Grocery Store

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Revision as of 19:36, 19 December 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "picture me this. u go to a grocery store. u are buying eggs. a song is playing distantly on the intercom. you vaguely recognize the tune, but you don't remember the song name. you bop your head. the unmistakable sound of shoes squeaking on tile floor can be heard to your left. you look over and a short effeminate man is absolutely fucking breaking it down next to the milk fridge. a crowd is starting to form. everyone in the store flocks to the milk aisle. the dancing sty...")
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picture me this. u go to a grocery store. u are buying eggs. a song is playing distantly on the intercom. you vaguely recognize the tune, but you don't remember the song name. you bop your head. the unmistakable sound of shoes squeaking on tile floor can be heard to your left. you look over and a short effeminate man is absolutely fucking breaking it down next to the milk fridge. a crowd is starting to form. everyone in the store flocks to the milk aisle. the dancing style is similar to a cockroach after getting lightly stepped on or someone having an epileptic episode, but you can't seem to tear your eyes away. the crowd builds into a mob, and a pit has opened up around the dude. children are crying, store shelves are being ransacked, shops are being lifted, employees are dazed, baffled, and a little bit terrified. multiple people have shat themselves. the mob starts to move terrifyingly fast in your direction. you have no time to think. you look to your right and your left, panicking, as the crowd continues moving forward at an alarming rate. your fight or flight kicks in. you choose fight. you get downright absolutely stanched up and outstretch your hand. 'bring it on,' you say with a flick of your fingers. you fight the mob off as swiftly as you can as it descends upon you, sweeping up legs and lunging and knocking people out of the way with your shoulders, but there are just too many goddamn people in this walmart.

you fight them off decently for a few minutes, hitting an old lady with her own purse and sweeping a very tall twig-like man's feet out from under him in the process. however, it won't last for long. the mob is starting to overtake you, you're getting tired, you dont know how much more of this you can take. a hand reaches out of the crowd. feeling a glimmer of hope, you glimpse the only shot you have and take it. you wrench the hand out of the sea of people and a meager frame falls into your hands. the dude quickly stands up and brushes his hands off, panting heavily. ou realize it's the dancing man from the milk aisle "thanks man, im absolutely schnozzled and utterly snaztched. pit goes pretty hard, huh? almost died in there haha," he says with a dazed grin and wide eyes, clearly totally fucking stonkled, before jumping back into the crowd. "WAIT-" you try to yell with a strangled shout, just as you're taken down by a burly man with a curled mustache. everything goes black. when you come to, all you can hear is the blood rushing in your ears before the sound of screams and shoes thudding all around your head snaps you back to life. your eyes snap open. everything is horridly bright and it feels like the back of your head is being repeatedly bashed with the back of a hammer or an ice pick. the stabbing pain echoes around your skull like satan himself is beating down on your eardrums with a tire iron. you're struggling to reorient yourself well enough to find a way off the ground. something flat and heavy thuds on top of your chest, breaking your daze and knocking all the wind out of you. as you cough and fight to catch your breath, another foot slams down on your right wrist, which is laying outstretched on the ground beside you. you yelp in pain and snatch your hand back, clutching it tightly to your chest. once again, you look up and the shock from the sight of the utterly massive crowd descending upon you punches you in the chest like a brick to a cop car. people dance and scream and writhe above you, seemingly unaware of the fact that they are inches away from trampling someone to death. this is the end, you realize. there is no way you can escape.

your stomach drops and a sense of dread permeates your entire being; mind, body, and soul. you touch a hand to your face. to your surprise, it's wet, and through all the action you hadn't noticed the tears now almost streaming down your face. a high heeled shoe crashes down right in the middle of your sternum and you hear—no, feel, a sickening crack from inside your chest. a shockwave of the most intense, stabbing pain you could possibly imagine echoes through your bones, sending your teeth to a chatter and forcing a strangled, almost guttural cry from your throat. an attempt to fill your lungs results in what feels like the world itself caving in inside your chest. the edges of your vision are fading to black and you can no longer see through the blur obscuring the world, or what little of it you would have been able to see from your spot on the floor underneath the thunderstorm of feet. you can feel your consciousness slipping away and you fight to stay present, but you're quickly realizing how hopeless it is. feet are still thudding all across your body; your thighs, your arms, even your abdomen, crushing your organs. none of it feels like more than a dull thud now as the sensation in your nerves fades. you're just waiting for the agony to end at this point, unable to breathe, feel, or move. just before a chunky steel toed platform boot crashes down in the middle of your face, crushing your skull and sending you on a one way ticket to oblivion, you come to a final moment of realization. the song playing: the thing that started this all, that is now about to end your life, that you haven't been able to place until just now, your final moment, is blister in the sun by violent femmes.

everything goes black.

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