Animal Crossing No Horizons

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Dis is wat TOM NOOK was look lik k?

this is the end the end of days the end of days is finally upon us the world shall be disolved into ashes there is no hope not even the just man is safe the dark void awaits us

i never thought it would end this way so here it goes.

ok so ima total cclassic aminal crossing fan was play bak on d NES daz rit i got a beta vershin bak n d day im that much of a 90s kid lol i am not lying about dat by teh way i was born on december 32nd 1999 also not lying about dat. anyway i was get and play aminal crosin new horizons was fun and grate times wer had and i was lik how u kan do stuf lik talk 2 d vilajers and stuf such great updates anyway i was upgrade my house and d final upgrad loan was 9001 and i was lik LOL HE ALREDY DONE D WORK SO I WIL NEVR PAY HIM BAK! i was play 4 several munths afterward and al was good.

as dey say kafrizzlfritz happen and stuf in my life occur my mama desided 2 send me 2 a mental instituiton after i 8 my dogs food 4 lik the 19th time it was good yo and i no my mama send me der just so she kud hav it all but daz beside d point. anyway dat happen and i was forced 2 stay 4 lik a lot of time lik a year or sumthing but i finally get bak hom 2 play my acnh

i was turn on d gam and 4 a split sekund it said ANIMIAL CROSSING NO HORIZONS but they gave me a lot of drugs n d booby hatch so i was lik LOL HALLUSINASHIN my imaginary frend dat i made wil i was der agreed and said i was a good person and can do watevr i want wif my life and i was not a murderr and i should keep playing so i did. it said GAM KORRUPT UR ILAND WAS EATEN BY YOOGG-SARANXX START NEW FILE NOW. i was devistated but i did not no ho yoogg-saranxx was so i googled him on ebay adn it said something about it being the arch-maw of this thing called c'shan idk lol it was lik a church website 4 sum cult i just tot it was another hallusinashin bUT my imaginary friend said it was 4 real and that i was in danger i ignored him and he divorced me lol

so i was play and seen d rakoon kids haden weird eyes and said HELLO CHARLES MANSON WE HAV BEEN EXPECTING U how did dey no my name? my name was just alwas POOP anyway it skipped d intro and my karaker wa hyperrealistikly look lik me and i was lik OK i startt and tom nok said U HAV MUCH NERVE TO SHOW UR FACE IN A PLACE LIKE DIS AGAIN HM? AL OF UR OTHR VILAGERS WER BRUTALLY ETEN BEKUZ OF U i was like I DONT I DONT WAT 2 BE VEGAN MAN just den my imajinary mother who i made wil in d mental institushin kam in shes d bad bad evl wispery person she said DO IT EET D FLESH! tom nok said SON DAT IS NOT AT AL WAT I WAS TALKIN ABOUT! U IT IS BEKUZ OF U DAT YOOGG-SARAANX 8 UR VILAGERS Y U TALKIN ABOUT VEGANISM? i said LOL DIS IS WILD TRIP YO KID CHECK DIS OUT i was taking 2 nobody i hav no idea ho i waz talkin 2 my real mom den kam in and said U R CRAZIER NOW DAN B4 I AM GOING 2 HAV 2 SEND U BAK i said ROFLMAO she siad AND NOW U HAV MAD UP A LANGUAGE i said U CANNOT SEND ME BAK IF U R DEAD DEAD BODIES CANT SEND PPL 2 MENTAL INSTITUTIONS i den got d shot gun out of d closet and she said LOL I WAS JUST KIDDING PUT DAT DOWN imaginary mom said GIV HER D PILLS so i mad her eet my pils and she was den seen al d stuf i did and she siad U- U MAD AN IMAGINARY MOM? FINE I SHALL MAK AN IMAGINARY SON but a message appeared and said U DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION 2 USE DAT COMMAND but it was n reel lif it was revealed by tom nok he said YES VERY GOOD D PLAN WORKED PERFECTLY D PILLS FROM D MENTAL INSTITUTION HAV MAD U BOF ENTER D GAME DAMENSHIN AND U R NOW IN MINCRAFT imaginary mom said WOW EPILLS REEEEEEEEEEEEEE tom nook said YES BUT U SEE I AM D GM FOR I AM PATRIXX i was lik OH LIK FROM D CHURCH WEBSITE I LOKED AT UR GOOD MAN? he siad I WOULD NOT CALL MYSELF GOOD I AM GOOD UNTO C'SHAN BUT 2 U I AM UR WORST NITMARE

next day i was wak up it was all a dream i get on my aminal crossing and it was normal again but i go in2 tom nook tent and he was floating and had dos weird eyes again he said U DID NOT PAY UR 9001 FINE GOOD SON! i said WAT? he said REMEMBER ALL D STUF FRUM YESTERDAY DAT WAS A WARNIGN OF WAT KUD HAPPEN PAY D 9001 OR U SHAL HAV DAT FATE i said IT KINDA  COOL AKSHUALLY I LIKE NOT KNOWING WATS GOING ON IN MY LIFE he siad VERY GOOD DEN I SHALL TELL U WAT IS GOING ON U R ON DOWNWARD SPIRAL ITNO D STOMACH OF C'SHAN! U AHV BEEN DEVOURED AND SOON U SHALL MEET UR END AND BE DIGESTED 4 ETERNITY i was lik OK BUT IS THAT BAD? patrixx got a DOOD UR SO RETARTED LOOK ON HIS FACE and i said I GET DAT LOOK A LOT patrixx said UR NO FUN 2 STOOPED 4 ME UR NOTHIGN BUT FEED 4 D MAW OF C'SHAN I MUST BRAINWASH U FURTHER! den a hypereralistk kutsene played of YOOGG-SARANXX eatin my iland it was funny untill i seen ANKA get eeten she was get blud evrywear and i was sad kuz d aminashin did not hav hypererealistik boobes and buttox and i skreem and lament of my sorrow PATRIXX said YES DAT IS WAT I AM TALKIN ABOUT U STPED MAN NOW DO U SEE WAT U HAVE DONE? SOON UR WORLD SHAL BE ALSO ETEN BY YOOGG-SARANXX i said BUT ANKA IS ALREADY DEAD SO ALL IS  LOST BEKUS IN THE END NOTHIN ELSE REALLY MATTER I TRIED SO HARD AND GOT SO FAR BUT IN D END IT DOESNT REALLY MATTER

authors note:

dont u tink dat song iS cool? u agree dont u anderson?

anyway PATRIXX sadi MAYBE DIS WIL MAK U KAR he turn evryting n d real world into anka but it all started melding and i said OK DAZ IT PATRIXX IM KALLIN FATTY i caled but it was anka but she was being slow disolved i herd d aminal crossing voice skreeming 4 helped patrixx facepalmed so hard his hed flew off he said FATTY? U TINK HE CAN SAV U? LOL JUST DIE ALREADY it was den dat i was engulfed n d acid of c'shan and i was engulfed in tis enclosure and i was lik OUCHIES and PATRIXX said OUCHIES!? SON TODAY U R GOING 2 KIL ME and i said BUT I TOT U KUD NOT DIE he siad INDEED BUT U R TESTING ME PERHAPS U R A CREATUER OF C'SHAN SSENT 2 ENSURE DAT I WAS DOING MY DUTY SATISFATORILY i said WATS DAT? WHO C'SHAN? he siad I WILL ENTERTAIN U NO LONGER and i was deeper n d stumak asid and dead

p.s. beign ded rly suks but was is worse was seing d anak ded kuz shes n here 2 i rekon kuz i keep seeing an imaG of her but maybe not i hope dat dis teaches u a lesson about dog food its good but dont eet it kuz u wil get sent 2 d  mantal enstatushin is dat even d message? idk anymore d guy behind u kan prabably tell u

ur next k?  4 rels

t nd

p.s. be sur 2 lik al my odr stories and shar wif al ur frend subskribe 2 my frend YURILOLG he play fnaf real good and also i dont just tru skary tings dat happen 2 me i also rit lezbian amine fanfiks u goota se dat shit k? i tink maybe daz y dis shan dood doesnt like me idk patrixx wont talk 2 me anymor i gav him a test i wondr wat his grad was


install honey it burns down here dont kum 2 sav me i die lik warrior also hav u ever herd of grammerly? i dont use it or know wat it is but dey said dey wud giv me a dime every time i said id dey being my imaginary google adsense representative who is coinsadentally my imaginary mom she's like 12 ur mom lol

ok now ur next

t nd

what is even d end man by teh way did u get a load of dat kid who rot d zombie oogie story? man eh wa sa little twerp




Written by Church of C'Shan
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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