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The day seemed like just another Summer day. It was a bit hot, and the air conditioner wasn't cooperating so I opened the window so I could feel the soft breeze brush past my cheeks. I heard the murmur of everyday life, not just for everyone around me, but also every form of life, seemingly living in perfect harmony.

Or so I thought.

I remember being told a story when I was little, it was about a time when there was a horrific monster that came and ate everybody when everything seemed peaceful, I don't know why I was reminded of this. But even then it kept haunting me, was something going to happen? What if the monster really wa-

"Six, your brother needs your help moving his things into his room!" My mother called with a voice that startled me from my thoughts, I took a deep and resentful sigh.

"I'm coming!" I flew down the flight of stairs with grace and elegance, or so I thought so I slipped on a step and found myself at my brother's feet.

"My feet aren't that attractive, you know..." My brother made with a smirk on his face, he got back from his dorm and decided to move back with us before school started again, his name was Seven.

"I'd rather be staring at your feet than do anything else..." I said sarcastically, I was expecting another joke from him but instead I got a cold scowl.

"Just... just help me move my things, okay? Your mother already told you do that, am I going to have to remind you?"

My mother? I was pretty sure we had the same mother, but I shrugged that off and helped him move his things.

"So, how was school?" I tried to brighten up the atmosphere with a change of subject.

"School? Eh, it was fine. I didn't really like my roommates though, they were always up to no good."

"No good, huh? Well I can only imagine what they were up to-"

"It's none of your business, and frankly I'm not in the mood to talk about it anyhow." I was surprised, bad mood it is then, I thought to myself. We didn't speak at all for the rest of the time I helped move his things.

For the next few days Seven wasn't interested with talking to anybody at all, I asked my mother, Nine, about it and she just said,

"Oh! Don't worry about him, I'm sure school's been tough on him, he'll come around soon enough, I promise!" It didn't change my mind though, I've been thinking about that story more and more now, about how the monster ate everybody when the people least expected it... I started having nightmares about it, and one night I decided to just not go to sleep. That's when I heard weird noises in my brother's room.

His room was right next to mine, so I put my ear against the wall and sat there quietly waiting to hear something. All I got was inaudible murmurs, I guess the wall was pretty thick, so I went to the door to his room. There would be a small gap between the floor and the door and I put my ear next to it, and listened. I couldn't hear everything, though, for the most part it was still inaudible, I don't even think they were speaking in some weird language I've never heard of before. Then Seven said,

"Do you honestly believe in those stories? Yeah, I've heard of them too, but like I said, they're just kid stories. All it's going to get me is-... hold on a second."

Before I realized what had happened the door flew open and Seven was looking down at me.

"What do you think you're doing?" It felt less of a question and more like a threat to murder me, I stood up and looked at Seven in the eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing, you know you're lucky we're even letting you live here with the attitude you-"

"Don't you dare try and change the subject, look here, I'm going to let you walk away slowly back to your room, and you're going to forget what you saw and heard here, do you understand me?" Afraid of waking my parents up with Seven's bones breaking, I walked back to my room and Seven slammed the door shut. But before I closed the door, I heard him say

"Why don't you tell me that story again?"

I knew exactly what story they were talking about, it was the same story that I can't stop thinking about either, it just has to be, this all can't be a coincidence, something is going to happen... something...

"Honey?" It was Nine, she opened the door and went into my room with a sorry look in her eyes.

"Honey, I'm sorry about Seven, I didn't know he was this bad tempered, I didn't raise him to be like this!" I sighed,

"You don't have to be sorry, it wasn't your fault, I bet you it was because of his roommates back in school... they were, talking about some story or something. Nine, I think they're going to eat everyone."

My mother gave a light-hearted chuckle,

"Oh don't be silly! Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? Maybe you do need to get some sleep, don't worry... things will look better in the morning, I promise." Nine kissed me on the forehead and was about to leave the room before I stopped her,

"Wait! Nine, can you at least just check what Seven is doing in his bedroom?" Nine gave me a warm smile,

"I'll just in the morning, darling," and closed the door. Maybe she's right, I thought to myself, maybe all of this does seem kind of silly, I'm probably just having an over-active imagination is all... and went to sleep.

Suddenly a shriek was heard, a bone-chilling, mortal shriek that sounded like it came from Nine...

"It came from Seven's room!" I exclaimed to myself, I flew out the room, down the hall, and found Seven's door wide open. Inside Seven's room laid Nine's body, her throat was torn out and she was bleeding to death helplessly as Seven began eating her throat.

"What do you think you're doing Seven?!" I wailed helplessly as I dropped to my knees at the horror I was witnessing...

"What I'm doing?" Seven said, after swallowing Nine's throat.

"What, don't tell me you haven't heard of the stories before!" I knew exactly what the story was, it was the same story that was haunting me all along, I should've seen the signs before, I should have... I could have saved Nine's life, but... but now... it's too late.

Seven ate Nine.

Credited to Lathyndis
Originally uploaded on June 1, 2012

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