Crossed Over Liam
Hello guys, my name is Max, I'm gonna tell you something that I can't believe happened to me! So here’s my story!
So i was at a goodwill looking at the dvd they had, i eyed on one thing a dvd of my life me my favorite show, i got the only copy and got to the cashier and it costed only 1$ dollar Huh, that's quite cheap! Said I, where do you get it? Oh you’ll never know! Said the cashier! I was quite suspicious of the dvd already but shrugged it off I went back to my house and popped the dvd in my computer and them it started It was completely blank with only text saying play and exit I pressed on play and them the episode began
The episode started with the intro but several things were odd about it all the backgrounds were grayscale, the tune was slowed done, the singer sounded like she was crying but most notable the only character that was there was liam Well this is weird said i The episode started with a outside shot of liam’s house Them it cuts to him sitting on his bed but what was weird is that he was twitching like a clock After 30 seconds of that… he jumped outta his bed and said i’m gonna kill people! What? Said I, he would never do that! Liam them ran downstairs got out a knife for a knife set broke his neighbor’s window and them killed him He them got out of his neighbor’s house with his neighbor’s head in his hands with blood drooling from his severed neck He them threw the severed head in a bag and them ran off
He them ran to the skate park where sandra was Hey liam! Said sandra what do you have there? Oh said liam a knife Sandra them relieved that the knife had blood all over it Ummm if that's just raspberries? Said sandra Oh no, no, no! Said liam He then grabbed the knife, and sliced Sandra's neck in half! He then took the skirt down off Sandra's body and sniffed her pink panties with a white cat on the front and meow! In white letters on the front Ah said liam it smells so good… Anyways back to the killing! Said liam I was quite disgusted to keep watching but i watch it through outta curiosity
He them went to the soccer field where raffi was practicing Hey liam! How’s your day- raffi noticed liam’s bloody knife Why do you have tha- said raffi Liam sliced his throat off He threw raffi’s head in a bag where sandra and another person head was in which look like logan thirtyacre aka supermariologan Them he went to birch’s room where he was making a fanfic And I think it’s done! Said birch However what birch saw shocked me too my very core She saw liam holding a butcher with blood the seemed pretty realistic so i think it was realistic cgi animation Wha- wha- wha- said birch what did you do? Liam them showed birch his head collection in the bag i saw sandra’s raffi’s liam’s neighbor and two other heads which looked like the people who played king julien and maurice in the movie madagascar What the? Said i why did liam kill sacha baron cache and cedric the entertainer? But i thought it was just a joke by the animators Any last words? Said liam umm… said birch he them sliced her throat off and put her in the bag He then looked at me with his blood shotted eyes and said I'm gonna kill Squidward next! What? Said it is getting less creepy and more confusing every moment! Firstly squidward lives underwater, secondly they are not owned by the same people and thirdly they are not on the same network! Liam them went to bikini bottom where squidward was playing his clarinet he said ugh what the fuck are you doing? He sounded quite different so i suspected that the people who made it didn’t hire rodger bumpass Liam sliced squidward penis nose off and then his head like it was some sushi! Them he went up to the surface and saw the penguins of madagascar What? Said i why did the person who made this love Madagascar so much? He went up to the penguins sliced them and threw them into the ocean The rest of the episode was just liam killing random character from studios The final shot of the episode was probably the most terrifying part of it It showed liam looking at all the characters he killed he them said well it’s time to cross over jordan before cutting his eyes His blood splatter and said this will be the final thing you’ll see……
The dvd them ejected from my computer I was like what was any of that… I decided to go back to the goodwill where it came from however the store was closed out of respect for a cashier who recently committed suicide(i prusome it was the person who gave me the dvd) I decided to talk about the episode with jc little on twitter or x or whatever it called now and she said Holy heck! Where did you find out about this? Listen here I'll explain what happened, when we started this show the animators knew the show was bad so they made this episode to mock us though i don’t think it was when the show ended, the only person i knew who worked on this was a guy named robert peterson. I decided to see if Robert had any socials and he did! I connected on that site and he said Oh yeah! I remember that! You see i used to work on that show, me and most of the other animators mostly made joke animations with the character doing obscene acts because we didn’t like the show at all, i think around september 2016 i combined them all in one feature with some cliche creepypasta cliche along the way I hope that helps you on your search! I decided to ask him why the dvd was in an goodwill and he said I don’t know I decided to put the dvd in my closet to never be watched again. After that i lived normally again however i keep an eye on my own crochet liam plush because i’m hoping that it’ll never do the same thing as liam did in that episode The end
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