Every copy of Sonic Adventure is personalized

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I am a massive Sonic the Hedgehog fan. From playing the games to watching the movies to reading the comics, I take part in everything that has Sonic on it. My favorite video game character of all time is Sonic and it will always be Sonic.

One of my favorite Sonic games is Sonic Adventure. Something that made me sad was how Sonic Adventure didn't get any big myths or conspiracies. I mean, Mario 64 got dozens of myths like apparitions in the hallways or personalization AI, so what's basically Sonic's Mario 64 should get some myths too right.

But I'm overreacting, aren't I? I mean, it's not like Sonic Adventure has personalization AI hidden within it right?

Well, that's what I thought until my recent playthrough of the game.

I'd ordered a copy of the GameCube version off eBay and it'd just arrived. The cover looked...

Normal. Completely normal. It was a perfectly innocent copy of the game.

The title screen was normal. Picking the best character in the game, Sonic, was normal. The opening cutscene was normal. The fight with Chaos 0 was normal, the "Watch out, you're gonna crash. Ah!" scene was normal. This was clearly just a normal Sonic Adventure game, right?

Well, this is where it started to get weird.

When I went to go to Emerald Coast, Sonic walked past the loading zone and into a part of the game he was never meant to go to.

Something else was there too.

The Ancient Light upgrade was there. Something Sonic shouldn't access until Red Mountain, way later in the game.

I decided to get it, so I could have the Light Speed Attack when I got the Light Speed Dash.

Something else happened when I did get it though.

Personalization AI has been activated.

Oh boy, wonder what happens next.

Since I was in a joking phase about this, I thought "Hey what if something begins to chase me"

Emerald Coast loaded right in and Sonic was chased by Tails Doll

I was so terrified. I ran and ran and it felt like it would never stop.

When I thought this, the level ended.

I stopped joking about this and thought more seriously about it.

I decided to think it would be cool if the game "personalized" itself so I could be Super Sonic.

No sooner did I do this then did Sonic load back into Station Square after the cutscence following Emerald Coast as Super Sonic.

I used this to my advantage.

I went through the rest of Sonic's story as normal, then used the personalization AI to put Sonic in all the other characters stories too. If Sonic couldn't beat a level, the game personalized itself so that I just beat the level.

And that was that, no creepy things ever occurred, it was just a weird Sonic Adventure playthrough

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