The Simpsons Is the Worst Animated Show to Air
The show has always been and will continue to be a monument to gross gluttony, alcoholism, child neglect, poor relationships, and the unfulfillment of gifted children.
There is nothing amusing about an incompetent failure stumbling to the top (by pure luck) while continuously cramming his outstretched gullet with donuts and beer. Homer Simpson has been an Astronaut, a CEO, Mayor, a Union Lead, and owned the Denver Broncos and not once during this time did he make any meaningful change or become lovable in anyway.
His wife, Marge, who is regularly seen as "too good for Homer" is busy stuck at home taking care of three children and forced to clean up his antics. Her constant "nagging" and insistence he stop drinking is for his betterment and yet she is played to be the overbearing wife. He constantly puts her in stressful situations and leaves her the mess while he passes out drunk again or crushes his daughters dreams.
Poor Lisa, who is constantly shown to be the gifted child, is constantly held back by a moronic father figure and a brother looking for attention he isn't getting from Homer. Rather than nurture Lisa's gift and encourage her, he tells her not to strive for greatness, but contentment. He doesn't pretend to care for her musical talent and always finds a way to ruin her intelectual competitions.
Bart, an excitable child, is treated as a nuisance and written off by his family. He does poorly in school not because he's stupid, but because he has too much energy to sit still and acts out to get the attention he's lacking at home. When introduced to a topic like Chemistry he shows extreme aptitude and excels with chemical reactions. When his parents catch wind of this they assume the worst rather than encourage it. Even until the end of the episode his principle calls the cops on him. A grown man leaves an anonymous tip to the police that a child studying a proper scientific field and has three armed officers confront him in front of the whole town.
Does Homer ignore his wife, disappoint his oldest daughter and neglect his youngest, Maggie, because he's constantly worn out from a hard days work? Not even close. In fact, he's regularly seen lounging at his job as a safety inspector for a Nuclear Power Plant inhaling donuts, kicking his feet up, and sleeping. Through all of that, of course, he keeps his cushy job doing nothing all day and still complains when he gets home that he's tired. Not too tired to strangle his son though! Rather than spend a modicum of time that could be spent playing with his son giving him the attention and care he needs and craves, he spends it drinking, cramming his face, drooling about cramming his face, or sleeping where he's dreaming about drinking and cramming his fat fucking face. When Bart inevitably acts out like any boy without a father does, he's punished at school and punished at home. No talks about why what he did was wrong, no time outs, no making him clean his mess, just grumbling and strangling. Does that sound like the actions of a man anyone should find amusing?
Does any of this sound amusing to you? If he was real would you still laugh? Or would you think "what a lazy sack of shit somebody needs to call CPS"
At least Family Guy tried pushing the envelope in its early years.
Oh, wait, no. That show is just as bad. Thank you Simpsons for inspiring several spin offs and rip offs just as awful and stomach churning as you. May your testament to crude humor, unrepentant gluttony, unhappy marriages, child abuse and neglect be remembered as the horrible waste of air time it always has been.
Edit: A lot of y'all are under the assumption I don't understand social commentary. Let me assure you I'm well aware and will be adding unoriginal to the list of things to hate about the show.
Edit 2: "No see it's funny because it mocks society" you're right you're absolutely right it is a reflection of modern day society. In one way. A grubby unwashed over filtered reflection that adds no commentary nothing to add just "look this you". It's an unoriginal concept that Married with Children did better without taking itself so seriously. The Simpsons is bad because it's vain. It thinks it's original and can skate by just showing us what we already know and clings to reality rather than mocks it. That's why the tree house of horrors (I think that's the name) is so good it doesn't take itself seriously it's just fun.
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