Metroid Horror

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The Calm Before the Storm

So I recently purchased Metroid Prime: Trilogy off of Gamestop's online store. As the name implies, it's the MP trilogy, all three games, the first two remade for the Wii Remote controls (which run very smooth, I highly recommend it).

Anyway, I was playing MP 2, which I actually hadn't played before now, seeing as how I sold my GameCube about a year before its release. As I was playing, making it through Agon Wastes relatively quickly, moving on to the swamp area. I went through the portals, same as normal, but occasionally, coming back to the Light World, the game would seemingly bug up, the frame rate dropping quite a bit, I shrugged it off as maybe a small scratch on the disc, or my Wii reading it oddly, figuring I'd take it out and check it afterwards, not wanting to stop playing at the moment. I soon got the Morphball Boost, being quite annoyed with the bugs within the Light World portals, growing significantly worse and more aggravating.

The Nightmare Begins

Eventually I began hearing echoing sounds within the portals, like men screaming (yes, only men) and cries of animals, maybe the Ing or Splinters. Getting confused on a Dark World puzzle that was actually very trivial, I decided to return to the Light World and explore places I could not previously go to. That's when the game got weird: I stepped into the portal, same as usual, but during the transition animation, something was wrong. A loud scream blared through my TV, odd seeing as how the volume was set to 10(the max being 60). The scream was nearly ear piercing, a man in pain, A LOT of pain, during which my screen was frozen at the transition screen. Then I finally went through the portal, but wasn't in the Light World, instead I was in some disgusting, deformed realm, a possible mixture of the Light and Dark Worlds, except, not. It's hard to explain, the environment was that of the Light World, but tinted with darker, the plants were Dark Aether plants except twisted, blood dripping off them, bodies of GF troops being pierced by them (along with a few Space Pirate bodies).

I looked at the sky, which was blood red, not the normal grey and purple of Dark Aether and certainly not the sunny or cloudy sky in Aether. When I scanned the bodies, it described a very gruesome death, which is typical of Metroid Prime at times, except these were pages upon pages long, describing every detail(of which I vaguely recall at this point). One stuck in my head though, a Space Pirate, whose death read "After having it's legs clawed and eventually ripped off, it was seemingly tackled, being stabbed countless times in the torso, followed by having fingers shoved into it's eyes, and into it's brain, inevitably killing it." It's legs, as read, were laying next to the Pirates body, ripped apart, and it's brains oozing from its decaying eye sockets. Its corpse rotted, muscle and bone showing under its oddly realistic skin.

Following Orders

I turned from the bodies, running across a bridge, and into a dome, full of GF troops chained to the wall, which looked weird seeing as how it's not an animation in the game, so it was sort of stretched out. Along with this, there were bodies dangling from the ceiling, like you find in the beginning of the game, except blood was dripping from their broken visors, and eye hanging out of ones socket, all seemed so real, not the graphics that are in the game by default. I heard the "Beacon received" message your ship sends you, then my map screen came up, a loud screech playing while my map moved to the location. What was there was not a question mark, but a skull and cross bones (Jolly Roger, death, whatever you wanna call it). Despite this I went there, thinking something bad would happen if I didn't. Getting there was easy, what I was supposed to get there was hard, I hard to go through a morphball maze, seemed easy enough, but when I switched to morphball, Samus simply laid on the ground, bleeding, screaming, her head twisting to face me (she was face first on the ground, mind you).

She proceeded to remove her helmet, but I knew all there was under it was what you see through the visor, or, so I though. Upon taking it off I saw a horrifying face, mangled, bloodied, ripped apart as if something had been scratching at it. Paralyzed in fear, I didn't move, didn't even know I was blinking or breathing, just starring in pure fear as she seemed to whisper to me with mangled lips. But what she whispered was not in English, It was a combination of words and letters from many languages, German, French, Italian, Russian, the list goes on.

She then began the tug at her legs, her body bending in a way I'd never seen hers(or anyone's for that matter) bend in. Twitching as she bent over, maybe trying to straighten her body, she began tugging at her legs, oddly, since, again the animation is not in the game. She pulled off her left leg, nothing happened, no blood, no mangled mess, as if the leg was put on the same was, a clean cut there with a weird texture, a green, pukey color.

The Message

Then it made me scan a nearby log, despite not playing as Samus, her body still on the ground, I hesitated to read it, calming down a bit, but I did. Upon opening it I heard another tortured scream. The log simply read "Please Die." I actually laughed a bit, thinking it was ironic to say such a thing so politely. Then I was forced to scan another log, opening it, no scream this time. This picture was a face, looking like mine in a way, but mangled, not sure how it knew what I looked like, maybe the sensor saw me? No, its not able to see people, or anything, for that matter. But the face looked just like me, every detail of mine, then an animation started in the log, a bunch of small Metroids stuck to my head, sucking it dry, making it look like a raisin.

Despite how fucked up it was to watch, I again laughed, thinking it to be odd, until the text finally appeared. This time it wasn't so nice, and it was slightly longer. Reading "I told you nicely, you laughed at me, mocked me, you will pay for that." After getting out of the log, I saw hundreds of bodies falling all around me from the sky, all GF troopers. all without helmets, all had my head, that mangled head I saw in the log. At this point I completely forgot I was even playing Metroid, it felt more like Dead Space than anything, but, oddly, Dead Space was like a field of blossoms compared to this. My camera was forced down to face a trooper, as if someone physically pushed my head down in-game. I heard breathing behind me (in-game), but could not turn around to see who (or what) it was, but was instead facing myself, bleeding, mangled.

A text log came up, reading "This will be you soon enough," then a message came up, an options box I had never seen in the game, saying "Scared Yet? Yes/No" I wanted so badly to select no, but made the mistake of saying yes. Then I heard a laugh, the laugh of the man who's screams I had heard possibly. Shortly after my game returned to the menu, but instead of the barrel of Samus' gun (the title screen of the trilogy), it was that damn face again! My face!


Since then I've been scared shitless to do just about anything. I isolate myself in my room, doing schoolwork, but I rarely leave. I have yet to touch the game, I loaned it to my friend, he said he had no problems. I know it wasn't a dream, my dreams are usually pretty real but I know the difference between life and a dream. I still see that face, in cloud formations, in my own reflection at times! This has changed my life, I've always believed in supernatural coincidences, but never experienced one quite as horrifying as this! I even crave horror! I could go days watch horror movies or reading creepy pastas, but this, this is too much, even for me!

Credited to Phantom1112
Originally uploaded on September 14, 2011

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