The Number Randomizer Theory

You have all heard of these popular "number randomizers", right? Sites like Well, they are not what they seem. is one of the main distributors of weed and other illegal drugs, promotes satanism, and hides satanic messages in songs. Don't believe me? Put in "665" as the Minimum in the number generator, and "667" as the Maximum, and 33% of the time, the number will be 666.
As for the drug manufacturing, they are the leading cause of death in the United Kingdom, United States, China, and all other countries. Why? Simple, really. They manufacture methamphetamine, cocaine, weed, and practically any other drug you can think of. "Why would they do such a horrible thing?", you may ask. For starters, it is a "nonprofit" website. How do you think they stay on the Internet? Second of all, if you put the "O" in the logo on top of the period, it resembles a leaf of pot.
As for the hidden satanic lyrics, the creator was the record producer of Led Zeppelin. He was so angry at Robert Plant, the lead singer, because he had just signed a deal with another record company. He hid the messages in the song using an early prototype website, called "".
Never use this satanic website, I am warning you.
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