Teletubbies: The Bear & Lion Magical Event (Alternate Ending)

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Do you guys remember the original sketch of the "Bear & Lion" Magical Event from the episodes like See-Saw, Dirty Dog, Paddling Pool, Leaves and other episodes that has the original sketch of the magical event?

If you do, then you must've been wondering about what happened after the magical event.

Was the bear still being chased by the lion?

Or did the bear ended up getting eaten by the lion?

All of those questions are sky high & still haven't been solved.

20 years later in 2021 (20 years after the classic Teletubbies ended) I went to my local video store to see what will interest me or not.

I went to the DVD section to see what I can buy with my graduation money.

And I found something that caught my eye, I looked at the case and it said (Teletubbies Classics: Fan Favorite's)

I was quite surprised when I found a Teletubbies in stock, and the DVD was $5 which was a good deal.

I went to the cashier, placed down the DVD case, and the cashier scanned the DVD, I gave her $5 to pay for it.

She gave me the DVD when I gave her the money.

The cashier smiled at me and said "Have a good day!"

"You too, ma'am" I said

And I took the bus back home because I'm not ready to drive yet.

When I got back home, my mom said that she'll be going to my dad's job for a couple of hours.

And she said "Do you want me to order pizza while I'm gone?"

And I said "No thanks, I'll make something to eat"

My mom said "Ok, I'll see you soon." then she closed the door

After she left, I started to cook a Chicken Pot Pie for lunch.

And after lunch, I started to insert the 1st Volume disc into my PlayStation 4.

I was so happy to re-watch my all time favorite show from my childhood.

After I watched the first 3 episode's from volume 1, I was in tears with nostalgia.

When the episode (Dirty Dog) started, the intro was normal like the other episodes.

But when after the Voice Trumpet was being raised up, instead of saying "Where have the teletubbies gone?" It said "The bear and the lion are coming to get them"

I was shocked from what the Voice Trumpet said, but I still carried on with the episode.

Everything was normal until the windmill started to spin for the bear and lion magical event after the puddle dance.

Then the magical event started and everything was normal as well, after the lion said "There's the bear."

The bear said "Catch me!" and the lion started to chase the bear over the hills like it was the end of the magical event.

But something wasn't right, After the teletubbies said "All gone." The lion came back saying "Looks like I won't be having the bear for tonight, I guess I'll have to eat all of you 4 creatures instead!" said the lion

The teletubbies screamed at the top of they're lungs saying "RUN AWAY!!!!!!" and they started to run away from the lion.

And the lion started to laugh maniacally while chasing them.

The teletubbies started to hide from behind the trees, and the lion was nowhere to be in sight.

The teletubbies sighed that they were safe, but unfortunately the bear snuck up behind the teletubbies.

And the bear said "I'm the bear, I'm the bear, and I just found you."

First, the bear started to slice Dipsy in half with her claws and blood was leaking onto the grass from his sliced body.

Then the bear started to eat Dipsy's organs, and I can't handle what I'm seeing right now, I pressed the X button to pause the episode on my controller, and I went to the bathroom to vomit into the toilet.

I went back to my room, I un-paused the episode.

When the bear was done eating the dead body, she said "Who's next?"

The 3 remaining teletubbies ran away from the bear, but when Tinky Winky, Laa-Laa & Po started to go inside the house, Po was accidentally bumped into Noo-Noo's vaccum and the Noo-Noo started to suck up Po's body, and I can hear her bones cracking while she was screaming, she doesn't scream in a cartoony scream, it sounded like her actress who was actually screaming in agony.

After Po was being sucked into Noo-Noo's body, the Noo-Noo's body was starting to shake like he was gonna explode.

And he exploded into nothing but piece's of metal, Po's body looked ok, but there were some incoming pieces of Noo-Noo stabbing onto her chest, arms, and even her eyes, and they started to bleed.

I was like "Oh my god" in a quiet tone of voice.

Then Laa-Laa ran outside trying to get away from the 2 serial killers, the lion appeared in front of her and he said "Do you like to be cooked into lion meal?"

"N-no." Said Laa-Laa whimpering

"Well that's too bad, your about to be cooked alive!" Said the lion

"Hey, Bear can you bring me a microwave please?" said the lion

"Here's the microwave." Said the bear

The bear then opened the door, and the lion threw Laa-Laa into the microwave, the bear closed the door and started the timer for 60 seconds.

Laa-Laa was screaming while she was melting in the microwave, after the timer was over, the lion started to eat Laa-Laa's melted body.

And Tinky Winky was the only one left who has to escape.

The lion grabbed Tinky Winky from his mouth and starts bringing him to the windmill that was spinning so fast.

Tinky Winky said "Please don't kill me, I'll do anything you want if you let me go."

"Sorry, but I got a buffet to enjoy for tonight." Said the lion

Then the lion threw Tinky Winky onto the windmill's blades and blood was going everywhere while being shredded by the blades and turning into pieces.

The sun baby was crying after the teletubbies were being killed, and it looked like Jess Smith who was actually crying.

It then cut to Tinky Winky's head on the ground not being shredded.

The bear sliced Tinky Winky's head in half to have 1 half to herself and the other half to the lion.

In the closing shot, we see the lion and the bear laughing maniacally while enjoying they're dinner.

It then cut to the Tubby Bye-Bye segment, But instead of the voice trumpet saying "Time for Tubby Bye-Bye" 3 times

The voice trumpet said "The Teletubbies have gone Tubby Bye-Bye forever and I told you they were going to get them."

I was completely shocked from this version of the bear and lion magical event.

It then cut to the sun baby still crying during the credits and being set.

Then the episode ended and goes to the next episode.

I can't watch the next episode after what I've just seen, I ejected the disc from my PlayStation 4 and I was gonna smash it, but I don't want to waste my money from my purchase.

So instead, I putted the DVD back in its case and don't go back to the episode.

I can't help myself but crying that I've seen the scariest version of the bear and lion magical event.

If you find an episode from your childhood TV Show with the lost version of the bear and lion magical event, stay away from it and don't watch it.

Credited to M&SFAN 768 Wiki 
Originally uploaded on July 7, 2021

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