all know what happens when you make him envestigate anything.

The package contained a film called The Squidward as well as more Spookiween DLC for Borderlands.It also contained a few more things that I don't need to mention because it's the end of the story...

Thanks for reading! Have a good rest of the day!

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