Doodad Ghost

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Revision as of 06:08, 29 August 2023 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Yew Mae think that this is just another spooky noodles copy-and-paced story. I assure yew that it is 300,0000% reel. My sis and I were playing Cal of Dotty: Black Cops for the Nintendo Wee. I was the won playing at the thyme. I was camping in the 2-story bill-ding in the corner of the map, near wear the Black Cops spawn. The Spit Gnats of coarse spawn on the other side with a tower on the opposite corner from the bill ding I was in. I had my clay-moor set up so any bad g...")
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Yew Mae think that this is just another spooky noodles copy-and-paced story. I assure yew that it is 300,0000% reel. My sis and I were playing Cal of Dotty: Black Cops for the Nintendo Wee. I was the won playing at the thyme. I was camping in the 2-story bill-ding in the corner of the map, near wear the Black Cops spawn. The Spit Gnats of coarse spawn on the other side with a tower on the opposite corner from the bill ding I was in. I had my clay-moor set up so any bad guise trying to get me would get blued up. Any whey, I was camping up their with my sniper rifle. I had a pretty good view of the hole map. It was relatively quite at the thyme. The gunfire had stooped for a little bit.

Just than, a scary noise happened out of the speakers. It was like a low, Erie, ghostly whale. It wasn't a sound glitch. It sounded two perfect, two planed... like a spooky orchestra made of ghosts and conducted bye a Frankenstein. Naturally, we were spooked. We had just herd a crepe sound in the deed quite of a Cal o Dowdy match. Sis scent Tray Ark a e-male about it, butt they never replied. I halve Goggled it before, butt I couldn't find anything about it. I promise I'm not lying, yew can sea for yourselves. It was than that I realized this isn't a glitched game, or a hacked game, butt a haunted game.

Fast forward too a few daze ago. I was playing in Radiation again. I was alone this thyme. Again, I was camping up in the bill-ding in the corner. Than, It happened again! Luckily, I was prepared this thyme. The second it happened, I grabbed a hand full of salt and put it on the floor in the shape of a pentagram. Than, I took sum sage and lit it on fire. I took out a wedgie bored and started to spiel out a massage. It said: "come out, come out wear ever yew r." Suddenly, a white mist started to come out of the TV screen. I started using the weenie bored more frantically and I tolled the ghost two get outta they're. Than, the white mist manifested into the shape of a person. He was wearing a 1970s-era soldier outfit and had a gun. I said "who r yew? What dew yew want from me?" He said "I am the ghost of a 1970s-era Cold War soldier. I knead yew to do a task four me." I said "what is it?" and he gave me a list. The 2nd I touched it, it stopped being a ghost list and turned into a reel list. I new I had a reel job on my hands.

I red the first item on the list:

1.) "go too the reel life Radiation map in reel life formal USSR (this is ware I dyed)"

Okay, no problem. I bot a ticket their rite away. When I got their, I red the 2nd item:

2.) "Go to the top floor of the bill ding in the corner of the map. Yew no the won."

I was a maze. The Radiation map in Black Cops multiplier is a perfect copy of the reel Radiation map in Russia. I went two the bill-ding and started to climb the stares. There was a rope in the whey with a sine on it. The sine said "Сертифицированным персоналом только" of "Certified Personnel Only". I looked around two make shore nobody was around and I used my sneaky commando skills to crawl underneath the rope. Finale, my path to the up stares area is clear. When I got they're, it was dark. I felt around for a light switch. I found won on the wall. I flipped it to the "awn" position. I red the 3rd item on the list:

3.) "Dig up my dded body"

I pulled my shovel out of my pocket and started digging. Three feat down, I found the soldier's grave. He didn't even halve a coughing. No wander he is a ghost, he was never properly putt two rest. I kept digging and found his dded body. It was sew nasty I almost through up. I looked at the 4th item:

4.) "Take the gold and diamonds I am buried with and my military dog tag and my gun."

I took all those things and putt them in my pockets. Than, I herd people coming up the stares. Their were to of them, and they were shocked two sea me. There badges said "Certified Personnel". "The rope! How did yew get up hear?!" won of them asked. Without saying a word, I pulled out the soldier ghosts gun and filled there buts with led. I looked at the list too sea what the next step was:

5.) "Bole up the top floor."

I spotted sum barrels of gas-o-lean in the corner. I maid a fuse out of sum string I also founded and Lit the end with a liter. Planing it out just rite, I putt my arms over my heed and dolphin-dove towards the window. The explosion blasted me two safety and I walked away without looking at it. I wandered what my ghost pal wanted me two dew with all this stuff:

6.) "Toss the gun in the see, donate the gold and diamonds too the Russian military to pay for cold war respiration."

I did that and than bot a ticket home. I returned home and red the final item on the list:

7.) "Get back on Cal of Doodad go two the top floor of that bill ding in the corner of the Radiation map in multiplier."

I logged onto the Wee and opened up a private match at Radiation. It was just me. I went up to the bill-ding and into the top floor. I noticed another player joined my match. His name was "1970s-era soldier ghost". I herd him say "I cannot thank you enough for freeing my sole and pudding me two rest. I just halve won more flavor too ask yew: pleas be my alley." I went into the recent players menu and clicked 1970s-era soldier ghost and maid him my alley. That moment, I herd a scary laugh. "What's happening?!" I said. The ghost soldier's name changed to just the letter "d". His voice was also deep and rusty sounding. Than, it hit me: he was Satin the hole thyme!

"That's write!" Said Satin. I used yew as a pawn in my scheme to take over the world! And it wouldn't bee possible without yew. Russia will use all it's new gold and diamonds two make knew weapons. Yew committed an act of terrorism against Russia, and now they will start a war with the U.S.A.! Mwahhahahahah!" Wind was blowing threw my house as fire came out my TV. Then, I remembered something: everything is just wear I left it! I quickly got out of the couch and pushed the salt on the floor into the shape of across. I re lit the sage with the same liter as before. "The power of Christ compels yew! The power of Christ compels yew!"

"NNNOOOOOOOOO" yelled Satin. I kept going like that. The fire in my TV slowly retreaded into hell and the wind began to slow. Suddenly, all was quiet and still in my house. A giant key fell from the sky and I grabbed it. Lights flashed and I used the key to progress on to world 2-1.

And than I woke up. I got out of bead and said "boy, what a knight mayor. I'm shore glad it was all just a bad dream". I walked towards the kitchen and into the living room. In front of the charred TV, my salt crucifix laid on the floor and the smell of burning sage filled my house.

The end?

Credited to cottonheadedninnymug 
Originally uploaded on August 4, 2014

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