Family Guy the lost episode Peter becomes evil

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I uesd to like Faimly Guy but not anymore after I saw an episode that shcoekd me for life.

It was a normal day, I was goign to my fridge to get a soda but as I was opening the fridge, I saw something on the counter. It was a VHS tape with teh words Family Guy Peter becomes evil on it written in blood and it was scary. I then put the VHS in my VHS palyer and the episode started.

The intro started with Lois playing the pianp as usual but the song tht she was playing was scary music instead of the normal happier music. Then when Peter came up on screen it really made me scaredd because Peter's eys were red anbd had black pupils and his clothes and arms were coveread in hyper-realistic blood. The music was also weird because when they said.

"On whichc we used to rely." And. "Lucky there's a Family Guy."


It isnteads said.

"On wghich we used to die" And. "Lucky there's a dead guy."

When they went up the stairtrscase evrtyone else except for Peter, Lois, Brian, Stewie, Chris and Meg were dead with hyper-realistic blood all over them, after seeing that I puked. It then shwoed the title scrreen and then showed the house but it had blood all over the roof, the tree, the garage door and a bit on the grass and window.

It then showed statcit for 21 mintuesd and it then showed Peter with those red eyes and black pupils. He thne wentn down to the lviogn rooom where Lois was, and Peter then said.

The house that was on screen

"Hello there Lois Griffin, it is me Peter Griffin and I am now evil and I'm also going to kill you because I am evil now."

Lois then screamed and ssaisd.

"No Peter pelase do ntotr kill me."

Peter then asnswerdfs with.

"I am sorry for swearing Lois but honestly why the fuck should I care?"

After saying that he ksills Lois by stabbing her in the stoamcah with a knife and whiel Lois is bleedgign out Peter does his Surfin' Bird dance and walks away.

Chris was next, Peter wentr to katichen where Chris was eatign soem elftover food. Peter then came in while doing his Surfin' Bird dance and said. "Hello there Chris Griffin, it is me Peter Griffin and I have just killed Lois Griffin by stabbing her in the stomach with a knife and now I am going to kill you."

Chris trtied to run but it aws too alte. Peter then cut Chris's head off and it was scary. Peter started to lalfugh as he walked away doing his srufhifn' bird dance. He then wetnt iout of the doort and started laughing alot more.

It then cut to Lois and Chris's bodies but their eyseds statrted to become red and they also started to get blakc pupisdl. Plus, Chris's head soemhow got put backj on him.

Joe then came to Peter and ssaid. "Hey Peter, whast arre you doing and whyy youi have red eyes?" Peter then respodned with. "Well, hello there Joe Swanson as you can see it is me Peter Griffin and I have Just killed Lois and Chris Griffin and the reason that I have these red eyes and black pupils is because I am now evil and also, I'm going to kill you now."

Joe tehn said.


And baet the shit out of him but it dibnn't work and Peter then killed Joe by stabbing him in the back with a shovel. As Joe was bleeding out Peter walsk away while yet agaidn doing his Surfin' Bird dance. Peter then waslks to Clevelands house but it cuts to a picture of Peter with the words.

"They will all die."

I then got sfo scared that I speilled a can of beasns on my VHS player and it caughyt on fier. Thenw Peter camse out of tge tv and sdaid.

"Hello there, it is me, Peter Griffin. You may have noticed that I have just killed Lois, Chris and Joe and was about to go and kill Cleveland but then when that picture of me with that text under it came up you spilled a can of beans on the VHS player, it caught on fire, and I came out of the tv. But that doesn't really matter right now because now I'm going to kill you."

He then ttooki a chainsawa out from his pocket as he was yet again doing his Surfin' Bird dance. But asf he was about to kill me I saoid to him.

"codul you atleast elt me finsih watching that tape."

Afteer hearing me say that he said. "Uhhhhhhhhhh, yeah sure." And wakled back into teh tv.

When the episodiei staRTted again it cut back to the sdcene iwht Peter awalking to Cleveland's house and thenb he waslked inside. Peter was then about to say something to Cleveladn but was intrupted by Quagrmie saying.

"Giggity githggity gigighty it is me Gle-"

"Shut up Glenn Quagmire."

Peter said and killed Quagmire with a chainsaw in suhc a horibble way that I cant even describe it. Not becauise I'm lazy but becssause it was so horrible. Now it was Clevelanmds turn to die, Peter ripped off Quagmriees head and htrew aty Cleveland which soemwhow killed him. Peter then waslked away yet agiadn while doing his fuckinfg Surfin' Bird dance. Peter theb wakled inside of Stewei's roomm wheere Stewie and Brian were sitting at a tabnle. Peter then tookm ouit a giant knfie from his pockety and siad.

"Hello there Brian and Stewie Griffin, it is me, Peter Griffin. If you haven't already noticed, I am now evil and I have just killed basically all of the main characters and now I'm going to kill you two."

Peter evnentually cut off Sterwie's heasd. After seeinbg Stewie die Brian said.

"Well shit lookss klike this is wwhere I deie."

Peter thenb threw Brian out from a window onto teh road outside where he got run overr by multipele cars. Now Meg was the onluy one left. Peter waldked out from Steiwwe's room and threw a grenade. Right before the grnedae exploded it cut to Jeo, Qugamrie, Clevlande, Brian and Sterwie's dead bodies and jsut like wiht Lios and Chrdis their eyes tunred red with blakc pupils. It thenb cut back to the scne with Meg and Peter throiwng a grenade at her.

The grenade then exploded casusing the entire tv screen to get cobvered in hyper-realistic blood. It then showed a picture of the entire Griffin famiyl but they all had those red eyes with black pupils, it then cut to static for 69 hours and 21 minutes. After seeign that I ripped out the VHS from teh VHS player and destryoed it. I then destroyed my tv and VHS plyaer withg a baseball bat. My phone then startted to rign, so I pikcded it up. On the othetr line I heardf what sounded luike Peter Griffin sayign.

The very scary image of the Griffin Family

"Prepare to die motherfucker."

I then heard kncoking from my door and heard the Petre Griffin voice on the other lien saying.

"I'm the one outside your house."

Before hangign up, so obviously I opened the door and standinhg outrside was Peter Griffin himeself, yet again with those red eyes and blakc pupils plus he was covered in blkood. Peter then said to me.0

"Now that you finished watching that VHS tape, it's time for you die."

He then took an axe and a chaisnsaw out from hisn pocketys but when he tried to throew htem at me, I would just dogdge them. So instead, he beat me to death wiht his bare fists. Afetr he had finsihed beating me to deaht he walekd away, never to be seen agian and now the only thign left of me was a skeleton.

The last thing that I saw was Peter walking away throguh my door, while yet agian doing that fucking Surfin' Bird dance and then I died.

Written by Monasterio
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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