Ratatouille: Alternate Ending

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I love Ratatouille. It's possibly one of Pixar's most underrated films. The whole movie is just great to watch. Unfortunately, from where I live, on Disney+, we don't have any of the Pixar films except for the first Toy Story. One day I was so desperate to watch Ratatouille, I purchased a VPN. Sure, some of them aren't so useful, but it looked trustworthy enough. I went on the servers and went around a few different countries, but for some reason they all didn't work. I then found a country I'd never heard of, named "Bloodland" It seemed suspicious, but I still went ahead. This time, it did work, and I started watching Ratatouille.

For most of the movie, things were pretty normal. Sometimes the characters looked a bit... odd, per say, but it was still fine. Things got messed up in the ending scene. When Linguini revealed that a rat was helping him, instead of them all walking away, they all pulled out guns for some reason, and started shooting Remy and Linguini. Linguini was killed, and Remy ran away to escape. Suddenly, out of nowhere, one of them reached out a large kitchen knife covered in blood. I could tell something was wrong, so I kept watching. I probably should've just turned it off immediately, but I didn't. I wish I did, to be honest. The chef plunged the sharp knife into Remy's chest when Remy lets out a blood-curdling scream. My ears hurt so much they bled down to my feet. Remy was not dead yet, so the chef called over all his friends to kill him. After that, I couldn't really understand. It was a mesh of blood, pus, and all that stuff. And boy, was it terrifying. It then zoomed out of the restaurant, still playing "Le Festin" like it would at the end of the normal movie.

This wasn't the normal movie. This definitely wasn't the normal movie. Instead of the normal credits, they just played a black screen with white text on it. During the credits, I was desperate to leave, but I couldn't. I couldn't even turn the TV off. I was forced to watch every single second of this disaster disguised as a "movie". After the credits, I just kept my feet clenched. I could not leave. I wondered if there was some post-credits scene. Nothing happened. Nothing happened, that is, until I went to sleep that night. During my sleep, I started smelling some weird dirt-like stuff. It was around 1:00 AM. I started searching around the house. Nothing was there. I decided to go back to bed. An hour later, I really needed to go to the toilet, so I went. But while I was doing my thing, the dirt smell came back. I just shrugged it off as not a big deal. I must've forgotten about my viewing of Ratatouille.

I then heard a voice saying "HELP ME! PLEASE HELP ME!! THEY'RE TOO STRONG!!". It sounded like Remy. I thought it must've been my neighbor or something. He sounds rather similar to Remy. He then shrieked "HELP ME!! THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME!! I'M GONNA DIE!! LINGUINI'S DEAD, AND I'M GONNA DIE NOW!". That's when I realized something. This is the post-credit scene. I decided to walk over to the living room, when I saw an image on the TV SO DISGUSTING I can't even draw it without wanting to faint. I can't even describe it it's so terrifying. But I might as well. We see Remy, standing on the countertop, in which is dimly lit to the point where I could not even see it at first, covered in blood, everywhere. Blood on his hands. Blood on his legs. Blood on his eyes. He then smiles and waves at the audience in a weird and disturbing matter. He then says "Welcome to Bloodland, kid. You're obviously an amateur." and then we leave the movie back on the "Watch Now" page. THANK GOSH!

I left the site, and tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep because it was so scary. The next day, I filed a lawsuit to the developers of the VPN. It turns out that there were alternate ending to every film on the server. The VPN was shut down that day. I was still so shocked that I threw away my TV in the fear that the image would come back. I started a GoFundMe for a new TV, where I told people the whole story. Thankfully, I was able to get a new TV. I still have nightmares about that image. Part of me is relieved that the VPN is gone. The other part of me is slightly disappointed that I didn't get to see the alternate ending of WALL-E. Or Toy Story. Or Ralph Breaks The Internet. Well, that's just another story, for another day.

Credited to Grapey Works
Originally uploaded on July 1, 2020

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