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I've kind of been sitting on this for a while since it didn't quite happen to me and I don't really believe anything I don't see, but it weirds me out sometimes nonetheless. The personal mysteries thread got me thinking about it and I figured it was a better fit here.

I guess I'll call this Dubbus.

A few years back, during my first summer home from college, I decided to hang out with some old friends that I kind of ditched at the beginning of high school because they were burnouts with destructive personalities. In short, they were assholes, but for whatever reason I decided to go over to one of their houses and have a beer with them.

Lo and behold, there was someone there that we hadn't seen in YEARS: Steve. Steve's family left in the middle of the 6th grade and I wasn't really great friends with him to begin with, but apparently one of the guys there kept contact with him and invited him over since he was in town. Steve looked a little quiet and withdrawn throughout the whole thing and finally someone came out and asked him why. He quietly told us that the family was kind of going through some stuff because his 16 year old brother had just been committed for a short stint until they could get him calmed down and back to "normal". Apparently, the kid had been kind of weird forever, but finally cracked in epic fashion running around a Wal-Mart and knocking down displays, and even scratching some lady. Jake, the guy who knew him, seemed concerned and asked what pushed him over the edge, and Steve's response was a little weird. It started with a "You're never going to believe this" and a nervous laugh, but caused 8 rowdy boys to kind of shut up and listen to him.

A glow worm did it. You know, like the child's doll. We all started laughing our asses off, but Steve wasn't; he was dead serious. His brother saw one at a store and flipped his shit. So naturally, Steve kind of blushed and as we begged for more information and Steve was pretty hesitant about disclosing anymore. Well, one of the reasons I stopped hanging out with that group is because most of those guys are unrelenting children when it comes to taunting, and even at our age they pushed him and pushed him until he let out a long sigh and got on with it.

Steve said that he was pretty sure that it went back to when they were still kids, with Steve about 10 and his brother about 5. Darren, his brother, had a toy glow worm that he carried around EVERYWHERE with him. He said that's when his brother started changing and kind of looked pale and reserved like he wasn't sleeping. He got kind of quiet.

Of course, most of us saw where this was going and we were all kind of smirking. Still, Steve remained deadpan. He went on and said one day, he got home early for school and passed his brother's room, where the door was cracked just a little bit. He heard a weird voice and his brother kind of mumbling so he crept up really close. The way he looked when he was telling us this made me drop my smirk.

Steve changed his voice and it sounded as if something else took over,"Shut your goddamned mumbly mouth you little brat, you'll do as your told." He said heard that and got really pissed off, thinking someone was going to hurt his brother. He threw open the door and saw the stupid, raggedy glow worm standing upright and in the middle of the floor "like it was on puppet strings". Instantly, it dropped over, but then his brother started sobbing and yelled, "DUBBUS! I'M SORRY!". Steve said he ran over and tried grabbing the doll, but had a hard time initially picking it up because it "felt like a fucking 120lbs dog was stuffed inside the thing". The doll then proceeded to throw itself around, knocking Steve on his back, and bounded out the door and out the house, right through the screen of their weather door.

At this point my friends pretty much lost it, but I was sufficiently creeped out because I wasn't an asshole. I could see he was regretting sharing the story and a little shaken up. I talked to him alone a few minutes after everyone stopped harassing him and told him that was a cool story. He insisted he wasn't lying and that, "...Dubbus... the goddamned thing had a name, man." And for some reason I'll never forget the way he said that because that's what made me believe that he saw something, even if it wasn't real.

EDIT: Not long later, the guy who's house we were at snuck out for a few minutes, dug up a glow worm from the depths of his basement and dropped it into Steve's lap from behind. Steve punched him and left. Haven't really talked to any of them since and couldn't find Steve on Facebook.

Credited to Donde Esta 

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