The Water

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My name is Pague, I'm 30 years old. When all this crap happened to me, I was 10. I am a woman.

It was just a normal day. I was walking to my friends house to play some basketball and his name is Timmy. He lives about a mile away but it was a nice day, not too warm, not too cold. Not enough to sweat or shiver. I live in the woods, and at night, it can look a bit creepy. Imagination usually runs away and I think I see some sort of vague-inhuman shape. Of course, it's just imagination... right?

When I finally got to Timmy's house, he wasn't home. Sorry for forgetting to mention what time I was out at, but it's escaping me. All I can say is that by the time I was there, it was about dusk and I was hoping that Tim would drive me home. So I texted him and got no answer. Instead, the front door opened and a bloody Timmy jumped out. The odd thing was, there was no lights on and the garage wasn't open. Timmy said "Come inside, I need your help." He seemed agitated.

When I came into his house, I was horrified. I'll spare the gore details, but it was disgusting. The carpet had a trail of puke leading to upstairs, and some of the puke even had some blood in it. "What happened here?" I asked Timmy.

"My parents are sick. I need your help sparing them more torment." Timmy said.

"How do I help you?" I asked.

"You help me kill them." Timmy said happily.

"I won't kill your parents!" I said horrified. I ran out the door as fast as I could. I needed to get away. Anywhere is better than here. But it was dark and hard to see. I saw something in the woods. My imagination ALWAYS runs away with me. Especially at night, and it doesnt help hearing Timmy's footsteps behind me. I could hear breathing, I could hear death calling for me. Quite scary if you ask me. I dont know where I was going, but I always knew I was faster than Timmy and could run longer. With Adrenaline I could run MUCH faster thankfully, so I lost him.

"Pague, Come out honey... Pague? PAGUE?" He started to scream my name at the top of his lungs. Using his noise as cover for mine, I stealthily made my way out. Finally after an hour of walking and looking for a way out [my backyard is huge, the woods stretch for miles] I found home, sanctuary... Solitary. But the oddest thing is, even though it was my home, it didnt.. feel right. Not at all. It felt scary, almost frightening and depressing. I couldn't figure out why until I came into the house. The house was a mess. There was water everywhere, and I didnt understand why. Two glasses were shattered. The windows were broken, and droplets of flesh and peices were around me. It was honestly a horrible sight. But my parents.. Did Timmy get here before I did? I picked up a nearby phone and dialed but I realized it was broken. I looked in the other rooms. The same thing. No phone or broken. Glass. Blood. Gore. The air reeks of death and puke. PUKE? Where were my parents? I heard a door open and a voice, but it was unfamiliar. I could not make it out anyway. I could not understand. I could not listen. Sanity left me behind, and I fell. I fell fast, and I fell hard. I fell below insanity. I fell...

"Thats all you remember?"

"Yes, and then I woke up here, 20 years later." I answered.

"We can fill in the details from there for you. My partner told me your story and I wrote it down. This will be published to a site with your permission."

"Yes, people must know the truth. Now tell me what Timmy's parents were sick with and what happened." I said.

"Timmy's parents were sick with a virus made by the goverment called 'AP-AS-AI 99091'. It causes simptoms such as nausiea, head-aches, heart-aches, stomach pain, blurry eyesight, shaking or random spasms. Later when developed in your body it caused blood to leak out through your eyes and nose, for you to tear at your own skin. You become literally insane. You also vomit blood. In the hour, you die. Sometimes it works differently, such as you. You had a different dose somehow. Maybe you dont remember drinking water at Timmy's. I'm not sure. But he had symptom Insanity. We searched the woods for him. He died in his own blood.

"Now for you, you had a.. spasm and then a coma. You killed 3 cops before the other one knocked you out and put you in a coma. The disease didnt kill you because immune system fought it off. We will moniter you for 3 more days then you are free to go."

We are not authorized to remove this so we shall advise you to disregard the entire "creepypasta".

-John, Head of the American Goverment.

Credited to Xennbrull 

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