Pokemon Blue: Evaporated

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Hey. I'm not gonna say my name, privacy reasons etc. I'm not gonna waste you're time by talking about a bunch of weird, and cheesy stuff other story writers do to either, Make their story longer, or somthin. I like to get straight to the point. I used to be a HUGE Pokémon nerd. Had all the games, the oldest trading cards, etc. I remember I would never play any of the older games though. It worried me how people could rom them so easy. Ruining the experience for you, this reminds me of the time I found a hacked game. Although it wasn't like any I've seen before. . . It was... Twisted somehow. Very,,, twisted

March 6th 2014. 2:30 pm.

Normally, at this time, people would be doing something productive, like school work or somethin, but not me. I was just walking around in the streets listing to music thinking. After just aimlessly wandering around for about a good 5 minutes, I stumbled upon something. A game cartridge. This was a "Pokémon Blue" Cartridge. Surrounding this cartridge was a bunch of ripped card, These cards were: A Flareon, Gengar, Dragonite, Arcanine, Sandslash. And dead smack in the center, was a ripped Blastoise. It was on the game cartridge, so I picked it up. the second I did, I got a.. Weary sense, per say. I thought nonthin of it, and threw the game into the nearby river and just walked home. When I opened the door, the game was just. On my table? I didn't care, picked it up and threw it outside, in my pool. When I turned around it was on my table again. I was wondering what witch-craft I had gotten myself into, so I don't know WHY, I decided to put it in my GBA But I did.

The game started up, with the normal, loading screen and everything. So I checked the party. wanna know what it was? Flareon, Gengar, Dragonite, Arcanine, Sandslash. It Kind of gave another unpleasant feeling, per say once again. The character, was on MT Silver. I moved around a bit, but nothing too exciting. I Saw Red and defiantly wanted a battle. As I turned to face, Red he just gave a "...". The battle commenced. He only had 3 Pokémon. He led with his Pikachu and I led with a sad-looking Sandslash. The Sad Sandy Shrew only had 2 moves. "Struggle" And "Suicide". I did BUT DIDN'T Want to take the game out. I wanted to see how it'd play out. I used struggle. I didn't want a favorite of mine to DIE, but text appeared. "Sandslash used struggle. Sandslash has successfully hung himself. are you happy now player?" I was fucking TERRIFIED. A goddamn Sandslash had hung himself. HUNG HIMSELF. For every Pokémon it was more brutal than the rest.. "Arcanine used Suicide! Arcanine ate his Paw! Arcanine died. Are you happy player?" It was just so.. brutal.. "Gengar passed away!" "Dragonite slashed his throat!" "Flareon Froze to death!" IT WAS ALL SO GOD DAMN BRUTAL! But then I Had another Pokémon? It was,, a Blastoise?. It didn't matter. It was time for the 1V1. Blastoise v Charizard. Blastoise had a terrifying move set of 4. "Blood cannon" "Smother" "Hung" And "Struggle."

Honestly I didn't wanna use ANY of the moves, but I had to. I used "Smother." Then Blastoise smothered Charizard in water, murdering it. "Charizard died a painful death!" Then the final text appeared on my screen before I passed out. "Are you finally proud of me Jack?- Wait.. you're not Jack.. Who are you?" The I passed out. I woke up at like.... 4? 6? I Cant remember.. Until it hit me. I shouldn't have grabbed that game. Why didn't it appear to me sooner?? This game would be my downfall. After the battle, reds sprite was... different that usual. Other than his original "..." Emotionless face it was red, with a black, smile, red eyes and a ripped hat. It terrified me, and I tried to walk away, but wouldn't let me. Then Red approached me, and ripped my sprites, head off, and engourshed, the screen in black. As i was terrified I burned the game, and my system. I never touched, or seen Pokémon game again.. and ill Never Forget what I saw.

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