Sonic Dreams Collection

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Before I begin my journey, I would just like to tell you that this is a blog-type thing, and will be updated daily (If possible). So make sure to check back every once in a while!

August 24, 2015 - Make my sonic and an attempt at Eggman Origin

I was once an intern at Sega. Yes, I know, that joke's stupid and overused, but it's true. I was exploring the place when I saw a sticky note on the ground seemingly written hastily saying '' or something like that. Curious, I kept it in my pocket and told nobody about it. Later that evening, I brought it home, and typed it in. It brought me to a page saying about a leaked sonic game. Wondering what the company I had my internship at I downloaded the game, and played it.

It brought me to the main menu: A sign saying 'SONIC DREAMS COLLECTION' was at the top, with 4 games and the dates that they were made. I started with the first: Make my Sonic. Before I played, I noticed a small description of it.

'Make my sonic was SEGA's first project with MJstudios, a sonic OC (Original character) creator. MJstudio was committed to fan self-expression, believing Sonic was versatile enough to fit any genre, even sci-fi. originally, Make My Sonic was meant to create and upload avatars on SEGANET through Dreamcast. However, no future games supported this level of creativity'

After reading this, I played the game. I was brought to the main menu of it, with two options: Exit and Let Go. Of course I pressed let go!

I was meant with a screen showing sonic with a background. I could change the head size, arms and legs (though they would never be equal in size), color, name, and pose. I chose GemBox the hedgehog, and colored it green, with regular poses and sizes and stuff. After I finished, I could throw rings at him and stuff. I could even tweet it, though I don't have a Twitter. With noting else to do, I exited.

Next up was Eggman Origin. 'Little is known about EGGMAN ORIGIN, as no surviving documentation has been found. However, by digging through the code, we saw that this was an MMORPG. However, few have seen past the title screen.'

Hmm, how intriguing. When I pressed play on the game's Main Menu, Red words popped up saying 'NO NETWORK ADAPTER DETECTED.' I could not get any further. I decided to leave it a day, and pick it up tomorrow. Goodbye.

August 25, 2015 - Sonic Movie Maker

After several failed attempts this morning to get into Eggman Origin, I decided to Move on - To Sonic Movie Maker.

'Sonic Movie Maker was many years ahead of itsSonic Movie Maker was many years ahead of its time, technically speaking. MJSTUDIO envisioned a movie making program for players to explore & share their desires with the rest of the world.

Internal notes suggest that SEGA executives pulled the plug after learning about some of Sonic Movie Maker's darker subplots.

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