Deadened Eyes

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It was December 22nd and cheer was in the air. I had several of my dearest and closest friends and family members over for a Christmas party. I was with my wife and we were engaged in conversation with our friends Ronny and Sarah. My daughter Amy was running around in the den with some of the kids my friends had brought over. I occasionally walked over and told Amy to keep it down a little. She always hastily agreed, but tonight, that did not bother me. Tonight was perfect; nothing could possibly ruin this wonderful night.

At about 9:30 PM there was a knock at the door, however I did not hear it because of all the noise already present in the house. Again, a knock at the door, I politely excused myself from the conversation I was in to get the door. I thought to myself, "John and Emily haven't arrived yet. Hmmm, I bet this is probably them." When I was about ten feet away from the door. The knocking on the door became frantic and obnoxiously loud. I became a little uneasy, but I proceeded to the door anyways. I looked to see who it was before opening the door. The face that I saw outside of the door was terrifying. The man's hair was short, messy and had these patches of little to no hair. His eyes, geez his eyes, His eyes had no cornea of which I could see. He had a tiny pupil in each eye, and his eyes were wide open, like he'd been shocked by something. His nose was shredded and was barely was recognizable as a nose. His mouth was opened to a slight smile, it was and awkward smile since his left jaw broken and was a bit lower that his right jaw. The only thing he was wearing was a long dark, black trench coat. As soon as my brain registered the man before me I jumped back. I looked at the lock. Good, it was locked, as well as the deadbolt. "Whatever was out there was not getting in here." I thought to myself.

I got a chill down my spine when I heard the man speak. "IT'S SO COOOOLLLDDD... WON'T YOU LET ME IN?" The man said. I shuddered and ignored the request to come inside. I decided if I ignored him and simply went back to my guests, maybe it would get tired of waiting and just leave. "That makes sense right?" I said to myself. When I was back over with Ronny and Sarah, Ronny immediately sensed something bad had happened, most likely because of my pale looking skin and me not talking to him. "Hey, who was at the door man?" Ronny said. I didn't hear him, I was too traumatized by what just happened to focus on other things. "Hey, didn't you hear me?" "Huh? Oh sorry, I didn't hear you." I said. "You're right in front of me man, how could you not hear me? Is everything okay?" Ronny said. "Y-yah everything's good man, I just was thinking about something." I said. "Alright man." I told my wife that I was not feeling too good and I was going to head to bed. She nodded with a look of disappointment in her eyes and continued her conversation about the newest Kardashian drama story with Sarah. I walked upstairs to my bedroom and collapsed into my bed. Surprisingly, I fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning my mind was well rested and clear. I even managed to forget about that incident last night, for a little while at least. I stretched my arms into the air as I sat up. I then pushed myself out of bed and walked over to the window in my bedroom. A beautiful snowy, forested area stood outside my window. The sun was out so the snow glistened and sparkled. "Beautiful," I thought to myself. I turned to look back at my wife in my bed. She was sound asleep, "A beautiful wife for a beautiful morning," I thought to myself. I smiled and looked back outside only to jump and let out a screech to what I saw. There were dozens of animals absolutely mutilated outside painting the beautiful white snow into a sickening bright red. The animals ranged from various small birds and rabbits to entire wolf packs and foxes. What startled me the most was not dead animals, but the man who standing in the center of the mutilations. He had his back turned to me but it didn't matter. That black trench coat was instantly recognizable; it was the man from last night. My wife was woken up by all the noise. She asked me, "What's wrong babe?" I turned to her and said, "Come over here, quickly!" She got out of bed and quickly walked over to me. She then looked out the window screamed. Oh my gosh! How did this happen? She then began start crying to the horrible sight that she saw. I look held her close to me as I thought about what she said. Wait, what do you mean how did this happen? Don't you see that man down there? She shook her head. I looked back outside and my eyes opened wide; the man had turned around without me even noticing. Even more he was holding a bloody rabbit in one hand and bloody knife in the other. He then slowly raised the knife up to where I was standing as if to say, YOU'RE NEXT.

My wife didn't speak much the rest of the day. I didn't blame her. Later that night I had to go out to buy a last minute present for my wife. It was that last thing I wanted to do right now. As soon as I walked out to my car I felt a sense of urgency, like I needed to sprint to my car. I ran to my car, despite the several inches I had to run through. I slammed my door shut, locked it and turned on the lights. "I made it," I thought to myself. I didn't think too hard about the gift I was going to give to her. I just went over to the local jewelry and bought something she'd most likely enjoy. When I got back I opened the front door to my home and called for my wife. I got no response, "Honey? You there?" I yelled. No response. My heart started racing and I became paranoid. "Where was she?" I thought. I looked in the kitchen, the garage and the den but I had no luck. "Hmm, she must be upstairs, yes she HAS to be upstairs," I mumbled. I walked up the creaky wooden stairs, each step making me more and more uneasy. When I got to the bedroom my heart sank, my wife's limbs were scattered across the room along with disturbing amounts of blood. However the most disturbing part was the fact the man had placed her head on the pillow of our bed. Except something was off about her face. I walked closer and vomited from the sight. Her eyes were rotted and dull. She had deadened eyes.

Credited to Octane_Gular 

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