I HATE YOU but I wrote it from memory

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This is no haunted. No spooky shit. Everyone was meant to find this. In '95, I got a computer. I'd never played Mario World as a kid, so I downloaded the ROM (even though the SNES was still for sale in 1999 and I was probably still relatively young at the time) and played the fuck out of it. Then one day the Sunken Ghost Ship had a spooky ghost in front of the pipe, and there was a keyhole (with respective key) at the top of the stage. I put the key into the hole and exited the map. Afterwards, a whirlpool opened up next to the big stone Koopa head. When I moved over it, the stone Koopa cried blood and Mario looked like he'd misjudged a fart. The level was called "OH GOD NO". I didn't think this was too out of the ordinary since I'm thick as pig shit.

When I entered, the castle intro played and Mario was thrust into a very small hallway. I mean that vertically, since I couldn't jump and the room was quite long. I moved Mario forwards for about 5 minutes (I counted) before another spooky ghost showed up (oh yeah I forgot they don't have any eyes), then another 5 minutes (I counted) before a bunch of them showed up with "I HATE YOU" written on the wall in red (the color of BLOOD). Then a bloody-eyed Banzai Bill barreled brazenly towards Mario. Didn't do much, since I had an invincibility code on. Another message was written in red (the color of BLOOD): "WHY WON'T YOU DIE?", which was a pretty dumb question since I had invincibility on. After that some big spooky ghosts showed up (they had eyes) and then I went through a door.

Now I was underwater, and a bunch of Thwomps were smashing the bloodied ground flat. Once again, invincibility, so I just plowed through those stone mingers. Next there was a stone corridor with a bunch of drowned Marios. Not dead, mind you, as they chased after me for a while. Instead of just, you know, being invincible and letting them hit me, I booked it into a pipe. There was a little transitional area with a boss door and a spooky mushroom. I didn't pick it up.

I was plopped into Kookie's boss room (or Ludwig if you're deaf to the sins of the world), and some weird shadow was watching me through a stone window. Then Luigi pulled up and said something I won't soon forget: "You suck so I work for Koopa now hehehe". He was probably sick of being second banana and was helping to kidnap Toadstool. He floored Mario with one punch, but then Mario remembered he was the main character and randomly got a Cape Feather. He whipped Luigi with his cape and sent him careening into lava (forgot to mention they were on a bridge above lava, causing Luigi to exclaim "TUBULAR" before succumbing. Everything was normal afterwards except for the endscreen where Luigi has his balls singed off. Maybe something was up with 2-player, but I can't check it because I'm using a 90's emulator that barely functions.

Oh, there were also a bunch of screenshots I took of this but I can't be fucked to post 'em.

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