Mario: KARMA
This is not a trollpasta, this actually happened, and if you say "NO" then I hope you break a mirror and get bad luck for only 7 years.
I loved all of the mario stuff cause it was all mostly very good. However that would all change on a day which was faith I was crused by demon. IT started off as a doomdays would feel liken cause it rain so hard. Then I by mistake ate really bad food and almost dioed and I was very sad I HAD to clear my head so I thats why I HAD to go out on a walk. i by got hit the evil bus and the bus blacked me out i acdinetaly walking into a sudidce forest in japan. i see guy crying and ask him what is wrong.
The guy while guy cried sayed Mario Lost espidoe he made cause he missed mom and he was also forced to make intendo is evil and he held it.I love any mario stuff. he said have it for free but if you watch it is 100% facts that it will change who I am. omg this casted 666 dollars o n teh spooky dark evil web! I get it for free? he cried and and gave it to me and ran off. I went home to watch mario. on teh way home I bought food and ate the food. when i put the disk in it asked me are you sure? I said yes? I said I AM PASTIVE!!! *LOADING*...*YOUR DOOM* WTF DID IT MEAN BY THAT?!?!?!?
It was a new series yay!!! the intro was so TFING WEIRD! it was nothing but pure and digusting static the static felt liek it enetered my body and it never stoped ttic and vo forver huant me it feels like it and the staitc would get wrose and the quality of it woukd get so bad the by tv would start to melt!!!thnak goodness it began to stop. It stated it MARIO and LUIGI WALKING in a unusal way. Luigi looked super pale and like he was about to cry. Then it showed a man get impaled and the blood was hyperrealstic. They walk and the walk into mini catsle the static would not stop and quality is evil. The mini boss pushed luigi and he got really hurt and almost fell in lava luckly mario pulled him out before he could fall in the lava. Luigi cried as he saw mario defeat the boss and take all the credit. THEN THEY GO ON TOO BOSWER CASTLE. Mario asked luigi if he was ok and that it would be ok if he didnt go in the castle and I could feel lugigi hatred as mario once again was trying to take the credit. THey go in and luigi rage would grow as Mario tried to let him have the fire plant powerup "he thinks I am that weak" mario is digusting trying to ssy I saved the say withtout my powerup and he needed one to win when the got o boswer luigi let his rage out and attacked boswer in a headattack to try to prevent mario from taking all of the credit
He failed and boswer grabed him and became to start chokeing him and was about to cut off his head when mario grabbed him by tailed and twisted cuasing him to let go of luigi. And would throw bosewr and dfeaet him. Luigi reached his breaking point. Fucking mario took all of the damn credit i now hate mario he is a massive egoisticjerk who ionly saved his brother to be priased mario thinks hes is a god he must be punished for it. When they got home mario told luigi that it isnt a good to go in a attack like without a plan cause it just way to risky to go in without a plan. Luigi finaly broke and I was rooting for him. Mario was making some pizza and when he opened the oven too put the pizza in luigi suprised stabbed him by pulling out a gnife and stabbed him in the heart and pushed him cuaisng mario to die. Then thr static got so loud i got worried me neoighour thought it was acutally real life murder so I take the video out and then out of nowhwere some aliens flew and took the video alway and flew off. I called 911 to let knew what happened and the makers of mario got impirsioned and murdered by a firing squad who shot them to the point of dying from blood loss. I was forever changed by these events so I did the rational thing looked up the mario video but it said this video NEVER EXISTED AND PERSON WHO MADE NEVR EXISTED IT WAS NVER REAL. That was a lie fuck them. The truama was so bad that it forced me to murder a real life man cause the pstd from MARIO was to much for me to handle. I banged my head aginst the wall and was crieding I could no langer sleep cause mario took all the credit. It got so bad that MANY days would past with me going even more isnane and murdering people with brutally way of killing them so they know to never take all the credit it was 5 days, 17 hours, 56 mintuines and 33 seconds since I had last sleeped since watching MARIO: KARMA then I closed my eyes for 45.38 seconds and after opening I saw SHREK ! I LAVE SHREK! However he looked very unpleased but I felt like I couldnt say anyhintg as if it was a dream in real life. He then said to me you failed me..., wh-a...what do you mean I failed my lord? You made me hate and you made me death... it is now ogre. He then vanished like dust. No. NONOOOOOOO! I cried louder and i grabed a gun and then shot my self in the skull cuaisng my brain matter to splatter everywere and me to die.
Thats the story of my life and I am pretty sure this isn't fake I am now dead cause while I am in hell I wanted this has lesson no NEVER watch any mario tv shows or video again cause the I dont want the same thing to happen to you if you see it BURN it explode it no matter what cause if you watch it your faith will be to dead just like me Goobye
Written by Potats100
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