In The Night Garden Lost Episode: Flight Of The Birds (plus missing eleventh Tittifer)

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If you though Rohan's encounters with the 3 lost episodes of Teletubbies and the 2 lost episodes of Boohbah were bad enough, Guess again. I'm here to tell you a story about a lost episode of another pre-schoolers show that was also made by the same creators as Teletubbies and Boohbah (Ragdoll Productions). It's called In The Night Garden.

The DVD Case

I visited my local Woolworths looking for some rare DVD to find. I went to the I section to look for something good. I came across an In The Night Garden DVD. The DVD was called "Let's Sing & Dance". The DVD also consisted of Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy dancing together on a blue background, It also had the ABC 4 Kids logo in the top right corner of the case and it even has a U rating because I think it was certified in the UK and then sold in Australia.

"Seems interesting." I said.

I looked at the back of its casing and the episodes that were listed were: Trubliphone Fun, What Loud Music Tombliboos, Windy Day In The Garden, Slow Down Everybody, Runaway Og-Pog, Upsy Daisy's Big Loud Sing-Song, Quiet Please Tombliboos - Upsy Daisy Wants To Sing, and an unusual title for a preschoolers show, Flight Of The Birds.

It was a rather weird title for a preschoolers show but I shrugged it off anyway and thought that this episode would be about the Tittifers. I put the DVD on the counter, the cashier scanned it, and I went home to show my mom what I found.

I showed the DVD to my mom and she was impressed of me for finding a rare DVD.

A Day later, My parents said that they would be going to my Grandparents house for 3 hours. After they left, I had the whole house to myself. I turned on the TV, grabbed a chair, popped some popcorn, poured myself a drink, and inserted the DVD into my DVD player.

I pressed play all on the DVD menu. The BBC video and ABC DVD and ABC For Kids Idents and the first seven Episodes were normal, but the last one was entirely messed up, that it was worse than the lost episodes of Teletubbies and Boohbah.

Before the episode started, it had a warning:

"This lost episode of In The Night Garden was made for Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds all the way back in 1963, If you get scared easily, we're deeply sorry for that. If you are brave enough, then watch at your own risk. Viewer discretion is advised."

"The Birds?' , I said in concern, "I've heard of that film but I haven't seen it."

The warning faded out and the episode started.

"Well, here goes the freakiness." I said.

The episode began with the night sky, but the sky was blood-red. The stars blinked normally and so did the woman's singing voice. The scene faded in with a young boy with yellow hair and an orange shirt. The boy had his hands out and a parents finger was going around the boy's palm. Then, the narrator said in his normal voice:

"Someone I know is safe and snug, and drifting off to sleep. Round and round, a little boat no bigger than your hand, out on the ocean, far away from land. Take the little sail down, light the little light, this is the way to the garden in the night."

It then faded to a scene with Iggle Piggle in the little wooden boat. The sky was still in a shade of blood-red. Iggle Piggle proceeds to take down the sail and lights up the lamp like normal despite the blood-red sky. And also the ocean was black like if it was tar. The music was also a tiny-bit distorted but it was fine. Iggle Piggle went to sleep on his boat and the intro proceeded like normal.

After the title appeared, the narrator said his usual line:

"Iggle Piggle, Iggle Onk, were going to catch....the Ninky Nonk."

Just then, the Ninky Nonk appeared.

"Oh, No. It's the Ninky Nonk. Catch the Ninky Nonk." , Said the narrator.

The camera proceeded to follow the Ninky Nonk like normal. The first segment of the episode started with Makka Pakka going under the bridge with his bike.

"Hello, Makka Pakka." said the narrator.

Makka Pakka did his usual dance like normal. He then proceeded to push his bike along the path.

The 10 Tittifers with the 11th one

The next scene showed all of the 10 Tittifers. This time, there was a new Tittifer. It looked like a typical red, blue, and yellow mixed Macaw. Its music sound was what sounded like a creepy violin.

The second segment was with Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy. They were walking through the woods.

"Hello, Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy." ,the narrator said.

They waved at the screen and did their dances like normal. They were about to kiss until they heard faint chuckling. They both stopped and they looked around. At that moment, two familiar figures landed behind both Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy. The two figures were none other than Jesus Christ, Darth Tubby (from the Teletubbies episodes Galactic Battles, Dreams, Psycho Tex, 2012 and the Boohbah episode Mind Games) and Hingbah (from the Boohbah episodes Guns and Mind Games).

"Hello, you two lovebirds." , Said Darth Tubby.

"We decided to drop in and give you something that will brighten up the mood." , Said Hingbah.

Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy were interested in these newcomers.

"Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy were surprised to see some new members." ,said the narrator.

They nodded their heads up and down. Unlike Darth Tubby and Hingbah, they said, "We know".

"Follow us." ,said Hingbah.

Both Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy followed Darth Tubby and Hingbah through the woods. Just then, Hingbah and Darth Tubby went offscreen. Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy looked around for them.

"Have you seen them?" ,asked Iggle Piggle.

I was surprised to hear one of the characters actually speak. Normally the characters would say their own names depending on their emotions. But we get to hear one of them speak for the first time.

"I don't know, dear." ,said Upsy Daisy.

At that moment, Darth Tubby and Hingbah came out of nowhere and killed them. Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy screamed in agony. Hingbah disintegrated both of them with his laser blaster.

"Looks like those two lovebirds are no more than a pile of ash." ,said Darth Tubby.

The two psychopaths walked off and the next Tittifer song played. This time it was with the two green Tittifers. Just then, The Macaw Tittifer came in out of nowhere and clawed at the two birds. It spoke unlike the other Tittifers:

"You stupid birds mean nothing to me! I was hired by the planet eliminator to terminate all of you birds!"

It pecked its eyes out and ate them whole. It now turned out that this Macaw Tittifer was a sentient psychopathic Night Garden terminator.

I also found out that this Macaw Tittifer was a new friend with Darth Tubby along with Hingbah (also shown in this episode), The Scary Lion, The Bear With Brown Fuzzy Hair, Skelly Welly Pelly and the other 3 Skeletons.

"What in God's name is going on?" ,I said under my breath.

After segment after segment, Darth Tubby and Hingbah went on to kill all of the other characters like, the Tombliboos, Makka Pakka, and The Hahoos. The Macaw Tittifer meanwhile killed all of the other Tittifers. It Killed the blue ones by stabbing all four of them with a huge stick, it killed the three orange and pink Tittifers by grabbing them and cutting their heads off, and it killed the toucan Tittifer by ripping its beak off and stabbing it in the heart with a stick.

Meanwhile, the Pontipines and Wottingers were hiding in their houses seeing the three psychopaths killing everyone in the night garden.

Just then, Darth Tubby's foot came down and crushed the Pontipines and the Wottingers houses. I could hear their agonizing screams as they were being crushed.

Later, Hingbah came over to the Ninky Nonk and the Pinky Ponk and blew both of them up with his laser vision.

I paused at that disturbing scene and ran to the bathroom and vomited into the toilet. After throwing up, I then continued the episode.

"Well. It looks like our work here is done." ,said the Macaw Tittifer as he came down and landed on Darth Tubby's arm.

"You said it." ,said Hingbah and Darth Tubby at the same time.

Just then, the tower started to activate. Its roof span around and the narrator said:

"Once upon a time, in the night garden."

The screen then transitioned and the narrator said in a slightly depressing tone:

"Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy encountered some newcomers. They were both paralyzed by the newcomers. They then started to destroy everything. Such a sad ending to the night garden."

After the roof stopped spinning, it cut to Darth Tubby, Hingbah, and the Macaw Tittifer about to light the entire place on fire. They poured a bunch of gasoline and Hingbah grabbed a box of matches and lit the place on fire. The night garden was now up in flames.

The three psychopaths walked off screen and the ending credits played. It zoomed out of the night garden (which was still on fire) and transitioned into the night sky (with the blood-red colour). The music wasn't the normal credits music. Instead it was creepy Japanese music.

I didn't like that choice of music playing over the credits. Just then, the boat appeared but this time, Darth Tubby, Hingbah, and the Macaw Tittifer were sailing away with it.

After the credits ended, the Ragdoll logo appeared, except the background was a mixture of red and black and there was a loud ear-piercing sound of metal scraping against metal when the logos mouth was drawn.

The Ragdoll Logo

I covered my ears. "GAH!" I yelled in fear. The BBC Video logo played normally but the logo had blood dripping. And I could hear the psychopathic laughs of Darth Tubby, Hingbah, the Macaw Tittifer, The Scary lion, The Bear With Brown Fuzzy Hair, Skelly Welly Pelly, The Other 3 Skeletons and even the Brainwashed Grandmama from Mind Games (although Grandmama didn't appear in this episode). Their evil laughs had a demonic effect applied. Then, the same red tinted ABC DVD logo played but with the faces of Darth Tubby, Hingbah, and the Macaw Tittifer faintly seen in the background. There was a loud chainsaw noise when the DVD logo zoomed in. After that, I uncovered my ears and I noticed blood on my palms.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" I said.

After I cleaned out my ears with a tissue, I ejected the DVD just in time for my parents to come home. I put the DVD back into the DVD player and showed my mom the episode. After seeing the episode, she was shocked and she believed me.

My mom and I burned the DVD after I showed her the footage. I had to smash it with a sledgehammer after it was burned.

I never watched another episode of In The Night Garden. Not even that Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds". I just think about Darth Tubby and Hingbah and that Macaw Tittifer. I even thought about him being part of The Birds.

However, I found a 2014 version of the DVD. And it didn't have Flight of The Birds. I sigh in relief.

If you ever find a rare DVD of a pre-schoolers show with an unaired episode, take my advice and don't purchase it.

Credited to SJ425A 
Originally uploaded on September 4, 2021

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