The Harvester

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It happened at 7:30 pm. Robert Bell had been found murdered in his kitchen by an unknown killer. There was something about the murder which investigators couldn't solve, the injuries in the victim didn't seem to be inflicted by a human, the culprit was believed to be some sort of wild animal. Multiple claw marks and bite wounds were found on the body which seemed to be inflicted by a lion. The murder, however, happened in an urban environment and if a lion or a big animal had been roaming around in the city, the authorities would have been alerted. Before being murdered.

The only ones on the house during the murder were Robert's wife, Jannis, Robert's 20-year-old son, Jake, and the house maid, Rolanda. Brian, the investigator on this case, asked Jannis if he could interview Jake. She agreed to let him talk to her son despite his terrible condition.

"Jake, I know you're in a bad state, but can you tell me about what happened last night?"

"It was the Harvester. He's coming for me next." Jake said while crying.

"Who is the harvester?"

"He's a monster who kills people. After he kill someone, he can go in that persons body and control it. I know that because he was using the body of one of the workers."

"Why did he kill your father Jake?"

"Because my Grandpa told him to."

"Why would your grandfather do this Jake?"

"One day while I was staying at his farm, I noticed he left house and went to the woods, so I got curious and I followed him."

"And..." Brian said.

"He went in the barn. I peeked through the door and I saw him talking to a man which had called the harvester. The harvester said he could give my grandpa power if he let him kill the remaining people in his family tree; me and my dad. He's coming for me next?"

"Don't worry Jake, we will keep you safe down at the police department today."

"It won't help, he waits till the perfect time to strike, he's gonna get me sooner or later."

"Is your mother also in danger Jake?"

"No, she's not my grandpa's relative."

"Follow me Jake, I have to take you down to the police department. There are some people that need to talk to you. Where is your made? Is she still here?"

"No, I think she went home just before my dad died."

Brian was disturbed by the talk he just had. He didn't believe in anything paranormal, but this freaked him out. Brian left the crime scene and headed to the police department.

When he got there, he was tasked with keeping Jake safe in a room. they had a long talk, but it was interrupted by someone who entered the room. The man was wearing a long coat which covered his entire body, he also wearing a hat and some shades. Brian instantly noticed that the man smelled terrible.

"You have to go to the crime scene now, the victims body is missing." Said the man.

Brian got down to the crime scene as quickly as he could. no one seemed to have any clues as to where Roberts body had gone. Brian went for a quick search in the house. After checking a bunch of places, he went towards the basement. When he stepped in the basement, he noticed an awful stench which seemed to be from a dead body. He obviously expected to find Robert's body there, but instead he found the made's body. It had been shred to pieces just as Robert's body had been; she had been killed by the harvester as well. As Brian stod there, he started to understand how the harvester hunted it's prey. Jake mentioned that the harvester waits until the perfect moment to strike, and that it can manipulate the bodies of the victims it killed. When the maid left Jake's house to go home, the harvester took to opportunity to kill her and use her body to go in the house without being seen as his true form and kill Robert. After the crime scene had settled down, the harvester took Robert's body into the basement and switched into his body in order to kill his next victim, Jake. He could have just used the maid's body, but removing Roberts body from the crime would distract the police department which would make it easier for him to kill Jake since he was in the police department with Brian. Brian now realized that he had doomed Jake's life. The man who told him about Robert's body missing was in fact the harvest. He was waering a long coat, a hat, and shades to hide all the injuries from roberts body. Brian noticed that the man smelled bad when he encountered him, that's because it was Robert's corpse. Brian had to go to the police department before it was too late.

Brian rushed in into the room Jake was in, only to realize it was to late; Jake's body was torn apart in the ground. Brian knew it was his fault, he couldn't have let Jake alone in the room. Brian looked to his left and noticed there was something written on the wall with Jake's blood: "I didn't leave the room yet"

After Brian's and Jake's bodies were found, investigators couldn't figure out what had happened which resulted in the closing of the case. The only man who understood the clever tricks of the harvester shared the same fate as the victims.

Credited to Mdubugras
Originally uploaded on August 22, 2012

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