
I love to read trollpasta.
I first found out about this wiki from HoodoHolums' bad creepypasta readings. I don't remember where I found the new version, but I think it was just me searching up "trollpasta wiki" after the original wiki's shutdown.
I also have other accounts on websites check em' out on
BFDI, PhantomStrider, LS Mark, Cartoonshi, HoodoHoodlumsRevenge, Danno Cal Draws, ToadBup, Caddicarus, LuciLillium, TADC, theoriginalalex, Alpha Jay Show, M80Marc, Chazington, Marikplier, DanTDM, EthanGamerTV & MattShea are pretty cool. Check 'em out
Elf and Home Alone?
SpongeBob's fine
Weird Al, Kevin Temmer as well most music from video games.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Baldi's Basics, Pizza Tower, Super Mario, PvZ, Dadish, Robert Alvarez's games & Angry Birds (including Slingshot Frenzy).
I've only ever read one, and it don't find it that good.
Sandwiches, and those pico-pizzas from Lidl.
Water, sometimes juice, but mostly water.
No way,
Never revealing, Croatia
30 November 0109
go here:
Oops, sorry, totally forgot.
Not feeling like typing it.
I write junk, that's mostly it.
I posted a story on here called "Mickey's Stoneds", but it was CRINGE and UNFUNNY, so the Trollpasta admins hired Jeff the killer to kill it
Not dead stories: