Skyrim Scars

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I have been a long time fan of the Elder Scrolls series, and I mean long time, since the Elder Scrolls: Arena days, so obviously, when Skyrim was announced, I was extremely excited.

I wanted to pre-order the game but I was broke, just as many people my age are nowadays, so I had to save my money up, every month I would save £5 out of the money I got from working.

I still had to pay bills and buy food, which used up almost all of my money.

I had waited for at least ten months to be able to buy it, unfortunately I wasn't able to buy the game on release, but luckily I'm close friends with someone that owns a local game shop around were I live, I'm not going to release his name, obviously, but his shop is literally the only game store around for miles, I live in the countryside so no big game store chains would want to set up any shops around here.

Anyway, as I entered my mates game shop, I noticed that there was a lot of people buying Skyrim in there, I was obviously not the only one to be too broke to be able to buy it on time. So I waited about 15 minutes in line to be able to buy the game and I got the game discounted as I was close friends with the owner, I often do get games a bit cheaper, only a couple of pounds off the price, but hey, every little helps.

I was on the way home in my car, it was my new Peugot 106, I had only learned to drive so I couldn't afford anything flashy, but it did the job, I rushed home because I was so excited to play the game. It only took me about ten minutes to get home but it felt like forever.

When I got home, I started up my 360 and put the game in, I couldn't wait to start playing. I remember that the cart ride scene at the beginning was pretty boring to me but I was so excited it didn't matter at the time. After the cart ride, I spent literally half an hour on the character creation part because I wanted my character to be perfect, after finishing creating my character the game played perfectly.

The dragon scene was awesome and I really enjoyed the first fight's in the game, I loved the combat. I had spent around 5 hours on the game and decided to do the dark brother hood missions, I thought I would really enjoy them because I loved assassination games.

I had done the first 3 missions and I started to get a bit of headache, probably because I had been playing the game for too long, it must have been 6 hours non-stop at that point. I continued to play even though I knew I really shouldn't, I carried on playing the assassination missions and really started to feel like I knew the characters, you know what I mean, like in the Zelda games for example, you really feel like you know Link after playing for a long time. Anyway, I carried on playing more of the missions and started to get hungry, but I just wanted to keep playing.

I because really engrossed in the game, almost obsessed with the dark brother hood missions, although that isn't unusual. I usually become obsessed with games. I had been playing the dark brother hood missions, and doing the assassination contracts non-stop. I began to care about the characters safety more than my own. I didn't sleep, I didn't eat, I didn't even drink for about two days, I began to grow ill but still carried on playing. I constantly blacked out whilst playing, and felt like I couldn't let go of the controller, it felt like it was part of me.

I was doing an assassination contract when I was detected whilst stealth killing the contract, the guards in white run began to fight with me, obviously as I had been playing for so long, I began to become quite good at the combat, although this time I wasn't fighting very well.

I think it must have been the tiredness getting the better of me, the guards hit me a few times with their swords but I managed to kill them and get out of whiterun, I blacked out again in real life, and when I woke up I noticed a couple of cuts and scratches on my arms, and looked at my t-shirt and noticed that it was cut too.

I was obviously freaked out, what the hell had happened to me!? I blacked out again and this time woke up in a hospital bed. Turned out that my family had come round, as I hadn't called them for days, and they noticed me on the floor, cut and pale. They took me to the hospital.

I wrote this from my hospital bed, I am recovering slowly, when I have recovered, I have been ordered by the doctors to see psychologists and psychotherapists as I still dream about the dark brother hood.

Credited to MetalheadGamer

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