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Last summer a man named Nathaniel Greene went missing and was nowhere to be found. Countless searches have been made to find this vanishing man but about a month ago around in his home located around the suburban metropolitan area of New York he was found, dead with abnormal marks and it seemed he was attacked in his home. There were no signs of forced entry or foul play found in or around the house. Thousands of needle punctures were found around half of his body. They couldnt examine the lower half for it was missing, as if he was torn in half.

Amidst the painted crimson walls they found a black notebook that showed what seemed to be his final moments....

January 1rst 2011:

“If I shall die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take”…. Heh… seems kind of ironic now. probably don’t know who I am, or what I’ve done. I could most likely be some deranged serial killer who’d love nothing more than to see you choke on a noose made of your intestines or something. Well I’m not. I was a normal guy with a more than normal (and very dull) job that I was stuck in. I lived alone, and was happy with my quaint life. Suddenly things got weird... I’m not talking like an awkward moment weird, I mean just completely insane.

It all started when I woke up a week ago. Lazily staring at my blazing alarm, I thrusted my body with what little energy I had to turn it off. Then I got myself dressed and headed to my job. I don’t have a car, so public transit was my only option of transportation. Walking to my bus stop, I noticed something that was never there… silence. Living in New York, you never hear this so I got a bit tense. I finally made it but…it was, I don’t know…empty. No more than 20 minutes pass, and my bus got here. I got nasty scowl from the driver as I payed the fare, but I hadn’t done anything that I knew of. As dangerous as it was, I couldn’t help but doze off.

I had some weird dream, but I don’t even know if it’s a dream now. It was about me getting ready to go to sleep, but...I was looking through the eyes of another person. Seeing as it was a dream I was more than happy to play along. I sneaked around staring at myself, avoiding neighbors, and headlights of random passers by, and I gotta admit it was fun! Until a dog began to bark at me. He yapped consistently and it began to blow my cover. After a quick thought, I ran to grab the dog by the neck and slam it on the ground. He tried to bite me, but I shoved a rock into its mouth, and chipped a couple of teeth of his. His eyes began to bleed and become infected looking, but I ignored it in the heat of the moment. Knowing that the fight would alert everyone faster than barking, I snapped the dog’s neck. It let out a low groan and decayed before my eyes.

Creeping back to my house, I noticed I...wasn’t there. Instead, there was some figure. He was tall and pitch black, and it seemed as if light was being sucked in by his skin. His arms looked broken and his fingernails were…nails. 9 inch steel nails stained with blood and rust protruded from his fingertips. He had no real facial features, as if it was a blank canvas. His eyes were a soft blue, and glowed dimly in the dark house. He seemed more lost rather than menacing, like a child searching for his mother in a mall. I guess I lost balance and stumbled, making me fall over some wayward trashcan. I looked back at the figure, and he slowly turned his head. His eyes quickly changed from the soft blue to a dark blood red, looking right at me! I was scared, but I froze. A loud tearing noise came out as he opened his “mouth”. It was jagged and uneven, but bled profusely as if he was breaking away skin and muscle to open it. The hole contained several hundred rows of teeth that were needles! His bones cracked and contorted, his body making every second more painful to watch.

I ran from the sight when my legs finally let me, but it bursted through the wall at an incredible speed. The creature screamed, letting out a piercing noise that sounded like high pitched dial up modems and static. It made my ears bleed as I fell in pain. I stumbled and staggered, trying to get away, but it jumped on me and forced my head in to his mouth. Suddenly, I was awakened by the bus driver, who kicked me in the stomach and flung me out the bus. I don’t know what happened, but I was in complete shock. I went to a nearby dollar store and bought a cheap notebook to record my dreams on. My name is Nathaniel Greene and….I hope I can sleep soundly tonight…"

January 5th 2011

"I had another one of those… dreams. I woke up in the middle of a dirt path around a dense forest... But for some reason there was a fog so thick the only way I could tell it was a forest was the fact of me bumping into several trees. I looked around to see if there was anything… to no avail. Suddenly I heard a dog barking from behind me. I turned around and followed the sound with hurried but cautious running as to not trip one a wayward root or rock. I found the dog which seemed like a normal black dog to me. It looked at me happily and ran away. I chased it down seeming like it was the only living thing that could possibly help me. I suddenly tripped on something in my mad dash for hope.

I went to check what it was and I found a small black but still incredibly interesting stone. It shined so brilliantly I took it thinking it must’ve had some value or something. I picked myself up and saw a figure of a man in the horizon. “Hey!” I yelled. He quickly turned around and looked at me. “Who are you?!” I worriedly said. Suddenly I heard a child’s whisper from behind me “Death… He was always death” I spun around and saw the same black dog I was chasing except… it was covered in blood and had an rotted eye gouged out. “And now… I AM DEATH!” as its teeth sunk into my leg. I screamed and fell to the ground and it began to drag me along the rocky surface tearing away at my scalp.

I screamed and shouted for it to stop and in that instant the “dog" was scared and ran off. Unable to stand properly I crawled away until I bumped into what I thought was another tree. I looked up and saw those… eyes! I quickly tried to stand up and run but instead I stumbled around and fell like a drunk. The black creature walked up to me and began to cut my legs slowly leaving me completely immobile. Trying to fight him off I remembered about the rock in my pocket. I took it out and started bashing it in the head. It growled and hissed and me as the beast was dazed for just a moment. I stood up and bashed its head in with the rock and watched as his eyes slowly dimmed out.

I sighed in relief and plopped my body on the floor from exhaustion and possibly loss of blood from my legs. Then I noticed something wrong. I saw a pair of red glowing eyes look at me from a tree in the distance… the another from the left of me and the 2 grew to 10 then 20… my god... HOW MANY WHERE THERE???!! I screamed and begged for mercy but the last sound I heard before I blacked out were multiple mind numbing screams of the creatures that were ready to feast upon me...

My alarm screamed at me to wake up as I nearly had a panic attack.. I decided to name the dark creature Pestilence, as it was the horror eating away at my sanity. I grabbed you as quickly as I could but when I stood up to get dressed for work... my legs were cramped so badly I had to crawl… "

January 8th 2011:

"Help me... I can hear them... In the walls… just scratching and tearing away at my walls… I don’t know how they came in! T-there was a door...Just a door! Nothing special. Just plain wood! I... I opened the door slowly but there was nothing there! Just a wall! Here…walls…walls…walls…walls… oh I’m sorry... What is this? Hello book… aren’t you a pleasant sight? I love you... Love...Love……….





Hello? Are you the one who pushed me into that wall? The goddamn wall!? Who are you?!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I don’t deserve this!!!"

January 9th 2011:

"They almost came in last night… I never did finish my story did I? There was a wall… it looked like it was made from some sort of smooth material. It was incredible to the touch and I couldn’t believe I was the first to find it, or at least I thought I was. Suddenly I heard a sharp sobbing. I spun around quickly and saw a small child. She had long dark hair and was wearing something that looked like a pink ball gown. Worried but still cautious knowing this was a dream I kept my distance then in turned walked away, her sobs growing ever louder as I did.

I walked long enough to find a door and rushed to see if it was a way out... Happily I swung open the door... But there was just that familiar silk like material that was soft.. But now a sort of crimson red. I heard a faint groaning from the distance and felt something sharp trail up down my back like a knife. HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME!!!! I turned quickly to see that girl flying at me giggling and laughing as I tried to run. She grabbed me and slammed me on a wall. I got up quickly… she was gone..

I got up and walked to the door still wondering what it even meant and… felt a force push me into the door uncontrollably.. I screamed as I woke up but was only in bed.. until I heard them… the low groan of Pestilence.. surrounding me in my own home… Help me… please….. help me….."

January 10th 2011:

That’s it… I can’t take this anymore… I’m starving and feeling faint… I hear them walking through my halls.. Scratching my walls…. Knocking over things.. Breaking windows… but they’re not coming in! I barricaded the door with a drawer, a night table, and my bed.. I knew it wouldn’t hold them back but it just made me feel safer.. They’ve made not even a single dent or hole in the wall that leads to my room… I know what they want.. My wondrous notebook… my friend on this journey… I have a confession to make.. I know why they came.. why they only picked me..

It was New Years Eve… I was at a party that was happening.. We closed a huge deal on some Victorian house near 8th street.. Oh yea.. I never told you.. I work as a real estate agent.. But regardless of that fact.. We finally were going home.. And I drank a couple shots of vodka and was almost finished off by some tequila that was being saved for last so I was obviously drunk..

Stumbling into my car (I had a car before last month but it was recently stolen) and seeming what took like an eternity to find the keys in my pocket I managed to put it into the ignition and drive off. I went through some roads that I knew wouldn’t be occupied with cars or police for that matter at 1 in the morning.

I eventually became sleepy and dozed off for I still don’t know how long… but I woke up at the sound of the car jumping around hazardously… I ran to the front of the car seeing for maybe a raccoon I hit but.. This “animal” had a hoodie on… I panicked to see if the person was ok so I grabbed the body to see who it might’ve been…. To see golden hair in an unrecognizable mush of brain and skull… she was holding on to a leash were a black dog lid.. Choked by the force I had hit her. I quickly grabbed the woman and dog and put the bodies in the trunk and backtracked to a bridge I went through on the way here… I wrapped the body in one of my cars carpets and dumped the body in the river….

That girl… who slammed me to that wall… those creatures… that dog…it was my fault… so now…. I do deserve this… ill move these unnecessary objects… I’m sorry.. To whoever you were… goodbye…. “

Days later a body found in the net of fishermen along that coast. The body, later identified as Alice Greene, the ex-wife of Nathaniel Greene, and her dog Watcher were buried in their respectful place.

May you sleep soundly..

Credited to Nevin39

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