Patrick's Boo Boo

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You all know Spongebob, Right? You Know It's On to its 12th Season. Right? You May Think there's nothing creepy about Spongebob right? Well your wrong. You see, I found a lost Season 3 Spongebob episode called "Patrick's Boo Boo" On the Internet Archive. Let me tell you my story: While I was Watching TV when I was like 4, A Spongebob episode called "Patrick's Boo Boo" Came on, It was pretty gross, Horrifying and Plain out Disgusting. A few years later, I thought It would be my chance to find the episode, I went on the WayBack Machine (Or Internet Archive) And I found the Same Episode I saw in My Childhood! When I clicked it, My computer started To glitch, I mean, The Graphics started to get jumbled up on my computer. So Instead, I restarted my computer to fix the glitch. The Glitch was fixed, But I went back to click on the Episode Link. It thankfully worked. The Title Card was pink with a blue text saying: "Patrick's Boo Boo". The Episode begins with Patrick playing with scissors for some reason, Then he cuts himself, Some blood spills out everywhere, Patrick then screams in pain and starts tumbling to the sand wall and the Impact knocks him out. A timecard appears saying: "5 Hours Later", With no French narrator voice. The next scene is Spongebob waiting for Patrick to get to his house, Spongebob, Starting to get impatient, He goes to Patrick's house and knocks on his rock. No answer. So Spongebob yells: "Patrick, Get your butt up here right now!". Still no answer. Spongebob then says: "Alright... You asked for it!". Spongebob then opens up the rock then he stops in his tracks while in Patrick's house. He found Patrick still laying on the floor while there's a blood pool now, Spongebob starts crying, But then Patrick wakes up. Spongebob then says: "Patrick, Your alive!" in an Glad tone. Patrick then reply's To Spongebob by saying: "Why you didin't help me... You are my best friend.". Spongebob then says: "Well, Uh, I didin't, Well um..-" Then Patrick interrupts Spongebob by saying: "You didin't help me, Now I'll get you!" Patrick then jumps on Spongebob, Then the screen goes to static. The audio gets corrupted now and I can't make out Patrick's voice, But I can kinda make out Spongebob's voice. Spongebob says: "Help-Why-No-Pat-". The Episode Ends With No credits. I was speechless. I later Found out more about the episode, And I found was it was a fake bootleg episode made by some Youtuber, His name was: SpIngesFanz91. But, If this Episode was fake, How did it air, Plus, How was the voice acting so Realistic? No clue, If you have more info about This episode, Send Me some more info/Theory's you have. I Need to Know More.

Credited to SpongebobSummerSplash

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