JONATHAN2001 the spooky admin

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Hi my name is agnus and i wanted to inform this my story to the world to tell the world to be worried about jonathan2001

so one day i was playing manicraft with my friends dj gaylord stoneos and chuck chuch was named after the yeollow character from the popular horror game "angry birds" because his head was shapped like a triangle after being cursed after findign heroin brian (famous minecraft legend)

so this manicraft server was hosted on arternios because i am poor and i don't want to spend money because i am poor but i am very incested by the third person shooter "mainecraft" so i decided to use this site arternions that was really cool it had like free server hosting and it was pretty cool i think that aternios was the name of a greek god o my god he is probably such a handsome god sorry i got a bit distracted continuing never use this arternios it was a big mistake because the furious spooky and badass jonathan2001 came out of it and that's why you can't use arternios wich is the name of a greek god

so continuing i was very incested with the game i was playing the game with my friends so i deviced to goof of and gave my fiends a stick with kock back 1000 and we started to play uman golf until SUDDENLY it appeared ojn the chat "jonathan2001 joined the game" like at yeallow like tjhe real joining mesages i imeadtly pissed on my pats and left to the ground my grape fanta and it was pretty spoopy since my grape fanta was red like it had blood in it but i decided to ignore that this was not the first time taht somethig similar happend

my friends imeadly started laughing and saying that it was me (it was not me) and then after that they acused of doing it because i was stoped in the ground doing nothing because it was neccesarry to the human golf they started joking about how i was ripping off the infamous mainecraft legend "heroin brian" i got really mad at them why would they not belive on me? then i started crying my feelings were very offended and then the jonathan creature said in the shat "i am always watching" i started to bleed (out of fear) and like i saw like blood in my compluter scream so i dejoined the game and went to sleep and i had night marés about this jonathan the next day my friens saw me their discord dms a jonathan2001 had been sendign them spooky geefs i got pretty spooked and i and i bleed again this was not normal this is only supposed to happen once per month not everitime that i this joonathan man appears or something i told them that it was probably just a fat aternos admin trolling us but then the joeynahtan appeared on my descord d M's and told me to "kys" i don't knowq what that funnt acronyme means but iam gessing that it mens "kangooros Yes Sir" so i goat spooked up (how did he knew that i had a kangoorophobia?) so i started screaming and all of my grape fantas fell on me and i got pretty spooked and started screaming and then i flitnched and started screaming and getting spooked and then decided to kill jonathan 2001 in real life

i attemptec to doxx it via discord i sent him a grabify link and and and he said "i know what are you doing come here my little maggot" i started pissing and bleeding his inderece ip was 11;0.17 but i found that house and it was emepty so i tought this is some kind of puzzle so i read the ip backwards switching the numbers to similar leters "11037" and there i saw the name leon this was it so i started playing mainecraft and wrote on the shat "leon" and lots of mainecraft moabs suddnely borned i was pretty scared so i strated bleeding it was so much blood the minecraft moabs were hyper realistic and had super ultra dupar realisteic bleedy ices i started crying vlood and piss myself but it then revealed the real ip adress so i just placed a 0.0.0 dart monkey wich easly killed the mainecraft moabs

i finally found jonathan's house and and there were signs all ofer the place saying "JONATHAN2001" i obviously bleed and pissed my pants but then i remembered that i had friends chuck dj gaylord and the other guy that i forgot the name were all waiting home to play mainecraft with me so i belived on the heart of my diamond foam sword and kept going deeper and deeper jonathan's house

i found a really fat guy on the arternos site so i tried to murder him but them something eletrical happen

he just to the roof and said "i reject my humanity agnus" i bleed and piss and then he transformed into heroin brian "famous minecraft legend" i certainly started bleeding and pissed my pants he told me about his backstory about being drowned and that he was top notch's brother but than i remembered water could not kill people and then when i was about to kill him after breaking his story just when it was getting good he morphed into a woman the wooman used glasses and had a long blue haira and explained to me that this was all just fiction i got really mad she literaly destroyed my story i didn't want to throw this epic story to waste so to prove that fiction could impact reality and be as epic and real as it i woke up and started beating the living shit out of my little brother i had only done that because i had that dream proving then that fiction could impact reality and then i bleed and guess what i also did? i am going to leave that cliff hanger

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