CN Real lost episodes

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Uploader's note: Quick disclaimer here that i can not tell if this is a actual creepypasta or not so please tell me.

Part 1: Buying the disk

I am a Disney cartoon super fan. I love The Owl House, Amphibia and The Ghost and Molly Mcgee. I hope Hailey's On It is atleast solid. However that was not always the case. I used to love Cartoon Network. Wait, not Cartoon Network. I meant.... CN Real. Yes really. Do NOT worry, I absolutely hate it upon watching those shows again. Also, yes i watched and initially liked the other live action tv shows (Level Up, Tower Prep, Incredible Crew, ETC) that were not from CN Real (yes, i hate those too nowadays, the worst one being Incredible Crew solely for "Hot-Dog Flavored Breakfest" and "Morning Mustard". Seriously that is gross.). One day, i died and then came back to life at 3AM. I woke up at a random convenience store and saw a text saying "F*CK YO WSDPWE SOWENASN GOING FIND A CN RREAL DISK OR ELSF YOU DHHODOIEADWHSOIUFHEWO*I&FHUSERUIDFSHOEIURWHFOIUEWHRUFHEIOWUFEUR". I could not tell what my mom was saying but i think she was saying to get a CN Real disk or else... something. What the hell, My Mom has the best grammer ever, how did she...!? Whateves. Anyways, i got CN Real disk and bought it. The store manager try to tell me something but then i got another text from my mom which said "my grammer 9is ameizinf suht mye fukc pu". No her grammer was terrible, kinda like Echo from Oddballs.

Part 2: Watching the generic shock episodes.

Going home to play the disk, i found a VHR player and found out that the disk apparently turned into a VHR. How...? I literally never played a VHR. IT'S 2023 FOR F*CK'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I put the VHR into the player and the run begins with a ad for Cuties. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! THAT Cuties!? The Cuties movie that involved sexualizing young girls AND had tons of young girls audition with twerking!? THAT Cuties!? But then the ad ended because it's a coward and now i am on a goverment watchlist, which is probably gonna haunt me in a few years. Speeding up all the ads and commercials i had to face, i then finally get to the lost scenes. The first is from Brainrush, where there is a scene where the track breaks, causing the coaster to fall off the rails and explode , killing all of those who rode it. The second one is from Dude, What Would Happen, where the group try to discover what happens when you fall into a black hole. They are in space with helmets and are next to a black hole. They are sucked in a few seconds later and so is the camera, causing the episode to end. That was the only time a truly dangerous thing is tested and it had a death risk. R.I.P Ali Sepasyar, Jackson Rogow and CJ Manigo. Then Destroy Build Destroy where a kid from one of the groups is helping build and then a wooden plank falls on her, killing her. Everyone screams and the groups run away. Andrew W.K. gets a gun and tries to shoot the kids and accidentally shoots a bomb. A big flash occurs and it cuts to Level Up, despite not being a part of the block. The main group try to fight Maldark, the main villain of the show, but it is unsuccessful and Maldark kills them. Tower Prep then came on and Odin, the main villain of the show, gives a speech about how he has won. His guards then came in and kill Ian Archer and all his friends. Finally, Incredible Crew came on and the said crew drink some water, only to find out it is poison and then they melt to death... and so did the entire world (The world in that show, not my world). Like the show in general, that was pretty dumb. I am a very tough pickle so nothing scared me. Also, it was really just shock value. I shot the TV and gave the disk to Joe Biden so he could dispose of it. Don't ask. I was given 50 dollars for finding it and i got a new TV. As for my mom, apparently that was a hacker luring me into getting the disk. As for the whole killing, I found out via hospital that i just got a little heart attack and whilest the doctors revived me, a shooting happened and the doctors wheeled me to a convenience store (why...?) to fight off the shooters and i lost my memory on how I died. And the owner told me to take the disk to Biden but the text distracted me. As for the VHR, i still have no idea. I was happy with life and I will live it to my fullest potential till the day I die. The end.

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