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I'm a total Sesame Street fan much like everyone else. I love the older episodes, but I think the new are just abysmal. I don't think I've ever played glitchy or hacked games before, though I don't think I want to play any after the experience I had...

It started on a nice summer afternoon. I was playing Elmo's Letter Adventure on my PS1 until I noticed, out of my peripheral vision, that the mailman had arrived and put something in my mailbox as usual and left. I paused my game to go see what I got in the mail. The only thing in the mailbox was a CD case for computers and a note. I took it inside.

I looked at the note first and realized it was from my dear friend Mitchy, whom I hadn't heard from in 2 weeks. I know that because I recognized his handwriting, though what was weird is how it looked; it looked badly written and scratchy and somewhat difficult to read, as if Mitchy was having a hard time writing it down and did it in a hurry.

This is what he wrote:


I can't take it anymore, I had to get rid of this thing somehow before it was too late, and I was hoping you'd do it for me. I can't do it, he's after me, and if you don't destroy this CD, he'll come after you too, he's too fast for me....

Please Nicholas, destroy this god-forsaken disc before he comes after you too, it's too late for me.

Destroy the disc, and you'll destroy him, but do it quick otherwise he'll catch you. Don't even play the game, it's what he wants, just destroy it.



Well, that was certainly weird. Even though Mitchy is my best friend and I haven't seen him in 2 weeks, I didn't do what he asked me. I didn't think that a simple gaming disc would do anything bad to him, after all it's just a game right? Boy, was I wrong about that...

Anyway, I looked at the disc and it looks like any ordinary computer CD-R disc, except it had black marker on it written "SESAME.EXE", and it was much unlike Mitchy's handwriting, meaning that he must've gotten it from someone else, like a pawn shop or eBay. When I saw "SESAME" on the writing of the CD, I was actually excited and wanted to play it, since I'm a a BIG Sesame Street fan.

I went up to my room and turned on my computer and put the disc in and installed the game. The title screen popped up. From left to right, I saw Grover, Bert, Abby, Elmo, Big Bird, Ernie, and Cookie Monster, standing next to the "123 Sesame Street" sign that was on the left.

I heard Elmo's voice say "Oh, hi! Welcome to Sesame Street: The Game!" The first thing I noticed that was out of place was when I pressed start, there was a split second when I saw the title image slightly change, something that I now consider horrifying, before cutting to black.

I remember what the image looked like in that split second before the game cut to black; Big Bird's eyes were pitch black and bleeding with two glowing red dots staring RIGHT AT ME, and his mouth was completely black as well. I was rather disturbed about that image when I saw it, though I figured that it was just a glitch and forgot about it. After it cut to black it stayed like that for about 3 seconds or so. And then another weird thing happened, the save file select from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 popped up, and I was like "WTF? What's this doing in a Sesame Street game?", anyway, then I notice something off, the background was the dark cloudy sky of the Bad Stardust Speedway level from Sonic CD, and there were only three save files. The music was that creepy Caverns of Winter music from Earthbound, only it was extended and seemed to have been in reverse. And the image for the save file where you see a preview of the level you're on is just red static for all three files.

The character select showed Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Bert & Ernie.

Anyways, shaking off the creeped out feeling, I picked File 1 and chose Elmo. When I selected and got started. The game froze for about 5 seconds and I heard a creepy pixelated laugh that sounded an awful lot like that Kefka guy from Final Fantasy before cutting to black.

The screen stayed black for about 3 seconds or more, then it showed a level title card. It was just white text on a black background that said "Outside, Lv. 1" The screen faded in and the level title vanished revealing Elmo in Sesame Street. The ground appeared to be grass with trees on top. The music was different though, it sounded like a peaceful melody in reverse. Anyway I started playing and had Elmo start walking. What was odd was that as Elmo was walking along the level there was nothing but flat ground and a few trees for 28 seconds, that was when the peaceful music started to lower down into slow deep tones very slowly as I kept going.

I suddenly started to notice that leaves on the trees were becoming bloody, and the tree trunks appeared to be chewed on. Elmo had a shocked and saddened look on his face that I never saw him have before, so I had him move along, and he kept that worried look on his face. After a few more seconds, there were no more trees and the music seemed to have stopped, I still kept Tails to continue.

After about 10 seconds passed after the music stopped, Elmo stopped, it wasn't until I saw why; Big Bird was there on the other side of the screen with his back against Elmo with his eyes closed. Elmo looked happy to see Big Bird but then his smile faltered, obviously noticing that Big Bird wasn't responding to him, if not acting as if he was totally oblivious of Elmo's presence. Elmo walked slowly toward Big Bird, and I noticed that I wasn't even moving my keyboard to make him move, so this had to have been a cutscene.

Suddenly I began to have a growing feel of dread as Elmo walked closer to Big Bird to get his attention, I felt that Elmo was in danger and something bad was going to happen. Elmo was but inches away from Big Bird and stopped and stuck his hand out to touch him. That foreboding feeling in my gut was growing stronger and I felt the urge to tell Elmo to get away from Big Bird as the static grew louder.

Suddenly in a split second, I saw Big Bird's eyes open and they were black with those red glowing dots, just like that title image. When that happened, the screen turned black and the static sound was off.

It stayed black for about 7 seconds and then white text appeared forming a message, saying, "Hello. Do you want to play with me?" I heard a demonic voice say the same.

At this point I was creeped out, I didn't want to continue with the game, but my curiosity got the better of me when I was taken to a different level with the level title now saying "HIDE AND SEEK."

This time I was in a place where it looked like everything was on fire. The sky was a nauseating orange.

I pressed down on the arrow key as hard as I could and made Elmo run as fast as he could. Some unsettling ambience was playing as I made Elmo trek through the desolate forest, trying to help him escape from whatever he was trying to run from.

Suddenly I heard that creepy laugh again... that awful, Kefka laugh... right after 20 seconds have passed as I helped Elmo run through the forest, and then I started seeing flashes of Big Bird popping everywhere on the screen, again with those black and red eyes.

"Ready or not, HERE I COME..." The demonic voice said.

The music changed to that suspenseful Sonic drowning jingle as I see Big Bird behind Elmo slowly gaining up on him FLYING; Big Bird wasn't running, he was actually FLYING!

This time he had the most deranged looking grin on his face, he looked as though he was enjoying the torment he was giving the poor little red monster as he gained up on him.

Suddenly when Elmo tripped (another cutscene), the music stopped and Big Bird vanished. Elmo laid there and started crying for 10 seconds. The scene was rather upsetting to watch and I kind of teared up myself. But then Big Bird appeared right in front of Elmo, who looked up in horror.

Blood started to come down those blackened eyes of Big Bird's as a grin slowly grew from his face as he looked down at the horrified monster, I could do nothing but watch.

"I will eat your heart..."

Just in a split second, Big Bird lunged at Elmo right before the screen went black, there was a loud scream from Elmo that only lasted 3 seconds. The text returned, only this time it (as well as the voice) said "You're too slow, want to try again?" and then that god-awful laugh came with it.

I was so shocked by what had happened...did Big Bird murder Elmo? No, he couldn't have... He and Elmo are supposed to be friends, right? Why did Big Bird do that to him?

I shook the shock off as I was brought back to the character select, the save file that had Elmo was different; Elmo was no longer in the box itself but in the TV screen itself, which was flickering with that red static, Elmo's expression scared me, his eyes were completely black, his light orange nose had gone gray, and he had an expression of anguish on his face, Trying to ignore it, I picked Cookie Monster next.

The laugh came again and the screen cut to black again and stayed there for another 3 seconds, this time the level said "YOU CAN'T RUN".

I was really freaked out by now, I couldn't really tell if this was some kind of sick twisted joke... or anything really. But despite my fear of what happened next, I kept playing.

The next level looked much different, it had a metallic, industrial ground, but the sky background looked like the main menu; it had the dark reddish cloudy sky. But it was the music that creeped me out the most: It sounded like Giygas' theme right after you beat Pokey in Earthbound. I also noticed that Cookie Monster looked afraid just like Elmo did, though not as much, more rather he looked a little unnerved. He looked as if he wasn't sure about going on, but I made him move anyway.

He ran down the straight pathway in this dark level, and as he did the screen started to flicker red static a couple times and then that maddening laugh came again.

Then after a few seconds of running I notice several bloodstains on the metallic ground, I felt a growing sense of fear again thinking something horrible is going to happen to Cookie Monster.

Suddenly as Cookie Monster ran, Big Bird appeared right in front of him with those black and red eyes and then red static appeared again, when the static vanished, it showed nothing but black screen with text (along with the voice) saying "FOuNd YOu!", I was now scared, Big Bird found Cookie Monster already?! What was going on?!

Anyway, red static came again and then I was back to the level. This time, the noises from the creepier part of the Gigyas theme was playing, as well as that high-pitched squealing from the Silent Hill 1's final boss was playing.

Was this some kind of boss battle with Big Bird? I hoped to God it wasn't, honestly.

I made Cookie Monster turn and then hit Big Bird, but Big Bird teleported to the other side before I could even land a hit, that terrible laugh went off again. Then Big Bird appeared behind Cookie Monster again and then I made him hit again, and Big Bird teleported again laughing. I felt like I was going crazy. Big Bird was practically playing with us, he was playing a sick twisted little mind game with me and Cookie Monster...

Another cutscene played as Cookie Monsters fell over sobbing. I felt his agony, Big Bird was actually driving us BOTH crazy.

"You will die in my hands..."

And then in a split second, Big Bird lunged at Cookie Monster, and the screen went black with another scream that lasted for at least 3 seconds.

Another text and voice message appeared, "So many souls to play with, so little time... would you agree?"

What the hell... Just what is going on? I started to think Big Bird was actually trying to talk to me through the game... But I was too scared to think that.

I was brought back to the main menu, and this time the second file box had Cookie Monster in the TV screen, his eyes were completely black, just like Elmo, and he had that same look of anguish on his face. I began to think that those are the actual characters trapped in those TV screens on the save files, but I couldn't believe it... I didn't want to believe it...

So I shut off the game and took a break. I took a nap, wish I hadn't, 'cause I then began to have the most disturbing nightmare, I was in pitch black darkness, though I was under the light given off by a lamp that hung high above my head. I could hear the cries of Elmo and Cookie Monster nearby. They were saying stuff like, "Help Elmo..." and "Why did you make him take away me cookies?" and "Run away, before he gets you too..."

Their cries died out as I then heard Big Bird laugh, his laugh... it sounded a lot like the distorted Kefka laugh.

"You're a lot fun to play with kid, just like your friend Mitchy, though he didn't last long..."

I was scared and looking around for the source of the voice...

"Won't be long now until you join him and all my other friends..."

I saw him walking toward me, flickering in and out in several directions...

"You can't run, kid. You're in my world now. Just like the others..."

When he grabbed me and I saw his bleeding black and red-eyed, grinning face, I woke up with a fright.

After a couple of hours I decided to continue playing the game. I don't know why, but I had to know, I had to figure out why this was happening... So I turned on the computer, turned on the game and selected Bert & Ernie next.

The level title appeared again and this time it said "...", which I found really freaky.

This time we were in some kind of hallway. The floor was shiny and checkered, and the walls were a dark crimson. The music was oddly pleasant, a piano playing a rather sad yet peaceful song, but I knew better, this was the song that played in Outside, Lv. 1, only it wasn't in reverse.

Bert & Ernie had the same unnerved look that Cookie Monster did, as if they have no idea where they are or what was going on. Even though I was scared outta my mind about what was going to happen, I had Bert & Ernie continue onward.

Just like the previous levels, this one was nothing but flat ground.

As I led Bert & Ernie, I noticed that the walls have gotten darker and more blueish.

And then I heard that horrid Kefka laugh again and then the music cut out. As it did, the walls turned more dark blue.

After about 10 seconds, Big Bird suddenly popped right in front of Bert & Ernie the same way he did with Cooke Monster.

"I will strip the flesh from your body..."

Red static then appeared. The red static lasted for about 15 seconds and then it showed me the most unpleasant image...

The image showed an image of Big Bird standing in the darkness where you can only see his face.

His face... Oh god, he had the most horrifying smile I had ever seen.

And that's saying something considering I saw that image at the start of the game.

His eyes are wide and black and once again crying blood, and there were two glowing red slits in those black eyes staring RIGHT AT ME, as if he was staring into my mind. His mouth, again, was completely black and hollow.

I stared at that gruesome image for a good 10 seconds, never taking my eyes off it, I felt as if he was actually looking at me, smiling at me...that face, it just took 10 seconds for it to etch itself into my brain for good.

Then the screen flickered with red static again 3 times, and on the 3rd time I heard the Kefka laugh, except this time it sounded distorted, demonic even...

It went back to the image again except this time there was the text again though it was messed up, but it was pretty much one of the most horrifying things I looked at since I had this game...


It was when I read that message while looking at Big Bird when it hit me, I realized right there and then.

This Big Bird was a monster, a pure evil, sadistic, all-powerful, nightmarish, demented monster... and all of his victims, including Elmo, Cookie Monster, Bert, Ernie, and possibly Mitchy, are just his little toys, and the game is the very gateway into his chaotic, nightmarish world and the very hell his victims are trapped in.

Suddenly in an actual split second I screamed as Big Bird lunged at the screen with the same demonic laugh with his mouth wide open before the red static came again, this time much louder and distorted, so loud that it hurt my ears, I yelled and grabbed my ears as the red static screeched for a good 7 seconds.

Then it stopped and showed nothing but black screen.

As I sat there staring at the black screen, one last text came up along with a stock scream, and that voice.

"Ready for Round 2, Nicholas?"

Then I got booted back to the main menu, and this time the third save file had a TV image of Bert & Ernie in the same, tormented state as Elmo and Cookie Monster; Their eyes, once again, were completely black, and they both had that same anguished expression on their faces.

There was also a new song playing in the background. It was a variation of "O Fortuna" by Carmina Burana.

I looked at Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Bert & Ernie and I cried a bit, I pitied them for the agony they're going through, they were forever trapped within the game, forever tormented by that horrid bird, and always will be.

Then the computer shut itself off, I couldn't turn it back on no matter what I did.

I sat there for maybe 25 seconds, horrified by what had just happened...

Big Bird is the very embodiment of evil, he tortures people who play his game in more ways than one, and then when he gets bored, he drags you into the game, literally drags you to hell, where he can play with you always, as his toy....

I can't get the game outta my computer. I think it's stuck in there, but at least I managed to turn it back on now.

After I sat there for 25 seconds I heard a voice right behind me, like a whisper...

"Try to keep this interesting for me, Nicholas."

I turned around to see where the voice came from, and what I saw made me scream...

Sitting on my bed... staring right at me...

... was a Big Bird plushie, smiling with bloodstains under its eyes.


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