Squidwar'ds Suicide Part 2

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NOTE: This is google translated from a story originally written in Spanish

No, should not happen again, not after what the other time ..

Do not know how I'm going to put up with this, it's stronger than me, yet I will tell you and then ... no, you may need psychiatric and psychological help ...

Took to recover those who saw the episode Suicide Squidward, I dreamed every night with those children being slaughtered and dismembered ... The truth is that after these pictures were erased from my mind, and I had the memory of that episode as a distant nightmare ...

A couple of days ago we were with some inmates awaiting the arrival of an episode to correct the sound and stuff, we were almost all that time we were, witnessing this terrible episode. Except for one or two, who resigned, and never heard of them again ...

The episode came and read the title, it was called "Krusty party", which not notice but after notary is that label was superimposed over another ...

Prepare equipment and place the Cd, and when we were all around the screen put Play, began the common presentation of all episodes, and everything seemed normal, until I get to the part where the pirate picture laughs at the end , what happened is that the pirate did not laugh, but said, "there is nothing but pain" in an unrecognizable voice. We were very surprised, and even one threw a cry, however we decided to continue watching the video, the episode was called "Suicide squidward, Part 2.".

One of the internal vomiting, another escaped screaming from the room, but finally decided to see the video. The chapter began with a view SpongeBob sleeping, he looked badly drawn and animation was cut a little, the sound of snoring classics was replaced by actual snoring. He was showing the camera for a minute sponge bob asleep when a white flash was as if missing a frame not want to, but turned back and saw the frame.

He was a child, was tied to a chair and had a necklace to his head stuck to the chair. One inmate told me to take and that video, but I kept playing it. Suddenly there was an explosion, the sound of a gunshot, from the house of Squidward, this raises a bob and animation short ... resumes when bob is coming out of his house, fully badly drawn, a very poor animation without sound some, the animation is cut and a video appears.

The boy tied to the chair is crying, and nothing comes a man with a drill, man is unrecognizable, his face is completely disfigured. Take a girl from behind the camera and hits furiously with drill, then turn it on and head punches. One inmate fainted, another vomited on the board, others, including myself, were mute.

Video with a shot of baby strapped screaming is short, and returned to where SpongeBob going to the house of Patrick, cut back and images are displayed random images dismembered people, pictures of holocaust too gores to pass them on magazines and various atrocities.

Back to animation and sees SpongeBob Patrick playing rock, hits it goes patrick, all done with a very poor quality animation and sound very bad, a patrician notice it very sad to see Bob says "he's done, right?". The voice is terribly disturbing, it is impossible to know if it came from a man or a woman. Bob replied "I think so, but hey, everyone will come to us too." With similar to the patrician voice.

It gets to cut the animation and see the child tied screaming his lungs, and the disfigured man bringing you drill in the face and alejandoselo, again and again ... Back to animation and now looks to Bob and Patrick in the house Squidward, which is very realistic and can be seen in the walls pictures of children crying.

Squidward reach the room and looks bloody walls, and Squidward's body on the floor, the camera focuses and is changed into the body of a dead woman, as if they had superimposed a picture at that time. Animation short and now is the man disfigured leg piercing the child with the drill, this is faint, but suddenly wakes up and starts screaming.

Back animation and sees Bob taking the shotgun pointed at Squidward and Patrick, a voiceover saying "Do it," Bob shoots and head of Patricio is flying around the room listening. The animation is then cut and looks at the dead child, and man piercing drill head, the man looks at the camera, gives him a smile with what little is left of mouth and breaks the camera.

The last scene is Bob sitting on the edge of the window, crying, suddenly a hand pushes and falls to the ground when focus to Bob, is smiling in a pool of his own blood.

I heard that one of my classmates committed suicide and two are hospitalized, we show the tape to the police and said they would seek the man in the tape, I for one, hope that by injecting this substance is me forget all those memories

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