Rick and Reptilian Government
Rick & Morty is linked to the government. Don't believe me? Well to get started with telling the truth, you can't trust any other person when it comes to this topic. Need proof? In a Time article about reptilians like me, they referenced the dead meme Amogus. Look!
In just the first sentence of the shown article, Time has already shown their blatant incompetence. Other news sources are no different. Just like that one homosexual snake from The Jungle Book, you should trust in me. With my legitimacy being proven, it's now time for me to tell the truth about our society:
Rick & Morty is running our already reptilian government.
In the season 3 finale, Obama is in it. This proves that since Rick is our lord and savior, Obama is beneath him. Rick in the show has interacted with extra terrestrial beings many times. You know what else could qualify as an extra terrestrial being? Reptilians. As we already know, they are running the government. But Rick is above the government.
Also, in the phrase "Rick and Morty Reptilian Government", there are enough letters in it to make the word "gay". This goes back to what I said in the beginning about trusting in me just like the homosexual snake from The Jungle Book. Snakes are reptiles. Kaa from The Jungle Book is in cahoots with Rick. The Jungle Book is owned by Disney. Disney is powerful enough to influence copyright laws right around when Mickey Mouse is supposed to become in the public domain.
This is why we all have to take a stand. In fact, I've came up with how we should. On November 30 2021, everyone that has read this needs to quit whatever they're doing and aimlessly run around in circles. It is our only hope.
Written by PeridotAmethyst
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