Mia Suicide
The Incident
The Incident Starts On January 24th, 2005 on my school and my classmates are watching a web series called Mia And Aiden in their laptop and they are having a great time until I see an episode called Bunuh Diri Mia (Mia's Suicide) after 5 minutes, they suddenly scream, cry and vomit and some suddenly became dizzy. I was so creeped out and check what are they watching. I was shocked to see that Mia with tears staring at me with the cold fake smile on her face and she wore a black dress with sleeves and she is standing next to a tombstone that said, R.I.P Aiden with a cross at the middle of the 2 words. I was so shocked because she looks like she's about to hang herself! I was so terrified because that image looked very terrifying! I ran outside to avoid the commotion that is happening right now! I didn't return to the school because of that horrid day! The next day, my classmates became more insane than before and their Crying and Screaming is more louder than before and my classmates who vomited is replaced with inexplicable, horrid and disgusting defecation and urination and they begin to say words like, KEEP WATCH, SUICIDE and HARA KIRI. Why are they taking a freaking shit and pissing? Are they crazy?! The other students are disgusted and they wore face masks and wear headphones to avoid the commotion and the disgusting craps and piss. The Computer Lab is bigger than the others. It looks like an arena or something. Well the 3rd day, The Commotion ended and my classmates are back to normal again like nothing happened. Also at the 2nd day (Hellday of all commotion) is kinda weird! My 10 classmates are missing which they aren't suffering from any insane states from the 1st day! I have 25 classmates but 15 of my classmates became insane! There is 600 students in the computer lab that is wearing face masks at the 2nd day because at the 1st day, the 600 students aren't there! Just me and my classmates! Now back to the weird states of my classmates! My 15 students look so weird! They whisper things like Keep Watch and Suicide just like before! They are more nervous than before because of that Mia's Suicide Episode! In the next day, Everything is normal and the Computer Lab Is Closed Because Of The Human Waste Materials Inside of it. Everyday and every month, the school becames more and more deserted as the students and teachers leave the accommodation. In January 2007, the school is closed. The school is called Suara High School which had amazing town with zoos, 2 malls, a swimming center and a very futuristic town. Now let's don't talk about nonsense! Let's talk about Mia Suicide!
The Cursed Episode
The Cursed Episode Is Named Mia's Suicide or Bunuh Diri Mia in Indonesian! Now I watched the episode it was all messed up! It started with Mia practicing with his brother Aiden in a very dark classroom. Visible hyper realistic eyes is seen in the windows of the Dark Classroom. They are doing a skit for their upcoming school talent show which features friendship. Something weird happened at the 20 second mark! There is whispering taht uttered, If you tell everyone, i'll kill you! That scene scared me! 1 minute later, they are crossing the road for 20 seconds. After that scene Aiden is being hit and crushed by a car causing a blood pool to appear. Mia screams in emotional agony as she just got hit by a car also. The screen cuts to black for 20 seconds and then it cuts to Mia standing next to a tombstone that said R.I.P † Aiden. She is making that Horrid Fake Smile and she looks like that she is going to kill herself because of her expression! I was so disturbed and creeped out because her eyes are staring at me in a very cold manner. This went on for 3 minutes and it cuts to Mia and the tombstone again but this time, Her eyes is bloodshot and her tears are black! I thought Spongebob Lost Episodes are creepy! But this episode is creepy to the next level! Mia's Black Clothes are Bloodied and the tombstone is broken. The Tombstone said, Commit Suicide in Indonesian (Bunuh Diri) the image stayed for 5 minutes and she begin to frown and her eyes became teary again and her black tears are streaming down on her face! Her Skin Color Becames Pale and after that scene, It cuts to black and it cuts to Mia exploring an abysmal black room with red lights. She is seen with red eyes because she is crying before. She is just making that horrid smile. She suddenly stared at me with that same stare at the Tombstone scene but her eyes are red and she has no tears on her eyes. There is some whispering on The background saying KEEP WATCH and SUICIDE. Mia is seen smiling and a distorted apparition of Stella (Dandy's World OC) is seen staring at me! But her introverted eyebrows is an Angry Eyebrow! Also, DID THEY PREDICT DANDY'S WORLD AND STELLA?!) After That Very Creepy Scene, it cuts to Mia but her expression is blank. Quiet whispering begins to start and the whisperings said, YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!, YOU KILLED YOUR BROTHER!, KEEP WATCH, SUICIDE. She isn't scared. She grabbed a gun and points it into her head. She suddenly said, Death Is Cruel To The Just And The Unjust! The screen went to black. Several Creepy Images Flashed on the screen every 5 times! a Man Eating A Corpse, The 9-11 footage, Suicide and Mia's Creepy Gaze before cutting to the message, Death Is Cruel To The Just And The Unjust. It cuts to Mia and Aiden in the heaven. The music is good and happy than before. Mia said, Well! Here we are Aidie! Aiden said, Are We Ready To Move On? Mia said happily, YES WE ARE READY! NOW BRO! LET'S GOOOOO! They dashed forward to the heaven causing the screen to cut to black. It cuts to a very happy environment with Angel Babies with a very beautiful landscape. Mia said, THIS IS HEAVEN! Aiden said, YES! The Heaven is seen looking so beautiful and glorious! Mia said finally, WELL DEATH IS CRUEL TO THE JUST AND THE UNJUST! Aiden said, Yes! The episode ends with a message, Embrace The Light! It cuts to the credits! After that, it cuts to a creepy image which is Mia Staring at the viewer with a very cold stare! But this time, her sad eyebrows turned into angry eyebrows and the tombstone is completely destroyed! She suddenly move towards the camera causing a very inexplicable event! A Mia Balloon is shown with the voice line, DEATH IS CRUEL TO THE JUST AND THE UNJUST! I was very shocked and I screamed, cry and vomit! I was super traumatized as my happy memories turned into hellish memories! This is my last words! Death Is Cruel To The Just And The Unjust!
Credited to Yuewi The Animator
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