Brum Lost Episode: BrumFormers

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Some of you guys might have heard of a british kids show "Brum" Brum is a show about a little yellow car name "Brum" who goes on a adventure and helps people. What if i told you that i have watched a lost episode of brum

It all started that i was walking in the streets at night time until i found a dvd of a familiar show out of nowhere, the dvd was just lying down on the ground and was not found or picked up, until i did it. The dvd was called "BrumFormers" The cover shows brum in a black background and the dvd was rated PG, which i find weird because brum is a kids show, not a pg show, i took the dvd home.

When i came home, i insert the disc into my dvd player and watch the dvd. Before the episode started, it shows a warning screen that says: "This is a unreleased episode of brum that was used to promote the transformers franchise. It also contains content that is not suitable for younger audiences. Watch at your own risk" This was the weirdest warning screen i have ever seen in a kids show.

The episode started and the intro was normal, what's actually weird about this episode is that, there was no narrators, but the episode started with Brum driving around the big town, everything was quiet, until brum saw people screaming, running and panicking. There was robots who was destroying the big town for no reasons, soldiers were going to stop the evil robots with alot of weapons and tanks, one of the soldiers forced Brum for joining the fight for saying "Brum. We need you for joining the big town war, i know there is a chance that you might die but still..we need you." Brum's eyes were start glowing red and he transform into a robot as he was ready for joining the fight. The big town war was insane, so far brum has killed five robots. But one of the robots attacked brum out of nowhere and tried to possess brum, brum was possessed and he shoot all the soldiers, realistic blood and gore was splatting everywhere as they all died. The big town war ended, all the robots and soldiers are dead and brum transformed into his normal car and left the big town that is now abandoned. It cuts to the credits and it was playing normally and after that, the whole episode ended with the ragdoll production closing logo.

How the hell will they make something violent like this for a kid show. I contact Ragdoll Production about the episode.

Later they responded to me for saying:

Dear viewer: This episode of brum from season 3 was used to promote the transformers series and it was made by the people who is new to the ragdoll studio. They made their own brum episode that took a half year to make and we all watched the episode they made, we decided to not air it in public due to the violence. Were so sorry for you to watched the episode - Ragdoll Production

Then i decided to break the cd in half, throw it in the garbage and moved on. Even tho i still love brum and i still find BrumFormers really violent.

Credited to Joe130000 
Originally uploaded on September 16, 2022

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