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Pastas written in the form of a diary or journal.
Pages in category "Jornel"
The following 500 pages are in this category, out of 532 total.
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- A Bird in the Bathtub
- A Diary from a Dead Planet Called Earth
- A Ghost in My Video Game
- A Long Walk
- A MGTOW's Nightmare Before Valentines Day
- A new place
- A Sun on Night
- Abaddon Tenebrae
- Abandoned Plush
- Adventure Time: The Last
- Adventure's With Gunga Volume1
- AGH!
- Alia Entry Log: Regrets
- Always Watch What Part of Latin America You're Going To
- Amazon Rush
- An Adventure to the Bikini Bottom
- An Englishman's Horror
- Anna - The Haunted Animal Crossing Cartridge
- Another Lavender Town Tale
- Antarctic Journal
- Antigonish (The Man upon the Stair)
- Ao Oni
- Are You Really Alone?
- Aria's Eyes
- Ariceli Edwardson
- Ashberry
- Ashley
- Assassin's Creed - Third Time's a Charm
- Asylum Chi: The Journal of Katherine E. Scholar
- Baldur's Gate Bootleg
- Banjo's Murder
- Banjo-Kazooie - the lost game
- Barbie the Killer Doll
- Be Careful
- Bea the killer
- Bedroom Haunting
- BEN Again
- BEN: The New Target
- BGE.exe
- Billy
- BITTEN (Spiman sequel)
- Black Album
- Blarble Blornets
- Blocked: My Story
- Blood Whistle
- Blood Whistle but I wrote it from memory
- Blood Whistle Stooges
- Blur
- BOB.EXE/Round 2
- Brawl Hack
- Bubble and Squeak
- Bull.exe
- Can't Explain
- Can'tBreath.Exe
- Candle Cove: The Journal of Damien Green
- CatHouse.exe
- Chain
- Chao Training
- Cheese on a Skateboard
- ChooseYourAdventure.exe
- Comeandplay.wav
- Confusion
- Counter Strike: Alpha Team
- Crazy Love
- Creepypasta Is Bad For You
- Cup on the Curb
- Curse of the Infinite Staircase
- Cursed Creepypasta
- Cursed Nick Jr. Face Interstitial
- Cursed Sherbert Bunny
- Darkness
- Dead.jpg
- Dear Reader
- Dear Reader...
- Death By Sega
- DeathBob BloodyPants
- Degeneration
- Derek's Terrifying Hike
- Desertbus.iso
- Diablo 2 "Curse"
- Diamonds.avi
- Diary in a Box
- Diary of a Serial Killer
- Diary on the Ground
- Do You See
- Don't Drink Laundry Detergent
- Don't forget to smile
- Don't Join
- Don't Play Fortnite, It Kills
- Don't Play Mario At 3AM!!!
- Dont record dig dug at 3AM
- Doom 64
- Dot Warner Doll
- DoubleDenial:It shall kill you
- Downhell 2: Special edition.exe
- Dr Phil unaired episode
- Drawings
- Dream Eater: The Beginning
- Dream Eater: The Beginning (Alternate Version)
- Dreams
- Drunktalia
- Dyatlov Pass Shrek Incident
- Fall of Man
- Fallout: Diary of a Dead Man
- Far From Over
- Fat Sea Creature
- Fatal Attraction
- Feed.avi
- Feral Fever
- Fight to the Death
- File3
- Five Nights at My Abusive Asshole Dad's House
- Five Nights In Love With Freddy
- Fman122's diary
- Followed...
- Forest
- Forked Fingertips
- Forkface
- Freaky Franky
- Fresh Meat: "The Addiction Killed Me"
- Friend Controlled By Skeleton
- From the Blog of Louis Tillman
- Frost
- Frosted Flakes
- H3LPM3.exe
- Half-Life 3
- Half-liff 24
- Hallucinations
- Halo: John
- Happy Appy 2: The Happy Appy Happening
- Happy Appy 3: Smart Alive Human
- Happy Family
- Happy Kitten
- Happy.avi
- Harasshu Senki: Spooky Hijinx
- Have a SONY day
- Have Fun Josh
- Heading Through a Demonic Life
- Hearing Whispers
- Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater - The Monkey Paw
- Helloworld.exe
- Herobrine's Game
- Hey You, Pikachu! - すきです。
- His Game
- Hte spagheti monstur
- Human Predator
- Humannequin
- I also tried submitting this to the creepypasta wiki and it also made me sad because it was an ok pasta and it got rejected and banned from the wiki
- I Can See It
- I Found a Journal With Disturbing Entries in My Hotel
- I Just Wanted Some Good Metal
- I Run
- I should had listened to pa
- I Tried to Submit this Pasta to the Creepypasta Wiki but it was Rejected and it Made me sad because it was an ok Pasta
- I'm Unstoppable
- Ice Cream Crisis: ReWrote
- Infection
- Infectious Smile - Dead Edition
- Inner Beast
- Insane
- Intern At IGN
- Interview with the Slenderman
- Irregular Routine
- Irregular Show
- It Burns...
- Its lost episode
- Last Blackmist
- Last Will 6:22:05 AM.txt
- Lavender Town Disaster, 1996
- Lavender Town Experiment
- Lavender Town Tone Project
- Lavender Town: The Fear of Knowing
- Lavender's Soothing Tunes
- Lavender's Tune
- Lego Movie Creepypasta: The Master Builder's Log
- Lei Azrail Ranger
- Life.exe
- Lion of Nowhere
- Lochmere: Quarantine
- Logan's Last Video
- Lori's Insanity
- Lyon's Haunting Melody
- Marble Onions
- Mario Bros: Too Late
- Mario Kart 7
- Mario Kart Horrors: Lakitu.avi
- Mario Party 666: Wario's Revenge
- Mario.exe.img.mp3.inb4
- Mark Nowell's Account, 2005-2006, 2011
- Mask
- Maxine the Killer
- Maze of Traps
- Me And Pewds.exe
- Mega Man: Mega Edition
- Mickey Mouse Sex Tape
- Mindcraft
- Minecart
- Minecraft - Herobrine Seed Gone wrong
- Minecraft Skelie
- Minecraft: Red Room
- MineCraft: Red Room
- Minemaggedon
- Missingno's Curse
- Mist
- MLP FIM: The Other Ponies
- Modern Objects Lost Episode: Bucket's Revenge
- Mortal Kombat: The Legend
- Moving Homes
- Mr. Damn's Personal Journal
- Mr. Jacobs
- Mr. Journal
- Mr. Meaty Creepypasta
- Mr. Meaty: Josh Is The Newest Jeff the Killer Knockoff
- MrGman.bsp
- Murder Sheep: The Return
- My Big Bro
- My Cat Is Fucking With Me
- My findings about jeff the killer
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - The Lost Episode
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Lost Episode
- My Minecraft Horror
- My neighbour is literally Hitler
- My Online Journal
- My Roblox Exprience
- My Slenderman Sighting
- My Story.01.jpg
- My Summer at Camp Lake Cristy
- Paranoid
- Past Help
- Patrixxx Island: The 24-Part Troll Pasta Epic
- Penis Environment
- Phineas and Ferb Unknown Episode
- Pirated Log
- Pixu's World - Little Baby (Original)
- Plague of Equestria
- Player
- PlayTheGame.avi
- Pokemon Test Files: Bye Bye Trainer
- Pokemon, The Lost Game
- Project M
- Psykaziz
- PsykopathE
- SammyClassicSonicFan: Lost Episode
- Scared? I HOPE U R.....
- School Sux for me
- Scientist's Log
- Scorpion Man
- Secret Diary
- Seeing the Color Red
- Seelay.exe
- Series
- Seriously, Guys!
- ShadowOasis
- Shadows on the Wall
- Silent Hill from Recycler
- Six Days
- Skyrim Nightmare
- Skyrim Realism Mod
- Slender Twilight: The “Naughty” Version
- Slender: Jayempty Files
- Smiley Town
- Smiling Ty
- So yeah, I got this game from the App Store...
- Soledad
- Something In The Basement
- Sonic Boom.exe
- Sonic Dreams Collection
- Sonic.exe/Round 2
- Sonic.Exe.Exe
- Sonic: The Blood Cry
- Sonic: the hands of death
- Space Station 10: The Lost Documentary
- SpeciesDropper.exe
- Spongebob Episode 1 and 1/2: The Summoning
- Spongebob Game
- Spongebob Squarepants.avi
- SpongeBob's Guilt
- SpongeBob's Lie
- Spongebob's Schizophrenia (2017)
- Spongebob: Spongebob's Box
- SquiddiuqS II ClariiralC
- Starday
- Statics
- Strange Pyro
- Stupid Spam Mail
- Subdued by Fears, Horror, and...
- Subject C
- SuicideSquidwardCLIP Channel
- Sunday Drive
- Sup3r Mar10 G4l4xy
- Super Mario 104
- Super Mario 3D World: There may only be one
- Super Mario 64: The Lost Star
- Super Mario Bros. - Remorse
- Super Mario Death World
- Survival Island
- Tekkit
- TF2 Creepypasta
- That
- That Dreaded Day
- That One Old Man
- The "Leak"
- The alchimist vs the steamer
- The Asylum Test
- The Biography Of First Mate Davis Fincklenickel
- The Camping Trip
- The Computer Creed Wiki
- The Corn Maze Killer
- The Creepy Guy Who Told Shitty Knock-Knock Jokes
- The Creepy Security Tape
- The Curiosities of A Drone
- The Dark Being
- The Day That Never Happened
- The Day the Anime Disappeared
- The Death Monster.rar
- The Diary
- The Diary of a Dead Man
- The Diary of a Man Who Got Stuck in an Elevator
- The Diary of a Missed Love
- The Diary of Beowulf Horafisk
- The Diary of Colonel William Crawford
- The Diary of Olaf Fiskkuk
- The Diary...
- The Disease
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: It's Coming For You
- The Endless Pain
- The Epic of Asian2Go
- The Estonian Alien Abduction Experiment
- The Everlasting Piss
- The Evlen Project
- The Fear Hormone
- The Figure Outside the Window
- The Fireplace
- The Footprint Killer
- The Forest...
- The Found Diary
- The Gengar
- The Ghost of John Madden
- The Ghost of Minecraft's Garry
- The Ghost With Red Pupils
- The Gouger
- The Haunted Milk
- The Haunted Paperclip
- The Haunting
- The Hedgehog
- The Human Predator
- The Insane Man
- The Inugami
- The Journal of a Serial Killer
- The Journal of Darren Waters
- The Journal of Project 13
- The Journey
- The Killer from the House of Rhoads
- The Light in the Window
- The Live Minecraft
- The LL Cool J Anomaly
- The Looney Tunes Show
- The Lorem Project
- The Lost Shieldwall
- The Lost Spider-Man Episode
- The Lucidic Leviation
- The Lyris
- The Mac & Cheese man
- The Madness
- The Mannequin
- The Mario Party DS Anti Piracy Incident
- The Mew Mew Massacre
- The Midnight Scratching
- The Mother's Revenge
- The Mr. Men Show - Murders
- The Night Men
- The Noticer
- The Observer
- The One Time When I Pooped Myself
- The Origins of Fear and Evil
- The Other Internet Saga
- The Phone Charger
- The Pizza Man
- The Plan
- The Plumber That Took Me to Hell
- The Power of the Atom
- The Regret
- The Return of the Muppets
- The rise of the noobs. Part 1
- The rise of trollpastas
- The Roblox Journal
- The Room in your house
- The Rotten Man
- The Shadow Entity
- The Shadow Man In The Door Way
- The shadows speak
- The Silence
- The Silhouette of My Cat Crossed My Path in the Darkness
- The Slender Asylum
- The Song
- The Story of Jonathan James
- The Strange Kirby Disc: Spring Breeze
- The Swedish Sleep Experiment
- The Terror of the Walrus
- The Toffee Crisp Vampire: Da Streetz
- The Unknown Hunter
- The Unknown Story
- The Way She Looked
- The Windery Nightmare
- The Zombie Diaries
- The Zombies
- Then