Don't Read This

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If you are reading this you are made of pure stupidity. Are you sure your not diagnosed with ADHD? This is my third pasta. Where I come from (which ironically is nowhere) 3 means you are unlucky. Where I come from (again) unlucky just means death. Death means about five to six hours of pure, hell-like pain and a slow end.

Now if you've read my profile you know that I'm being followed. By __________. Yeah, every time I try to write _________ it ends up in that stupid line. No internet connection I guess. But the purpose of you not reading this is now ________ is looking for you. I had to. I mean come on! I had a vision, so I had to post it or I'll die. Like all my other pastas! I have visions. Don't judge me. But if you like it or not ________ is watching you right now. As your looking at this screen. Go ahead.

"He's just bored." "I'm not being watched!" "What a weirdo." That's what they all say. Then SNAP. Their neck snaps. Then SPURT. Their arms and legs are twisted off. Then RRRRIP. Their flesh is ripped clean off. Go ahead. It's not a conspiracy. I can't prove it to you because I'm communicating through a creepypasta article. No one will believe me. Now sleep tight if you're stupid enough to read this. It'll be the last sleep you'll get. You know, without a creature staring at you or going insane by being chased for the rest of your life. Now I'm out of time. You've been warned.

Credited to Kinshi57

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