Gold's Revenge

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I woke up today wondering where my Gold game was for the Gameboy Color. I looked all around the house and there it was! Laying on my desk... "Well, whatever" I thought, ignoring the fact that I already looked there multiple times. I loaded it in and turned it on.

Backstory time! I was about seven when I stopped playing Gold. My trainer, KAMON (all caps) had a level 84 Typhlosion named Angel, a level 87 Celebi named Bugger, a level 79 Furret named Kitten (I loved cats), a level 76 Beedrill named Bebe, a level 70 Pidgeot named Feather, and a level 75 Shiny Togetic named Kike. I loved them to death and beyond, but I forgot all about them until today.

When it turned on I was on Mt. Silver, in front of Red. I checked my party of Pokémon to find that I only had Feather at 5 HP.

I flew on Feather back to the Pokémon League to heal my Pokémon but Nurse Joy wouldn't heal them, she only said "Oh dear, you need to be nicer to your Pokémon,"

so I bought some Hyper Potions and Revives. Once my team was back to full health I went out to Mt. Silver, only there was no music. I was unnerved now. "It must be a glitch" I told myself, and continued on.

There were no wild encounters either, making it all the more eerie. Then once at the summit the Gameboy made strange beeping noises sounding fimilar but I couldn't place the tune. Then I went to battle Red, but more strange beeps and what sounded like Lavender Town music played backwards was the battle music.

I panicked when he sent out his Charizard. It had black holes in its body which were dripping with blood, its eyes were black with irises that seemed to burn my soul. Its wing was ripped and its cry was mournful and distorted. I sent out Feather and quickly defeated it. His Blastoise was even worse. There was blood coming from its eyes and it's sprite was black and white with bigger holes and it's cry was even worse, it sounded like a tortured scream. I switched to Celebi and barely won.

The other Pokémon were so much worse. Then I was fighting Pikachu last, its demented smile and terrifying cry were enough to make me scream... But no sound came out.... Then there was blood everywhere. I ran to the bathroom mirror and what I saw was worse than any of Red's Pokémon.

I heard a voice "Finish the battle Alexis. FINISH IT!"

I walked over to my Gameboy and picked it up. There was a messageL

" I'm waiting..."

I sent out Angel and used Flamethrower. It almost got it.

"PIKACHU used Curse on Alexis!" I screamed a blood curdling scream, I was in so much pain.

I collapsed on the ground... Dead. And the last words on the Gameboy were "PIKACHU used Revenge!"

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