Blinx the Cat 1942

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Revision as of 19:25, 23 September 2022 by Jacough (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Trollpasta I'm a big fan of Blinx The Time Sweeper just like every one else. Unfortunately Blinx the Time Sweper was not very popular. still I love the game very much. I had all kinds of Blinx merchandise. Unfartunately not much Blinx merchandice was made since the game wasn't popuar so its all unoffcial merchandise that i had commissioned. I had Blinx the Time Sweeper posters Blinx the Time Sweeper figurines Blinx the Time Sweeper manga Blinx the Time Sweep...")
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I'm a big fan of Blinx The Time Sweeper just like every one else. Unfortunately Blinx the Time Sweper was not very popular. still I love the game very much. I had all kinds of Blinx merchandise. Unfartunately not much Blinx merchandice was made since the game wasn't popuar so its all unoffcial merchandise that i had commissioned. I had Blinx the Time Sweeper posters Blinx the Time Sweeper figurines Blinx the Time Sweeper manga Blinx the Time Sweeper novels Blinx the Time Sweper lunchboxes. I even had a Blinx dakimakura. Unfortunatelly i Didnt have an xbox so I was never able to buy a copy of Blinx The time sweeper the game. That changes one day. i Will never forget that day because it changed everything. EVERY THING

--***===chapter 1===***-

I was browsing at a anteek store one day for xBox games when i stumbeld upon an xBox. But there was something odd about this xBox. It was made of br ass and had gears on it. I didnt think much of it. I figured it was a limited time Xbox. i look at the the price tag and my draw drops. "ONE DOLLAR!!??!?!?!??!?!?!" i yelled. i frantically opened my wallet and see that I have $10. I grabbeded the Xbox and started running to the cashier but then I didn't because i Stopped by the xBox games and noticed a Blinx game on the shelf. A blinx game I had never heard off.. it was... BLINX THE TIME SWEEPER 1942!!!

i knew there had been a Sequel to Blinx the Time Sweeper but i Didn't no there was another sequel called Blinx the Time Sweeper 1942. I dropped my jaw again when i saw the price. $5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hastely grabbed it and ran to the casheer. he was a scary guy and he spoke with a dark gravely voice. he grinned a evil smile and say "this game will change your life FOREVER!!! i dont have change" i didn't care. I gave him my $10 and told him keep the change. I didn't care about the change because i FINALLY had it! a Xbox so I could really expeereens the Blinx the Time Sweeper game and i Even had a Blinx the Time Sweeper game!

i rushed home and started to set up the xBox. My dad came in my room and yelled "DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST YOU LITTLE SHIT". I did my homework. I set up the xBox and pressed the on button and put in the disk with shaky hands. finally i Would expeereens the game. the game started up and i sqeeled with delite. the intro played. I HAD TO SAVE THE PRINSESS AND SAVE TIME FROM THE EVIL TOM-TOM GANG! I started the first level and then everything I new fell apart. A Tom Tom pig yelled "GUTEN TAG" and shot Blinx in the head with a pistol. Blinx died. I screamed. Dad kicked the door open and yelled "KEEP IT DOWN YOU LITTLE BITCH" and threw a beer bottle at my head nocking me out. when i came the game was still playing and I was in charge of the pig who shot Blinx. he was in a house. A word appeared at the top of the screen. It said "KILL THE BABY" i Started crying because i didnt want to kill the baby but i killed it anyway. i Shot the baby in the face. Another word appeared at the top of the screen it said "YOU WIN"

my TV turned off and the xBox made a hiss and a pop and turned off. I shaked so much. then my dad came in and said "GUTEN TAG". i stared at him wide eyed. my dad never spoke German before. i grabbed the xbox and flipped it over. On bottom was written "FUHRER TIME BOX 1942" i screamed and rushed to my window and opened curtains. Outside everywhere was swastikas and nazis were marching in the street. i screamed and looked at my Blinx the Time Sweeper posters. hey all had Tom Tom pig gangs with swastika arm bands. i cried when i realized. The baby i killed was Winsten churchil and the xbox was actually a time masheen so i had killed Winsten Churchil wen he was a baby and made america lose World war 2. then a reelzashen hit me.

i turned to my Blinx dakimakura...

the print had changed...

blinx was no longer printed on the dakimakura looking ever so inviting and sexy...



hey guys this is my first creepypasta i worked very hard on it. there may be speling mistakes but pleese do not pay attenshen to them wen you making your revews. i have autism and disleckseeuh. leeve a coment and tel me you liked the stori.

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