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Latest revision as of 03:47, 22 March 2024

Do you guys remember the super scary game Mr. Mix? The game where if you got to level 6 you would become traumatized, disappear and kidnap kids at walmart? I do. I was one of the hackers on that expedition and its time i tell you what i saw........ it was a link for an even SCARIER game, one so scary that even saying the name scares me. It was called MR. FUCK, and it was for the playstation 1 for some reason but you could connect a keyboard to play it. The boxart was always terrifying, it showed MR. FUCK with bleeding red eyes next to the title which was flaming text, and it said that it was developed by satan. The ESRB rating was 666, and instead of playstation it said playsatan. also the logo was an AWESOME FUCKING BLUE SKELETON.

So when you click the link for MR. FUCK, it automatically mails you a copy of the game in 666 minutes. Once you get the game, the box is covered in blood but you have to wipe it off, and the disc has blood on it too but you need to keep that on. Let me recount my experiences playing MR. FUCK.

I put the game in my playstation, and it immediately went up in flames but that's supposed to happen, and the playstation intro said "PLAYSATAN DIE DIE DIE" instead and the sound was earrape, and set my tvs volume to 666%. And suddenly... the title screen appeared. It showed the logo, along with 1 singular option to play. It also had 2 pictures of MR. FUCK.

When I pressed play it had a super scary dracula laugh, but i continued on anyways. It started with a cutscene of MR. FUCK saying "Hello I am MR. FUCK, this isn't no pussy game like mr. mix, my STUPID IDIOT brothers game, this is a MANLY AWESOME SATAN game where we make DRUGS instead of PUSSY ASS FOOD, get ready because you're about to fart, and this will be 666 levels long so get your balls ready." I was terrified, I started shaking, was I really ready for this game? Mr. Mix wasnt even scary compared to this, I don't know if I can do this. So I reluctantly started playing. Instead of being in a kitchen, I was in a meth lab. The music was super awesome death metal but it was scary. MR. FUCK was behind a bowl, and it had the words for me to type. I couldn't believe what they wanted me to type... THIS IS A KIDS GAME?! How could I ever type this!!!!

I typed the words, and every single time i typed a letter, it was play a sound effect that was super scary it said "FUCK!" and when i finished a word, MR. FUCK would say "Good job ASSHOLE, you are so satan cool!!!!". We were making coke I think, I just cannot believe what i was playing. And I had to play 666 LEVELS OF THIS?!?!?!? Well, I kept playing. and playing. and playing. When on the 665th level, something happened when I finished it... Another cutscene played. MR. FUCK talked to us again. "Good job fellow SATANIST, we've made all the drugs we needed, now all we need to do is kill our enemy who wants our drugs for free... PETER GRIFFIN. Come on, let's go down to hell and MURDER HIS PUSSY ASS." I couldnt believe it. I had to kill Peter griffin, my love, my idol. Regardless, the level started. We were in hell, and I controlled MR. FUCK. I had a gun in hand and shot peter griffin. He did the family guy death pose. I was terrified, I threw up everywhere. MR. FUCK said "Congratulations asshole, you killed peter, good job." The game then ended at a game over screen. The game over screen was so terrifying I can't show or say it, it made me cut out my balls with a rusty spoon and mail them to sony because of how scary it was. When I looked at the boxart again, I realized it changed "DEVELOPED BY SATAN" to.... "DEVELOPED BY EVIL PATRIXXX" DAMN YOU EVIL PATRIXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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