It was a night many years ago that still sends shivers down my spine.
2/13/13 the night before valentines day. My Wife Valery was named correctly after loving valentines day. As Christmas ended she would already be decorating the house with hearts and pink ribbons. It Always Made me smile as i helped her. Anyways, we were sitting at the table listening to the radio when the news broadcaster exclaimed about the valentine murders. 13 men dead with their hearts ripped out and hung in pink ribbon on their house. Poor Val stared scarcely at me her blue eyes trembling with terror. "John! tomorrows valentines day!" "Yes my dear. But do not worry. I'm not the next one." I laughed. Now Oh I wish I did not say it. Val said she had to run to the store. I told her to be careful and she promised she would. The murder'er is moving. She just killed her 13th victim. She looks at the map and crosses the second to last name that forms a heart. "John Cassowary. She murmurs. he will complete her heart then she will turn herself in. 2/14/13 Valentines day. I kissed Val as I got up and she made a heart shaped cake. That night she had to get sprinkles for the cake and I told her to be careful. Around 10 Pm I heard a tapping on the window. Thinking val locked herself out I opened the door and wished I had not as I Saw...
A Gaunt Bloody face with heart shaped lips and soulless eyes masked with blood. As I screamed the figure reached for my heart and slamming the door I tried to call the police but nothing worked. The figure grabbed a Knife and grabbed my flailing body. I screamed For val and none answered. I kicked and struggled and kicked off the murders mask. It was val. I Screamed as she said "You were not supposed to know. You must die Dear. I love you" I broke her grip and ran into the street. She ran after me but then A blinding flash and Val Cassowary was no more. When i got to the hospital My hand was broken and my heart was damaged. A month later i went to the police and they Performed a autopsy on val to see why she went mad. She had holes in her brain and black bugs eating it. She had been taking a evil drug. i went to my condo and vowed never to celebrate valentines day ever again. DING DONG. What's that? I walk over to the door and see a box addressed to me. I open it and see... GASP. Val's head with a note. I Will get you like you got me. Uh oh! 911 HELP its John Cassowary! I'm being murdered! Find my diary help.....
Credited to Annehoreypower
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