Generic Horror Movie 4- Jimmy Jones: Jigsaw Jr

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This Trollpasta is dedicated to Saw, for his stupid, predictable traps.

We start this movie with the "villain, Jimmy Jones, in his SECRET LAIRRRRR!!! It's so secret, I don't even know where the hell it is. Maybe in Morocco? Anyway, Jimmy is pacing around, thinking about something. "How can I make people pay for what they do?" He thinks. "AH HA! I CAN MAKE REALLY SCARY AHH TRAPS LIKE JIGSAW, BUT MINE WILL BE MORE TROLL!!!1!1!2!" He yells cus he wanted to.

The next day, a man named Frederick is walking around a park. He spots a penny on the sidewalk and says: "This must be my lucky day! Now I can feed my 439 kids!" But the second he picks up the penny, he is tackled by SpongeBob and taken to Jimmy Jones LAIRRRRRRR.

"How dare you steal..." Says Jimmy as Frederick wakes up. "I have like, 439 kids and no money I needed it..." Frederick says. "Yeah yeah whatever..." Jimmy says, not caring at all. "Here's a machine that I call: THE PENEE WENEE BOMB!!!!!!" "What the hell is that name-" But Jimmy stops him and keeps going. "You will be on the clock, that's the consequences for your actions..." Jimmy explains. "Why must you be worried about the clock? Well because when time runs how, the machine will turn your peepee into a BOMB!!!" Jimmy says. "A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE LETS GOOOOOO-" Fred says. "All you have to do to escape is push that button, peeling the skin off your peepee." Jimmy explains. And with that, Jimmy walks away, and the clock starts. "Oh crap oh crap..." Fred says frantically. He can't muster up the courage to pull the level, and opts to find a different way. But, he's too late. His peepee starts contorting every which way, and BOOM! It explodes, sending poor old Frederick outta the Earth's life cycle.

"Damn, he sucked ass." Jimmy says sadly. "Let's get our next contestant..."

With the first victim down, a girl named Hiyarori is ordering at a Mc Trollpasta. Suddenly, a big bowling ball comes flying STRAIGHT AT HER!!! She ducks out of the way just in time, sending it into the worker, killing him instantly. And then she gets tackled...

"Uhhhhh, ok..." Hiyarori says, confused. "You are here today because you can't protect others but yourself." Jimmy Jones explains. "Yeah your right." Hiya agrees. "Ok then, I'll explain your FUN DEATH GAME." Jimmy says. If Hiyarori doesn't watch all of Blue Lock in a millisecond, she will die from a giant Kirby. Death by sucking, basically. "Uhhhh ok..." Hiya says. Time starts and as soon as it did it stops. "Dang... only 3 more episodes and I would of beaten it..." Hiya says. "Ok, you can suck me up now." She says to the Kirby. SUCKCKKCKCKKKCKCKCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKDJDJEJEJEJRJRHFBSJ!!! Hiyarori is now the second victim, with one final one to go...


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