Plot of Breaking Bad Described by Jesse Pinkman - Written by Someone Who Has Never Watched Breaking Bad

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Yo, what's up, it's Jesse Pinkman here. You might know me as that dude who cooked meth with Walter White. Yeah, that was a wild ride, let me tell you. But today, I wanna talk about something a little different.

See, I always knew that Gus Fring was up to no good. He was always so smooth and charming, but there was just something about him that seemed off. And man, was I right.

Turns out, Gus was running a major drug cartel right under our noses. I mean, who would've thought that the owner of Los Pollos Hermanos was cooking and distributing meth? Not me, that's for sure.

But it all went down one day when I got a call from Hector Salamanca. He told me that the authorities were closing in on our lab and that we needed to shut it down ASAP.

So, we did what we had to do. We shut down the lab and disposed of all the evidence. Or at least, we thought we did. But as it turns out, Hector accidentally left behind a gas mask with trace amounts of meth on it. And you know what that means: the authorities were able to trace it back to our lab.

Gus knew that he had to get out of town fast, so he booked a flight to Chile. And as he was flying over the United States, his plane was hijacked by terrorists. I'll never forget the look on Gus's face as he watched the Twin Towers crumble to the ground. It was like he knew that his actions had indirectly caused one of the worst tragedies in American history.

And that's how it all went down. I mean, who would've thought that the simple act of cooking meth could have such far-reaching consequences? But that's the thing about life: you never know what's gonna happen. All you can do is roll with the punches and try to make the best of it.

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