Super Mario's Sushi Store
This is me trying to create a Creepypasta. I 100% know it will suck, so I'm making it here so you guys can act like it sucked absolute ass. If you DO think it's good, I'll upload it elsewhere. Help me out here guys!
Also, if you do need to delete this, copy and pasta the story on my talk page so I can re-edit!
Konechiwa (こねちわ) my fellow readers! I recently went to a Japanese themed park, with Japanese speaking workers and everything. I decided I would buy some stuff. I bought a Jujitsu Kaisen shirt, a Pokemon hat, and a very interesting game. The game in question was titled: "Super Mario's Sushi Store", for the Nintendo Switch. I was very interested in the fact that this could very well be an unreleased Mario Game. I took it up to the cashier and paid for it, all while saying arigato (ありがと). I took the game, along with my other stuff, home.
When I got home, I immediately put the game cartridge into my Switch. I turned the Switch on, tapped those silly round buttons three times and went straight to the game. The thumbnail was about what you would expect. Mario was in a chef's hat, cutting sushi. The other customers around him were eating the sushi and having conversations. I was thrilled! I got this new, unreleased Mario game, and no one even knew about it! I was so happy to play the game, but first I wanted to check for viruses, just incase it wasn't Nintendo. To my surprise, nothing showed up, and so I continued on into the game.
When I got to the title screen of the game, I was amazed. The graphics were amazing! In my opinion Nintendo doesn't have good graphics, so seeing this... well it shocked me! In the middle of the sushi filled title screen was a big green play button, which I clicked. A cutscene played, and it showed Mario getting ready to set up shop. His brother Luigi comes in and asks what Mario is doing. Mario's response is weird: "Don't worry brother, I am just getting us the meat." I was suspicious of Mario's sentence and considered closing out of the game, but chose not to because of how I didn't find an viruses within the game. But, I did decide to skip through the rest of the cutscene, just in case. I was greeted by Mario at his sushi store counter. Instructions appeared on the screen, saying that I needed to feed at least 3 customers to win. And less and Mario would have to close down his store. I was ready to start, and almost like the game heard me, it started round one.
The first customer walked in, and it was Goomba. I always wondered how Goomba managed to drink or eat stuff. That one tricycle minigame from Super Mario Party would always have me laughing. Anyway, and baked the sushi, needing good reaction time, and then served it up to Goomba. While taking the sushi I made him, he made those silly Goomba sounds. While Goomba started to sit down and eat, I got my next customer. Toad walked in, looking as cool as always. I had always loved Toad. One of my favorites. Although... he did look a bit different. His mouth was purple, and the dots on his hat became green. I was definitely suspicious of this game now.
Even though I was quite suspicious of this game, I still made Toads sushi, all the thrill of playing an unreleased game was too unbearable for me. Again, I had to prepare and serve the sushi, which I did with buttons and joystick. Just like last time, Toad got the sushi and sat down with it. Except, unlike last time, Toad turned into almost what seemed like an actual mushroom when he started to take a sip. His whole face melted, then his body. Toad was now nothing but mush. Goomba, absolutely shocked to the core by this, runs away, and moments later, it pans out of the store and into where Goomba is. Or, should I say, was. Goomba, just like Toad, was turned into a pile of mush.
At this point, I'm done with this game. I am scared for my literal life now. I try to turn the Switch off, but it doesn't let me. Mario gives me a twisted look. "Why... why do you do this!?" I scream at my Switch, thinking it would somehow hear me. "Fun." Mario replies. "YOU THINK KILLING YOUR FRIENDS IS FUN!? YOU FRICKING MADMAN!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. But... what the hell could I do at this point? The only way for it to stop is for me to finish the game. Mario is still at the counter, acting like nothing happened. But I do. Under those innocent eyes, Mario is a killer. A coldhearted killer. And he doesn't even care. So I keep playing. I have to. How else will I escape this sushi hell...?
The last "victim" comes in. It's Luigi. "No way... not Luigi..." I say to myself. There is no way that Mario would kill Luigi... right? Luigi asks for some sushi, and Mario starts making it for him. Luigi doesn't know that his brother, his best friend, is about to kill him. I reluctantly tap the correct buttons, perform the right motions and finish making Luigi's final meal. Luigi takes the sushi, and I watch, crying- bawling even, how Luigi looks up to his brother, says: "Mario, how could you...", and falls to the floor, dead. I tearfully watch as Mario hops up, goes around the counter, and looks up at the screen. It's almost like he sees me here... "That was fun! Mario loves making sushi with you!" Mario says. I don't know when this hellish game ends, but I will keep pushing forward until I get out of this hellish nightmare.
But until I do, there will always be more customers for Mario to serve. Why don't you enjoy it with them?
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