Bingo's Depression

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Revision as of 12:20, 31 March 2022 by Thermometer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Bluey was trying to live a happy life with a stable family. Now, that's incredibly hard to do. Especially if you have an annoying sister by your side that won't leave you the hell alone! Not to mention that you live in a 2D animated world and not reality. You think that reality is just a myth and that your world is the most important thing to you. Your friends are actually figments of imagination, and your parents just don't exist anymore. You get very little sleep and...")
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Bluey was trying to live a happy life with a stable family. Now, that's incredibly hard to do. Especially if you have an annoying sister by your side that won't leave you the hell alone! Not to mention that you live in a 2D animated world and not reality. You think that reality is just a myth and that your world is the most important thing to you.

Your friends are actually figments of imagination, and your parents just don't exist anymore. You get very little sleep and are obsessive about your morning routine. If you get one thing wrong you have to start it all over again.

And that's the daily live of an ABC intern, my thoughts have been consuming my mind lately. I never speak them out loud, but sometimes i really have to. I've been working at ABC ever since 1996 and i've never felt more bored in my whole life. If you went to pep rallies in high school, it's like those but slightly worse.

The shows i edit are extraordinarily terrible. There's not one show on the network worth editing in my opinion. Mostly due to the fact that it's basically news and shit like that, i basically fall asleep during the middle of the process.

One show that's a pain in the ass to edit, is Bluey.

It's known as "the greatest thing to ever hit Aussie screens" but it's not. It's basically every single kids show ever but with animated dogs in it. Here's a quick synopsis for anyone who doesn't plan on watching the show:

Bluey follows the adventures of a lovable and inexhaustible six-year-old Blue Heeler puppy who lives with her dad, mum and four-year-old little sister, Bingo. In every episode, Bluey uses her limitless Blue Heeler energy to play elaborate games that unfold in unpredictable and hilarious ways.

But there's one thing that made my dislike for the show reach no limits. And that episode in question is Bingo's Depression.

Most know it as the unaired pilot to Bluey dating all the way back to 2014. Some people say that the animation was terrible while others were appalled by the disturbing subject matter. I, however, haven't seen it.

Well, i wish i could say i haven't seen it, but i have. Boy, that was one of the biggest mistakes of my entire existence. I'll tell you how i discovered it right now.

I was editing the movie Paranormal Activity for TV. It was an extremely long process. I had to illegally download it, i had to plaster the network's logo near the bottom of the screen etc.

My eyes started to slowly close, and then i realised that i was falling asleep. Here's one thing you need to know about working for the ABC: They don't allow people to sleep on the job. There have been a few cases where an Intern had fallen asleep in public, leading to him getting fired of course.

Just then, a nurse from one of the café rooms offered me a cup of coffee to keep me awake. The coffee itself was a darker colour then what i usually get. Nevertheless, i accepted it because i didn't want my only occupation to be at stake.

I was only halfway through the movie and i decided that i needed a break. So i left the editing room and decided to walk outside the studio. While walking on the grass, i found something a little suspicious.

It was a white VHS tape with the words "Bluey unaired pilot" on it. I was skeptical, because i've heard many horror stories about the very cartridge i was holding in my left hand. I was extremely curious to see what it looked like, so i went back inside the studio and went into the viewing room. Then i put the tape into the VCR, grabbed an ice cold Pepsi with some KFC fried chicken and began to watch.

What i saw next...totally exceeded my expectations.

The intro played, but the screen was in black and white. The audio was loud, and the Video was rather jumpy to say the least. The strange thing is that Bingo wasn't even in the intro! where could she have been?! Did another family adopt her or did she die in her sleep? I was about to find out, so i kept the questions in my head.

The episode started with Bluey playing a card game with Bandit. As far as i recall, they were playing a game of Poker because you could very clearly see money near the two ends of the table. Bluey was also drinking a beer, and Bandit was smoking a cigar. Pretty unsuitable for a children's show.

Bingo walked over to the table looking tired and very forlorn. As if she lost something special. In fear that there was going to be some scary sound effects during the episode, i decided to mute the television. I had already wet myself enough times viewing Paranormal activity.

The episode was titled "Bingo's Depression" A very down-beat title for an episode but hey, that only made it even more interesting.

Anyway, Bluey asked Bingo what the problem was and Bingo didn't really answer. Bandit then spoke to bingo, but the screen then started to glitch out. You could only see a black screen for a couple of minutes before the footage changed back to the episode. Bandit was still talking to Bingo, but he seemed very irritated and tears starting streaming down Bingo's face. Suddenly, some ominous music started to play. Which was very strange, considering that the TV was on mute.

Bingo then ran upstairs, still crying. She suddenly stopped for a couple of minutes before slowly and quietly walking to her room. The animation then started to change from 2D to CGI. As the screen glitched some more, Bingo began to draw a picture.

The camera focused on Bingo's face. She still looked very dejected, but her face slowly got more and more menacing to look at. Her face seemed to get angrier and angrier. The TV then went static. The creepy thing is, that i could hear someone singing a Lullaby in the background. i can't remember the lyrics at all. But considering what the episode was about, it obviously wasn't very pretty.

The next scene consisted of Bingo crying in the corner. The camera got progressively closer to the young canine and the animation was rather choppy as well. Everything just looked like squares, Even Bingo herself. The animation then started to constantly change from 2D to 3D until the screen went absolutely insane! Random colours then started to flash rapidly, an image then appeared on the screen. I rewinded the VHS to see what it was.

It was an old woman with her skin all wrinkled and her face scrunched up. Her arms looked like very large sticks, her skin was burnt and all of her teeth were knocked out. She had a sadistic look on her face as she pointed a knife towards the screen.

I was creeped out, what's even worse is that absolutely no one was in the studio with me at the time and i needed a key to open the door. So i was forced to watch this whole thing in the dark.

The screen cut to Bingo hysterically laughing. Her laughter was mixed with agonising screams and children crying, the sound of children crying was eventually mixed with the sound of a snarling Lion. The sound of a Snarling Lion soon faded into the sound of a Heart rate monitor, you get the idea. The scene started to play in reverse, with the sound of someone gagging being played.

Over the scene, a rather disturbing image began to flash across the screen. It consisted of a Child drowning in Gasoline with his mother watching in terror. The image started to move up and down as it was flashing. I was confused and scared, what sick freak would make something like this?! i hate Bluey with a passion, but i can't see why anyone would enjoy this!

Bingo started to slowly walk down the stairs. Surprisingly, Bluey and Bandit were still playing Poker despite the fact that it appeared to be 10:00 PM. Bingo walked towards them holding a razor blade her left hand. However, Bluey and Bandit were too busy playing their game to even realise Bingo existed. As payback for not paying attention to her, Bingo swallowed the blade. Before we can see what happens next, the screen cuts to black and a video clip plays.

It showed a Man sticking a fork in a Toaster, only to be electrocuted seconds later. His charred corpse then falls to the ground, and the screen zooms onto his face.

The episode finally ends as my TV cuts to static.

I don't know what sick son of a bitch would create such a thing? and this is coming from someone who hates bluey. It contained some of the most violent images and videos i had ever seen. If anyone find this video, can you please email it to me?

But what's even weirder is that i didn't even see what happened to Bingo in the end. I have plans to view the whole thing again, although i really shouldn't. Re-watching this damn thing will give me nightmares!

Credited to DankLordX

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