The Simpsons Hit and Run: Evil Edition
A few days ago, I was watching the critically acclaimed Pixar movie Over the Hedge 2 on my computer, when I suddenly remembered a game from my chilledhood called The Sinpons Hit n Run. I really liked that game and wanted to play it again, so I paused Ice Age 6 and opened a new tab and tried to find a free copy of the game which I can downlod unto my PC.
I went to a schechy website and tried to download it but I got a virus instead wich forced me to pay them a billion dollars or something in ondor one hour or they'll delete all the philes on my computor makeing it a glorified paper wait. I didnt have all that money so that ment my PC was a goner. I through my cumpooturd out my window because I wasn't gonna weight for all the philes to get deleted, and after that, I went to get a copy of it on my PS2 (yes I still have one,) instead.
I went to EB Games (That's what GameStop is called in Australia,) to get a copey, but they didn't have one, so I had to get one from the Evil EB Games down the street. I asked the guy at the counter if they had a copy and he said "Yes, but it's EVIL!" I was kinda put off by that, but it was only $10, so I bought it.
When got home and played it, nothing seemed off at first. In fact, nothing WAS off. It was the eggsackt same game except for the skeleton that pops out onse in a while, but that only startles me and nothing ulse. The only strange thing that happened was AFTER I finished the game.
When I fully completed the game the same day I bought it (because im cool,) HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD WAS COMING OUT OF MY HAND!!! But then I remembered that was just because I accidentally cut myself while makeing a samwich before playimg the game and I just forgot to put a bandaid on it.
I went back to the Evil EB Games to ak them why the game was so evil. The guy at the countre respundid with "Because this is just a normal EB Games and all of the evil stuff is just a guerrilla marketing campaign for an upcoming EB Games horror movie." "Oh, that makes sense!" I replide, "But that still doesn't explane the skeleton that pops out occasionally." "That's just because you got cursed by the virus you installed onto your computer yesterday." The employee told me.
I loked behined myself and saw my old computer behind me with the timer from the viris playong on screen. There was only 5 secunds left, and wen the timer whent to zero, a horrid creecher rezumbling Homer Simpson jumped outta the screen and murderd me to death, just like how I murdered Marge.
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